
Self Development And Art Appreciation

Februari 07, 2023

Self Development And Art Appreciation

maksud dari “self development book” itu apa? tolong yang tahu jawabannya di jawab ya hihi.

Daftar Isi

1. maksud dari “self development book” itu apa? tolong yang tahu jawabannya di jawab ya hihi.


karya yang ditulis dengan tujuan mengarahkan para pembacanya untuk menyelesaikan masalah pribadi. Buku-buku tersebut mengambil nama dari Self-help.

2. PR bukan QuizBekerja keras dalam belajar dan menekuni kegiatan pengembangan diri di kenal dengan istilah?A. Self developmentB. Self directingC. Self understandingD. Self managementNt: No copas, jangan ngasal, dan sertai penjelasan​




karena self understanding merupakan arti dari memaham i diri sendiri



3. Anggaran dasar Pergerakan Indonesia di Belanda adalah...a. self reliance and mendicancyb. self reliance and no mendicancyc. self governmentd. kooperatife. self reliance and self government

b...... .. .. .........

4. Mengapa research and development penting bagi perusahaan

Mengapa uber gagal "menjarah" pangsa pasar Asia? Mengapa xiaomi begitu sukses di Asia? mengingat dulu vendor ini sempat dicaci oleh sebagian besar masyarakat.

Di situlah department R&D berperan. Tugas dari R&D sangat vital bagi perusahaan. Uber bisa kalah dengan Grab karena R&D mereka kurang bekerja optimal di sini. Berbeda dengan Grab yang memang merupakan tanah kelahirannya, Malaysia.

5. asking and giving appreciation of dialogue

ini di terjemahin ke indonesia??

6. To show appreciation to others,and

Jawaban:To show appreciation to others,and

Untuk menunjukkan penghargaan kepada orang lain, dan

7. dialog showing appreciation and responses apprecation

Oura: wow your car is very fast
JessNoLimit: thank you :)

8. pengertian dan tujuan introduction self and Other Self

Introduction self or other is something that we usually do when we meet someone for the first time, and introduction the others when they never meet that person.

Contohnya :
- Hello, i want to introduce my self. My name is Budi
- Hello, my name is Budi
- I'd like to introduce my friend, his name is Budi

9. contoh kata appreciation and opinion​


Thanks. (Terima kasih)

Thank you. (Terima kasih)

Thank you very much. (Terima kasih banyak)

Thank you so much. (Terima kasih banyak)

Thanks a lot. (Terima kasih)

10. apa arti be your self and love your self??​


Jadilah dirimu dan cintailah dirimu


be yourself =jadilahdirimu sendiri

love yourself =cintai dirimu sendiri



thank you I really appreciate your help (showing appreciation)

thank you very much(response)

maaf kalau salah

12. buatlah percakapan asking and giving opinion and showing appreciation​


A: What do you think about my dress?

B: Wow, what a beautiful dress

A: And do you think it's suit with my shoes?

B: Yess, it suit with you

13. Getting attention, checking understanding,and showing appreciation !!


mendapatkan perhatian memeriksa pemahaman dan menunjukan penghargaan!!

14. jelaskan asking for opinion and showing appreciation​


asking for opinion adalah meminta pendapat seseorang tentang sesuatu. misal nya "what do you think about this picture?"

showing appreciation adalah menunjukan apresiasi terhadap sesuatu. misal nya "it's a wonderful thing"


semoga membantu

15. apa itu research and development

Research And Development adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut.

16. sebutkan 10 kalimat giving for appreciation and asking for appreciation :)*bntu jwb ya tmn2*

Giving appreciation :
1. Thank you for coming to my party!
2. Thank you for lending me your book, it really helps me.
3. Thank you for finding my phone, I really appreciate it.
4. Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate your help.
5. you've always work hard on your studies, I appreciate the good works you've been doing.
6. Thank you for giving me this present, I really love and appreciate it!

Asking for appreciation:
1. Can you appreciate my work please? I've worked really hard for it.
2. Do you like my present? I looked everywhere for it!
3. What do you think about my new dress? I made it on my own.
4. Do you like my new hair? I styled it myself.
5. Look at my cat! Isn't she cute?

17. dialog dengan menggunakan attention opinion understand and appreciation 

A:excuse me
B: yes 
A:can you explain to me about what the teacher say?
B:ok the teacher say that we must speak english when its english lesson
B:no more question?
A: no,thanks!

18. Daily Quiz --> ngasal = report --> Big poin1. Be your self and never surrender2. Thank you for the greatnees3. Thank you for the appreciation​


1. Be your self and never surrender

2. Thank you for the greatnees

3. Thank you for the appreciation


1. Jadilah diri Anda sendiri dan jangan pernah menyerah

2. Terima kasih atas kebesarannya

3. Terima kasih atas apresiasinya

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>

19. 5 Example of Asking and giving appreciation.​



Giving appreciation :

1. Thank you for coming to my party!

2. Thank you for lending me your book, it really helps me.

3. Thank you for finding my phone, I really appreciate it.

4. Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate your help.

5. you've always work hard on your studies, I appreciate the good works you've been doing.

6. Thank you for giving me this present, I really love and appreciate it!

Asking for appreciation:

1. Can you appreciate my work please? I've worked really hard for it.

2. Do you like my present? I looked everywhere for it!

3. What do you think about my new dress? I made it on my own.

4. Do you like my new hair? I styled it myself.

5. Look at my cat! Isn't she cute?

20. carikan pengertian introduction self and Other Self

memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain

Introduction self or other is something that we usually do when we meet someone for the first time, and introduction the others when they never meet that person.

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