
Information About Masti Venkatesha Iyengar In Kannada

Maret 14, 2023

Information About Masti Venkatesha Iyengar In Kannada

bahasa indonesianya what about you fill in the form below in information about​

Daftar Isi

1. bahasa indonesianya what about you fill in the form below in information about​


bagaimana dengan Anda mengisi formulir di bawah ini dengan informasi tersebut

2. artikan fill in the blanks with information about

artikan fill in the blanks with information about

Translate :

isi bagian kosong dengan informasi tentangInggris :fill in the blanks with information about
indonesia : isi yang kosong dengan informasi tentang.

semoga membantu ≧∇≦

3. Write down Information about primary school in Russia!​

Education in Russia is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. It consists of primary school education for ages 6-10, followed by senior school for ages 10-15.

4. 1. what is the dialog about? a. sending messages b. dipo's ignorance c. information about guests from the united states d. information about study in the united states

1. B. Dipo's ignorance (karena inti dari dialog tsb adalah "Dipo's ignorance)

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^jawabanya b.dipo's ignorance
maaf kalo salah

5. fill in the blanks with information about cut nyak dhien mentioned in the reading text

gaada teksnya . teksnya manaa_=

6. find information about mother day in these country timor leste​


temukan informasi tentang hari ibu di negara ini timor leste

7. fill in the blanks with information about cut nyak dhien mentioned in the reading text

what your question?
I don't give you answer..

8. 26.What is the announcement about?a. The information about the schoolhall.b. The direction before gathering inthe school hall.C. Information about the headmaster.d. Information about National Exa-mination.​


ada bacaannya kah kak?


Tentang apa pengumumannya?

a. Informasi tentang sekolah aula.

b. Arah sebelum berkumpul aula sekolah.

C. Informasi tentang kepala sekolah.

d. Informasi tentang Ujian Nasional mination.


sesuai dengan bacaan yang ada ya kak

semoga membantu :)

9. please make a conversation in expressing asking and giving information about profession in school​


Silahkan bercakap-cakap dalam mengungkapkan bertanya dan memberikan informasi tentang profesi di sekolah


Hello .I want to ask about profession

Oh, Sure

What is your profession

My Profession is a student now

Oh, Thanks for the answer

10. fill in the blanks with information about cut nyak dhien mentioned in the reading text

jawab pada titik2 dengan informasi tentang cut nyak dhien tandai di teks bacaan

11. write a dialoge about "personal information" in five time role play​


Arti nya tulis dialog tentang "informasi pribadi" dalam permainan peran lima kali


Klo soal nya di tanya jawaban nya apa dan bukan arti nya tanya aja yaa



12. 3. What is the letter about?A: A pleasurable study tour in Yogyakarta.B. Information about a route to Yogyakarta.C. A suitable agenda for doing a tour in Yogyakarta.D. Information about a reputable travel agency in Yogyakarta.E. Information about tourist destinations in Yogyakarta.he is the letter addressed to ?​





13. did you find any information about where in the text ​

Text nya mana kak biar aku bantu jawab

14. Fill in the blanks with information about B.j Habibie mentioned in the reading text


Fill in the blanks with information about B.J. Habibie mentioned in the reading text. Perhatikan lampiran berikut untuk kesesuaian dengan jawaban di bawah.



Place of birth: Parepare, South Sulawesi Province

Date of birth: 25 Juni 1936

Parents and Origins:

Father: Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie (Gorontalo of Bugis)

Mother: R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo (a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta)


Senior high schools in Jakarta

Undergraduate education in engineering in Germany

Doctoral programs in Germany

Marriage date: 12 Mei 1962

Name of wife: Hasri Ainun Besari

Name of sons: 

Ilham Akbar Habibie

Thareq Kemal Habibie

Work Experiences:

An advisor in the Automotive Marque Talbot

Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg, promoted as vice president of the company in 1974

Special Assistant to CEO of Pertamina (1974-1976)

Chief Executive Officer IPTN (1976-1978)

Minister of Research and Technology (1978)

Vice President of RI (March 1998)

President of RI (May 1998)

Presidential adviser during Susilo Bambang Yudoyono’s presidency)

15. please make a conversation giving gues information about facilities in hotel​


Hotel: Welcome to ABC Hotel. How may I help you? (Selamat datang di ABC Hotel. Ada yang bisa dibantu?)

Guest: Hello.. I’d like a room for three nights, please? (Halo.. Saya butuh kamar untuk tiga malam)

Hotel: Sure. We have three types of room, single, twin and double room. (OK. Kita ada tiga tipe kamar, single, twin dan double)

Guest: Single room please. (Kamar single saja)

Hotel: Single room for three nights, will cost you $300. And we require $50 security deposit, it will be refunded when you check out. (Kamar single untuk tiga malam, harganya $300. Dan kami butuh deposit $50, akan dikembalikan setelah checkout)

Guest: Great. (OK)

Hotel: Can I have your ID? (Bisa minta KTP-nya?)

Guest: Here you are.. (Ini)

Hotel: Thank you Mr. John. Your total is $350. How would you like to pay? (Terima kasih Pak John. Totalnya $350. Mau bayar pakai apa?)

Guest: I’d pay with cash. Here it is. (Bayar cash saja.)

Hotel: Here is your key card Mr. John. Your room number is 303. It’s on the third floor. You will find the lift at the end of passageway. (Ini kuncinya Pak John. Kamarnya nomor 303. Di lantai tiga. Liftnya ada di ujung lorong ini.)

Guest: Thank you very much. (Terima kasih banyak)


Maaf ya kalau salah

Semoga membantu ya

Follow dan jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

16. what information do usually find in biography about a famous person

Usually, it's about their birth, their carrier, their story from little until now.

I'm sorry if my answer wrong.

What we can find are : the name, their birthday, their parent's name, their education, their achievements.

Moga membantu,

17. the information about background in the recount text called?

background pd recount text biasanya disebut kalau yg dimaksud background cerita disebut place..krn awal paragraf recount terdiri dr who, when, and where

18. did you find any information about why in the text ?​




because i didn't see the text

19. 1.How do say to give infor mation about you hobby in oral2.How do say to give information About your addres in oral?3.How do you say to give information about your name In oral4.How do You say to give information about your place Of origin in oral?5.How Do You Say to give Information About The name of you Father in Oral?Tolong jawab pake Bahasa Inggris Dong:(​


1. My hobby is ( misal : reading)

2. I live in ( misal mawar street number 10)

3. My name is (misal Nina)

4. I come from (misal Jakarta)

5. My father's name is ( misal Budi)


Semoga benar

20. the information about background in the recount text called

Called orientation......called orientation, which usually contain who, when and where of the story.

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