
Centripetal Acceleration Of A Cyclist Completing 7 Rounds

Maret 15, 2023

Centripetal Acceleration Of A Cyclist Completing 7 Rounds

If a cyclist in the Tour de France traveled southwest a distance of 12,250 meters in one hour, what would the velocity of the cyclist be?

Daftar Isi

1. If a cyclist in the Tour de France traveled southwest a distance of 12,250 meters in one hour, what would the velocity of the cyclist be?


Kita tahu bahwa kecepatan diartikan sebagai laju jarak yang ditempuh per satuan waktu, jarak / waktu, serta memiliki kecepatan dan arah. Di sini, kita diberi tahu bahwa dalam waktu satu jam, pengendara sepeda menempuh jarak 12.250 meter. Jadi, kami tahu bahwa:

t = 1 jam

d = 12.250 m

Kita juga tahu bahwa ada 60 detik dalam satu menit dan 60 menit dalam satu jam, dan kita mungkin menginginkan kecepatan dalam satuan meter per detik, m / s. Jadi, mari gunakan persamaan yang relevan dan masukkan angka dan konversi unit kita:

v = d / t

= 12.250 m * 1 jam * 1 menit

1 jam 60 menit 60 detik

= 3.403 m / s barat daya

Jika Anda perlu melaporkan arah dalam satuan derajat atau radian, buat timur 0 ° atau 0 radian, dan putar 45 ° atau π / 4 radian 5 kali berlawanan arah jarum jam untuk mendapatkan 225 ° atau 5π / 4 radian.

2. A planet has a mass of 7 times of the earth's mass and its radius is 3 Times of the radius of the earth's if the acceleration of gravity of the earth's surface is g; the acceleration of gravity of the planet is

diket: Mx = 7 Mb
Rx = 3 Rb
gb = g
ditanya: gx ...?
jawab: gx
gx/gb = Mx . Rb²/Mb . Rx²
gx/g = 7 Mb . Rb²/Mb . (3 Rb)²
gx/g = 7 Mb . Rb²/Mb . 9 Rb²
gx = 7/9 g

3. The diagram below shows the parts of a bicyclewhere a cyclist applies contact forces. Which ofthe labelled parts should not make use of theturning effect of a force when the bicycle is inuse by a cyclist?​


artidarisoal:Diagram di bawah ini memperlihatkan bagian-bagian sepeda yang pengendara sepeda gunakan untuk melakukan kontak. Bagian mana di antara bagian-bagian yang berlabel yang tidak boleh memanfaatkan efek balik suatu daya sewaktu sepeda digunakan oleh pengendara sepeda?

sumpah gak paham dgn soal nya mungkin yang di maksud bagian" sepeda ??

4. game pada rounds ditentukan oleh

Di tentukan oleh Nilai
Maaf Kalau Salahkalo gak salah sih nilai

5. completing a dialogue​



6. it take a cyclist 44 minutes to cycle a distance of 11 km. how long it will taje him to cycle a distance of 45 km

180 minutes.............

7. pola aliran sungai centripetal

Pola aliran sungai radial sentripetal adalah pola aliran yang menuju ke pusat. Biasanya dapat ditemukan pada kawah, daerah yang cekung.

8. A cyclist and bike have a total mass of 100 kg and a speed of 15 m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy.​

mass total of cyclist and the bike = m = 100 kg

velocity = V = 15 m/s

kinetic energy = Ek = ..... ?

[tex]ek = \frac{1}{2} \times m\times {v}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]ek = \frac{1}{2} \times 100 \times {15}^{2} = 50 \times 225[/tex]



Ek = 1/2 m. v^2


Ek = 1/2 . m . v^2

Ek = 1/2 . 100 . 15 . 15

Ek = 50 . 225

Ek = 11250 Joule

Semoga Membantu  

9. A loaded lift has a total mass of 1.5 t. Determine the force in the cables when: (a) The acceleration of 2.7 m/s² is upwards. (b) The acceleration of 1.7 m/s2 is downwards.​


(a) The acceleration of 2.7 m/s2 is upwards

10. what force is needed to give a mass of 20kg an acceleration of 5.0 m/s


100 N


Rumusnya a=f/m

Caranya substitusi dulu hal yang diketahui yaitu massa dan akselerasi


langsung kali silang saja

F=20 X 5

=100 N

Hopefully can help you

Thank you

11. gerak spesifik permainan rounds​


Dalam permainan rounders Terdapat beberapa gerakan, di antaranya melempar, menangkap, memukul, dan lari. Rounders adalah permainan bola kecil dengan teknik dasar yang hampir sama dengan permainan kasti yaitu melempar, menangkap, dan memukul ditambah dengan ketrampilan mengetik dan menghindari sentuhan bola.

maaf kalau salah


12. a boy of mass 60 kg runs with a force of 180n calculate his acceleration

what the hell lmao

seorang anak laki-laki dengan berat 60 kg berlari dengan kekuatan 180n menghitung akselerasinya

13. A cyclist completed 45% of his journey after cycling 18 km.11. What was the length of the whole journey?​

[tex] \frac{45}{100} \: = \: \frac{18}{x} [/tex]
[tex]x \: = \: 18 \: \times \: \frac{100}{45} [/tex]
[tex]x \: = \: 2 \: \times \: 20[/tex]
[tex]x \: = \: 40 \: km[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]45\% = 18km \\ 100\% = ....[/tex]

whole journey

[tex] = \frac{100\%}{45\%} \times 18 \\ = \frac{20}{9} \times 18 \\ = 40km[/tex]

14. what is the definition of acceleration

it means to increase in the rate or speed of something.

15. Permainan rounds diciptakan oleh


George Hancock




george hancock


pada tahun 1887 di chicago ,amerika serikat

16. completing a dialogue​


an error has been detected



17. 10. Which of the following lists of physical quantitiesconsists only of vectors?a Acceleration, forse, and volumeb. Mass, velocity, and accelerationTime, mass, and velocityVelocity, acceleration, and force​


velocity, acceleration, force


mungkin pilihan gandanya sampe d ya

18. father bought a new car . its wheel has 0.7m of radius. if the wheel rounds 1200x, find the distance of the car (in km)


5,280 m

Explanation with steps:

wheel radius (r) = 0.7 m

number of wheel rounds = 1,200

wheel diameter

= 2 x r

= 2 x 0.7 m

= 1.4 m

wheel circumference

= π x diameter

= (22/7) x 1.4 m

= 4.4 m

so the distance traveled by the car is

= circumference x number of wheel rounds

= 4.4 m x 1,200

= 5,280 m

19. A car starts from rest and rolls down a hill with constant acceleration. It travels a distance of 500 m in 20 sec. Calculate its acceleration.

A car starts from rest and rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration. It covers a distance of 500 m in 20 seconds. So the acceleration is 1,25 m/s²


Is known :

distance (s) = 500 m

time (t) = 20 second

Asked :

acceleration (a)?

Answered :

Find the speed first

v = s/t

v = 500/20

v = 25 m/s

Find acceleration

a = v/t

a = 25/20

a = 1,25 m/s²


So, the acceleration is 1,25 m/s²

Answer Details

Subjects : Mathematics

Category : Measurement time, angle, distance, and speed

Categorization code : 5.2.2

keyword : acceleration

20. The acceleration of a particle is inversely proportional to the square of the time since it was fired.If the acceleration of the particle 15 seconds after it was fired was 5 m/sec2, what was its acceleration 10 seconds later?




maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ

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