
Application For Not Attending Exam By Parents

April 01, 2023

Application For Not Attending Exam By Parents

Hanif: i'msorry for not attending your mother was sick.

Daftar Isi

1. Hanif: i'msorry for not attending your mother was sick.



Hanif: maafkan aku karena tidak menghadiri pestamu. ibuku sakit.


:yes it's okay (iya nggak apa-apa kok)


maaf kalau salah

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas:DYa

2. He _______ (not/study) for the exam last week​


He studyfor the exam last week.


he didn't study for the exam last week

3. Your parents attending the meeting ,?" yes they

Apakah Orang Tuamu menghadiri pertemuannya?
Ya,Mereka Hadir.

4. ..... Your parents attending yhe meeting ?yes they ....

are your parents attending the meeting?
yes they are.

5. bagaimana mengatasi "application not instaled"

mengatasinya y cm tdk usah diteruskan..master app di delete dr c..itu tandanya app tdk support dg pc atau gadgetklo application not instaled itu appnya ud dari system dan tidak bisa diapus dan jgn distop klo
di stopped appnya tidak bisa bekerja lagi

6. What would happen if students do not prepare themselves for facing their exam?


they will have difficulty in answering the exam


translate : mereka akan kesulitan dalam menjawab ujian


7. to apply for a particular position,the applicant not only have to make an application letter

untuk melamar suatu posisi tertentu, pelamar tidak hanya harus membuat surat lamaran

8. Rudi did not study hard for his exam and got a low score


translate:Rudi tidak belajar keras untuk ujiannya dan mendapat nilai rendah


maaf kalo salah

9. The application for a job was faxed by her (passive) a. She faxed her application for a new job. b. She faxes her application for a job c. She has is faxing her application for a job

Jawabannya adalah
a. She faxed her application for a new job.

Apabila kalimat passive ditulis menggunakan past perfect, kalimat activenya ditulis dalam bentuk past simple

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

10. (third conditional) if the student (not be)....late for the Exam .they (pass)....​


If the student hadn't been late, they would have been passed.

= Jika siswa tidak terlambat, mereka akan lulus.


(-) If + S + had + NOT + been + Adj, S + would + have + been + V3

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Conditional Type 3

Kode Mapel: 5

11. The teachers (attend, not) __________ the meeting since I came here. *A.did not attendB.have not attendedC.was not not not attend​


C. The teachers was not attending the meeting since I came here.


Semoga membantu. Maaf jika salah^_^

12. Jawaban ria did not study hard for his exam and got a low score. cause:........................................ effect:.............................................


Cause:Ria did not study hard for his Exam.

Effect:Ria got a low score.


I hope this Will help u dn jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya :)

13. 4. She ................ cheating on the exam A. is not B. am not C. are not D. may not 5. Ana and Elsa ................. fighting A. is not B. am not C. are not D. may not 6. Anna is .............. fried rice for her parents A. baking B. cooking C. sleeping D. buying


4. A

5. C

6. B


semoga membantu


4. A

5. C

6. B

maap kalo salah ini hanya

sepengetahuan saya

14. If my parents were alive, I would not have to work for my tuition fee Please fill by using conditional sentence

Itu sudah merupakan conditional sentence kalau menurut saya

15. (third conditional )if the student (not be).....late for Exam .they (pass)


Detail Jawaban

Mapel :  Bahasa Inggris

Level :  Intermediate  (menengah)

Materi : Conditional sentences

Kata kunci : Third conditional, conditional sentence type 3

Kode :  5


[Third Conditional]

If the student (not be) .... late for exam, they (pass).


Bentuk yang lengkap dari kalimat di pertanyaan adalah sebagai berikut.

If the student hadn't been late, they would have been passed.


Untuk melengkapi kalimat di pertanyaan, terlebih dahulu perhatikan petunjuk pertanyaan.

Petunjuk pertanyaan adalah tulisan "third conditional". Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rumus yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat di soal tersebut adalah rumus conditional sentence type 3 atau third conditional.

Rumus kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut.

If + (Past Perfect Tense), Subject + would + have + Verb 3

Ingat bahwa kata kerja 'past perfect tense' adalah:

had + Verb 3

Jadi, kata kerja pada klausa "if" diubah menjadi kata kerja 'past perfect tense', yaitu sebagai berikut.

not be  →  hadn't been

Pada klausa selanjutnya, kata kerjanya diubah menjadi bentuk: would + have + Verb 3, yaitu sebagai berikut.

pass  →  would have passed

_________________Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

1. Contoh kalimat First Conditional/Conditional Sentence Type 1 :

2. Contoh kalimat Second Conditional/Conditional Sentence Type 2 :

3. Contoh kalimat Third Conditional/Conditional Sentence Type 3 :

16. (+)_____________________________(-)i am not waiting for a call from my parents (?)_______________________________?no, i am not​


(+) I am waiting for a call from my parents

(?) Are you waiting for a call from your parents? no, i am


Present Continuous Tense


(+) Subjek + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing) + …

(-) Subjek +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-ing) + …

(?) Be (am/is/are) + subjek + verb (-ing) + …?

17. Which one is not correct? He didnt turn up for the exam..., He failed the course

He didnt turn up for the examnot correct: he didn't turn up for the exam

18. You already applied for credit limit. Do not submit repeat application artinya?.


Kamu sudah mendaftarkan untuk limit kredit. Jangan mengulang pengiriman aplikasi (Formulir Limit Kredit)


Biasanya ini terjadi ketika mengisi form kredit dan mereka sedang melihat atau mengoreksi form aplikasi kredit yang dituju

Jawaban: Kamu telah mencapai batas kredit. Jangan memberikan aplikasi berulang.

19. bella:i'm sorry for not attending your mother was sick. Zahra:... a.that's good b.that's right c.that's easy d.that's fine

d. that's fine
semoga membantu :)d. that's fine

Smoga Membantu

20. 3.... Your parents attending the meeting ,?" yes they........

do your parents attending the meeting? "yes they do"


Do your parents attending the meeting? Yes they do



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