
Reactivity Of Alkenes Towards Hx Decreases In The Order

Januari 09, 2023

Reactivity Of Alkenes Towards Hx Decreases In The Order

(a) Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most reactive to the least reactive. (b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between the most reactive metal in (a) and water.

Daftar Isi

1. (a) Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most reactive to the least reactive. (b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between the most reactive metal in (a) and water.

Hope this will help....hmm.... Chem sec 4 right ?

2. The audiences were very bored………the political campaign speech.A. becauseB. because ofC. althoughD. in order toE. towards​


The audiences were very bored………the political campaign speech.

A. because

B. because of

C. although

D. in order to

E. towards

Answer B.Becauseof

3. the usage of pronouns dramatically decreases...​


translate indonesia : Setiap kalimat yang tepat memiliki subjek, dan subjek bisa berupa kata benda, atau kata ganti. ... Inilah mengapa kata ganti ditemukan; penggunaan kata ganti secara dramatis mengurangi frekuensi Anda harus merujuk langsung ke "Spot". Kata ganti pribadi: Saya adalah saya, Anda adalah dia, kami adalah kami, mereka adalah mereka, dll.

translate english : Every proper sentence has a subject, and a subject can be a noun, or a pronoun. ... This is why the pronoun was invented; the usage of pronouns dramatically decreases the number of times that you must directly refer to “Spot.” Personal pronouns: I am me, you are he, we are us, they are them, etc.

4. When the speed decreases light bend towards a. normal ray b. incident ray c. reflected ray d. no ray


no ray


when speed of light decreases with distance, it still travels radially away from the source as spherical waves of energy. Light does not bend towards any thing.

5. write down the differences in the use of conjuctions (To,In order,In order not to,and so that) to express purpose/intention! ​


tuliskan perbedaan penggunaan konjungsi (kepada, agar, agar tidak, dan agar) untuk menyatakan maksud/maksud! kami


semoga membantu

6. Explain the effects of geographical location towards economic activity in Indonesia​


the world /bagi bumi dan sekitarnya

7. arrange the days of the week in corret order, ?​


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Sunday : Minggu

Monday : Senin

Tuesday : Selasa

Wednesday : Rabus

Thursday : Kamis

Friday : Jumat

Saturday : Sabtu

8. Fill in the blanks of the number order descending ....20th... 18th,​



simpel sekali

9. Make the order of adjective in noun phrase give examples!

membuat urutan kata sifat dalam frasa kata benda memiliki contoh

10. 5. How is your responsibility towards the developments in the field of technology and communication?​


make the best use of technology

         sorry if wrong

jika benar beri tanda jawaban terbaik

11. 1. What is the definition of an effect? A. What happened in a given situation B. The order of events in a given situation. C. The similarity meaning towards something.D. The result of what happened in a given situation E. The reason something happened in a given situation2. What is the definition of a cause? A. The reason something happened in a given situation. B. The effect of what happened in a given situation, C. The result of what happened in a given situation. D. The similarity meaning towards something. E. Something happened in a given situation.​





Dh tysm byebyebyebye

12. terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia make all folds at the top of nala's body lean towards you, then the tabs in alphabetical order. slide nala's head on top of her body

Membuat semua lipatan di bagian atas tubuh nala ini bersandar ke arah anda, kemudian tab dalam urutan abjad. geser kepala nala ini di atas tubuhnyajadikan semua lipetan di atas tubuh nala bersandar ke kamu, terus tabsnya diurutkan alfabetical. Geser kepala nala di atas tubuh nala.

13. give an example of a positive attitude towards diversity in being the preservation of the Indonesian nation's heritage​


- Friendly

- Often smile

- Salute


memberikan contoh sikap positif terhadap keberagaman dalam menjadi pelestarian warisan bangsa Indonesia

- Friendly ( Ramah )

- Often smile ( Murah senyum )

- Salute ( Meemberi salam )

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly

#Semangat hyung

14. Mention all parts of the bones, in the human body! (in order : starting from the skull)


1.tulang panjang

2.tulang pendek

3.tulang pipih

4.tulang tidak teratur

5.tulang sesamoid

6.tulang aksial

terdiri dari:

1. tulang tengkorak

terdiri dari

a. tulang frontal (dahi) , b.tulang fariental (ubun ubun), c. tulang temporal (pelipis) d.tulang pipi f. tulang baji.g. tulang rahang atas dan rahang bawah (mandibula dan maksila) . h. tulang air mata dan i. tulang hidung.

2. tulang belakang

3.tulang rusuk dan tulang dada

4. gulang apendikular

terdiri dari

a. tulang tangan, b. tulang panggul, c. tulang kaki

5.tulang rawan

6. tulang membran sinovial

7.tulang ligamen

8. tulang tendon

9. tulang bursa

10. tulang maniskus

dan masih bayak lagi


maaf hanya itu yang dapat saya jawab maaf jika salah

semoga bermanfaat.

15. 4. What is purpose of sayingin order to in the conversation?​


in order to help express the purpose of something in a convo

16. ph is the degree of solubility a. solubility b. reactivity c.ionizing power d alkalinity




17. Fill in the blanks of the number order ascending ....5th,8thDENTE​

6 th


maaf kalau salah pertanyaan nya aneh

18. What are the parts of an application letter in order?​


Bagian – Bagian Surat Lamaran Kerja

Tempat dan tanggal pembuatan surat lamaran.

Hal atau perihal.

Lampiran berkas.

Alamat yang di tuju.

Salam pembuka.

Isi surat yang bisa di bagi menjadi empat bagian yakni suatu paragraf pembuka, isi surat, daftar lampiran dan.

Paragraf penutup.

Salam penutup.


apa bagian dari surat lamaran dalam urutan

19. Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order (1-8).​

ini artinya maaf saya nebaknya kurang tepat


A: would you like to come to the cinema?

B: When are you going?

A: At six

B: sorry, but I am working late

A: The film is also on at nine.

B: Ok. I’d love to come at nine.

A: Great. Let’s meet outside the cinema at quarter to nine.

B: Right. See you there. Bye

Berdasarkan arti:

A: apa kamu ingin datang ke bioskop?

B: Kapan kamu pergi?

A: Pukul enam

B: maaf, tapi saya kerja lembur

A: Film ini juga diputar jam sembilan.

B: Oke. Saya ingin datang jam sembilan.

A: Bagus. Mari kita bertemu di luar bioskop jam sembilan kurang seperempat.

B: Benar. Sampai jumpa. Sampai jumpa

20. Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order (1-8).​


itu urutan percakapannya

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