
Class 11 Hindi Ncert Book Aroh Question Answer

Maret 15, 2023

Class 11 Hindi Ncert Book Aroh Question Answer

. Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

Daftar Isi

1. . Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​


Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class?

Answer: Julia and Rano

Question: When will class begins?

Answer: In 10 minutes

Question: Where will you put your craft?

Answer: In the living room

Question: Why will you join dancing club?

Answer: To become a dancer

Question: How many times will you play this song?

Answer: 3 times


Maaf bila ada kesalahan ^^

2. Change the sentences from active To passive 1. Question: Andi whrites a letter Answer: 2.Question: I buy a book Answer: 3.Question: I draw a picture Answer:


1. A letter was written by Andi

2. A book were bought by me

3. A picture were drawn by me.

3. ....,..this book if you want to know the answer of the question

kalo menurut w si, open this book

4. aroh dari suatu norma hukum disebut​


Norma hukum adalah aturan sosial yang dibuat oleh lembaga-lembaga tertentu, misalnya pemerintah, sehingga dengan tegas dapat melarang serta memaksa orang untuk dapat berperilaku sesuai dengan keinginan pembuat peraturan itu sendiri. Pelanggaran terhadap norma ini berupa sanksi denda sampai hukuman fisik (dipenjara, hukuman mati).

5. question word I have (a) borrowed (b) book (c) just now (d) answer :a)b)c)d)​


b. book

maaf kalo salah

6. Question word "Whose" answer the question ExampleContoh: 1. Book - My-Whose book is that?-it is minesoal1. motorcycle - i- ....-......necklace - she-...-...english book - you-...-...caps - they.......dictonary - - we......

ini mungkin bisa membantu mu

7. pertanyaan no 9........ this book if you want to know the answer of the question.plis jawab sekarang

izin bantu maaf jika salah

8. For thequestion. You have to watch this video and answer the question on your book

Sebelum menjawab, kamu harus tonton video ini terlebih dahulu dan jawab pertanyaannya di bukumu.

9. People Answer= Kids Answer= Book Answer=



kids=anak anak





People Answer =OrangKids Answer =Anak AnakBook Answer =Buku#Maaf Kalo SalahSemoga Membantu Ya :)Terima Kasih

10. TASK 12Answer the question below based on the dialogue on Task 11.Who are the students in the dialogue ?Answer2. Where is Anton going?Answer3 What is he looking for?Answer4 Does Anton have mathematics book?Answer5What is Tina looking for at the library?AnswerTASK 13Answer the question below based on the dialogue on Task 11.​


ini mana dialog nyaaaa

11. This book if you want to know the answer of the question


Buku ini jika Anda ingin tahu jawaban dari pertanyaan

12. Answer the question below based onWho are the students in the dialogue ?AnswerWhere is Anton going?Answer :What is he looking for?AnswerDoes Anton have mathematics book?..​


ceritanya gaada? gimana jawabnya :(


1. anton and tina

2. libray

3. book mathematik A

4. no, anton didn't have'it


tolong di maafkan bila ada kesalahan

13. Write your own sentences using the wprovided.1. The book-on - the tableQuestion: Where is the book?Answers : The book is on the table.The bottle - in - the refrigeratorQuestion :Answer:​


question: where is the bottle?

answer: the bottle is in the refrigerator


hopefully this is help you!!

14. tulis question and answer in engglish in hal60-61 to class 6 from hello jakarta​


Jawaban terlampir teman-teman ..





15. .....this book if you want to know the answer of the question


Read this book if you want to know the answer of the question.


Read This Book If You Want To Know The Answer Of The Question


English = Read This Book If You Want To Know The Answer Of The Question

Indonesian = Baca Buku Ini Jika Anda Ingin Mengetahui Jawaban Dari Pertanyaan tersebut

16. Answer the question with complete sentence 1. were these in the class

yes , this in the class

17. II. Answer the following question with correct answer! 1. Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer : 2. Question: When will the class begins? Answer 3. Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer : 4. Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer 5. Question : How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

1. Julia and Rano

2. in 10 minutes

3. in living room

4. become a dancer

5. 3 times

18. Who are involved in the dialogue?Answer:What does Luki hold?Answer:What book is it?Answer:..When did he buy the book?Answer:How much does the book cost?Answer:Where did he buy the book?Answer:Why does Rani need the book?Answer:​

Theanswers of those questions are :

Jawaban :

1). They are Dian and Toni

2). Luki holds the book.

3). It is English book.

4). He bought the book yesterday.

5). The book costs Rp. 35.000-,

6). He bought the book in the bookstore.

7). Rani needs the book because she wants to study more about English grammar.


Kata yang bergaris bawah pada jawaban di atas merupakan sebuah contoh saja. Untuk jawaban asli nya bisa dilihat pada teks yang berkaitan dengan soal tersebut.


1). Siapakah yang ada dalam dialog?

Di isi dengan nama-nama orang yang terlibat dalam dialog tersebut.

2). Apa yang Luki pegang?

Di isi dengan benda yang Luki pegang.Karena kalimat pertanyaannya menggunakan interrogative simple present, maka jawabannya menggunakan positive simple present. Dimana pada kalimat positive untuk subject orang ketiga tunggal "Luki" kata kerja nya harus di tambahkan -s. Jadi kata "hold" berubah "holds".

3). Buku apakah itu?

Diisidengannama/juduldaribuku yang dipegang oleh Luki.Karena kalimat nya bentuk simple present nominal interrogative, maka untuk jawabannya menggunakan simple present nominal positive "It is...."

4). Kapan dia membeli buku itu?

Diisidenganwaktuatauharisaatdiamembelibukutersebut.Karena kalimat pertanyaannya bentuk simple past interrogative, maka jawabannya harus simple past positive "He bought the book....."

5). Berapakah harga buku itu?

DiisidenganhargabukutersebutKarena kalimat tanya menggunakan simple present interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple present positive "The book costs...."

6). Dimana dia membeli buku itu?

Diisidengannamatempat/tokodiamembelibukutersebut.Karena kalimat tanya menggunakan simple past interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple past positive "He bought the book...."

7). Kenapa Rani membutuhkan buku itu?

DiisidenganalasankenapaRanibutuhbukutersebut.Karena kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan simple present interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple present positive "Rani needs the book because....."

Jadi, pada kata yang bergaris bawah di jawaban di atas silahkan di ganti dengan jawaban aslinya yang ada di teks sesuai dengan clue yang telah di jelaskan pada penjelasan di atas.












19. Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya. 1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45. 2. Question : Who Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight. 3. Question : Where Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant. 4. Question : When Answer : I'll call her tomorrow. 5. Question : When Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.6. Question : What timeAnswer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.​


2. Question : who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : where are we going for dinner?

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : when are you going to call her?

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : when is she graduating?

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time will they be here?

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.


Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya.

1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45.

2. Question : Who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : Where

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : When

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : When

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.

20. …. this book if you want to know the answer of the question.​


Read this book if you want to know the answer of the question.



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