
Riya Sold Her Car For 50000

April 01, 2023

Riya Sold Her Car For 50000

4) if she sold her car, she ….. (get) much money for it.

Daftar Isi

1. 4) if she sold her car, she ….. (get) much money for it.

If she sold her car, she would get much money for it.


Conditional Sentence Part 2


If + S + V2 + O/C, S + would + V1 + O/CS + would + V1 + O/C + If + S + V2 + O/C

2. car A is sold for the price of $ 32.567. car B is sold $ 10.000 more than car A. How much is car B price?

price of car B is $42.567
karena harga mobil B lebih banyak $10.000 daripada mobil A

3. Active or Passive23. My car ... for 200 million rupiahs.A. was soldB. had soldC. have soldD. having soldE. have been sold​


jawabannya sebenarnya bisa a atau d.

a. was sold ( telah terjual )

d. have beeb sold ( telah dijual )

silahkan dipilih salah satunya.


A. was sold


maaf kalo salah

4. Dona.. Her car yesterday a. Selling b. Sell c. Sold d. Sells e. Sliding

sold karena keterangan waktunya yestwrdayC. Sold
Ini pake past tense (verb 2) karena udah lewat/lampau

5. Anwar's car ... three months ago. A. is sold B. Was sold C. Has been sold D. Had been sold E. Will be sold

The Anwar's car was sold three months ago

6. kalimat pasif dari lukman sold the car?​


the car was sold by Lukman


The Car sold by Lukman

7. mrs. nuris always.. to her school a. driving her car b. is driving her car c. drive her car d. drives her car

Materi : Simple Present Tense
Mrs. Nuris always drives her car to her school (D)
semoga bermanfaat d. Drives her car. semoga bermanfaat

8. soal coba kamu terjemahkan dalam bahasa IndonesiaJonson's mother bought a car for her son named Jonson and he used the car for​


Ibu jonson memberikan sebuah mobil untuk anak lelaki nya yang bernama Jonson, dan dia menggunakan mobilnya untuk..


Ibu Jonson membeli mobil untuk putranya yang bernama Jonson dan dia menggunakan mobil itu untuk.

9. 1. John bought a car last year for$ 8000. In the sam e year , he sold car for $ 7500. Did he make a profit or a lost ? Explain !2. Vita bought car ( Toyata ) for 10.000 in 2010 , in 2011 he purchased a car ( Honda ) . Toyota & Honda for $ 10250 & How many % did he make profit ?3. Ali bought motorcyle for $ 1200 , Then he sold for $ 1550 , How many % did he lost ?Tolong Jawab nomoe ini , pakai cara !!!!!​

ini jawaban lengkapnya ya

10. Tolong dijawab dengan benar!!! V1=not sell V2=not sold V3=not sold Ving=not selling Soal 1.they.......their car today. 2.we.........our car now. car yesterday. car al ready. 5.he.........his car tomorrow. 6.she.........her car al ready. car next day. 8.the nurse...........her car now. 9.the carpenter...........his car last week. 10.the dentis...........her car every week.

1.not sell
2.not selling
3.not sold
4.not sell
5.not sold
6.not sell
7.not sold
8.not selling
9.not sold
10.not sell

11. he(sell\ sold)...... his car​


1. He sells his car

2. He was sold his car

12. Tolong dijawab dengan benar!!! Jawab dong plis V1=not sell V2=not sold V3=not sold Ving=not selling Soal 1.they.......their car today. 2.we.........our car now. car yesterday. car al ready. 5.he.........his car tomorrow. 6.she.........her car al ready. car next day. 8.the nurse...........her car now. 9.the carpenter...........his car last week. 10.the dentis...........her car every week.

1. not sell
2. not selling
3. sold
4. dan seterusnya1. Do not sell
2. Do not sell
3. Did not sell ( not sold)
4. Did not sell ( not sold )
5. Is not selling
6. Did not sell ( not sold )
7. Is not selling
8. Do not sell
9. Did not sell ( not sold )
10. Do not sell ( not sold )

13. 1. A great amount of money had been given to her for her invention. 2. The car will be sold by the owner of his bankruptcy. Ubahlah ke kalimat aktif!

1. She give a great amount of money for her invention
2. The owner sell his car because of his bankcrupty

kalau diubah ke kalimat aktif, cari subjek nya dulu ya. lalu, predikatnya diganti dari v3 menjadi v1. contoh sold menjadi sell.

semangat belajar :') semoga membantu. jika berkenan berikan jawaban terbaik yah

14. Mrs.nuris always .... to her school.A.driving her driving her her carD.drives​


D. drives


karena ada time signal 'always' sehingga menggunakan present tense

A. Driving her car (mengendarai mobilnya)

15. 7. A car priced at $60000 is sold for $57000. Find the percentage decrease.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Harga awalnya 60.000, lalu menjadi 57.000, berarti berkurang 3000 ya.

Penurunan persennya:

x/100 . 60.000 = 3000

600x = 3000

x = 5

16. dona's parent don't know where she sold the car . does her close friends know where ? ( no )

Her close friends also don't know where she sold the car.Artinya ya?
artinya - Orang tua Dona tidak tahu dimana dia menjual mobilnya. Apakah teman dekatnya tahu dimana? ( tidak )

17. 11. Lisa has sold her car. She __________________________ a bike. (to buy)12. The museum _______________________ at 10 a.m. daily. (to​




11. wanted to buy

12. opens


1. Lisa has sold her car. She (is going to buy) a bike.

2. The museum (opens) at 10 am daily.


Simple future tense is a form of the verb used to express that an action occurs in the future, spontaneously or planned.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

18. ManWhy didn't you sell your car tome?Woman : If I had sold my car to you, youwould have bargained it.What can we learn from the dialogue?A. The woman sold the car to the man.B. The woman didn't sell her car.C.The woman bargained the car for theman.D.The man didn't buy the woman's car.E.The man bargained the woman's car.​

D. The man didnt buy the womans car


D. The man didn't buy the woman's car.

19. her job to driver a car for the law company?


Isit her job to drive a car for the law company?

20. Tolong dijawab Verb1=sell Verb2=sold Verb3=sold Ving=selling Soal 1.they.......their car today. 2.we.........our car now. car yesterday. car al ready. 5.he.........his car tomorrow. 6.she.........her car al ready. car next day. 8.the nurse...........her car now. 9.the carpenter...........his car last week. 10.the dentis...........her car every week.

5.will sell
7.will sell

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