
If An Object Is Placed Symmetrically Between Two Plane Mirrors

Februari 07, 2023

If An Object Is Placed Symmetrically Between Two Plane Mirrors

an object of 2 kg mass rough horizontal plane. the object if given 10 N force parallel to the plane that it moves with 2m/s acceleration. if g=10 m/s, the friction coefficient between the object and the plane is?

Daftar Isi

1. an object of 2 kg mass rough horizontal plane. the object if given 10 N force parallel to the plane that it moves with 2m/s acceleration. if g=10 m/s, the friction coefficient between the object and the plane is?

Diket :
massa benda, m = 2 kg
gaya tarik, F = 10 N
percepatan benda, a = 2 m/s²
percepatan gravitasi Bumi, g = 10 m/s²

Tanya :
koefisien gesekan, μ = __?

Jawab :

Step 1
cari gaya gesekan, fk = __? 
gunakan Hukum 2 newton
ΣF = m.a
F - fk = m.a
10 - fk = 2.2
10 - fk = 4
fk =  6 N

Step 2
gaya gesekan
fk = μ. N
fk = μ. w
fk = μ. m.g
6 = μ. 2. 10
6 = 20.μ
μ = 6/20
μ = 0,3


2. Electrostatic force between two charged object is F. The distance between them is 10 mm. If the distance between them becomes 40 mm, determine the electrostatic force between them!

Answer: F1/16 = F/16


Electrostatic force = F

F = (k.q1.q2)/r²

First condition distance between 2 charge object = 10mm = 0,01 m

Second condition distance between 2 charge object = 40mm = 0,04 m

For first condition

F1 = F = k.q1.q2/(0.01)² = kq1.q2/(0.0001)

F1 = F = 10⁴.k.q1.q2

For second condition

F2 = k.q1.q2/(0.04)² = k.q1.q2/0.0016

F2 = 10⁴k.q1.q2/16

10⁴.k.q1.q2 = F1


F2 = F1/16

F2 = F/16

So the electrostatic force in 40mm is F1/16 = F/16

3. If the shape of an object remains the same when it is placed in different containers, the object has a ........... shape.​

transformation (perubahan bentuk)

4. Indonesia is between what two continents


Indonesia is between two continents that is Asia continent and Australia continent.

Indonesia berada di antara dua benua yaitu benua asia dan australia.

I'm sorry, my answer might be false.

5. An object whose height is 2 cm is placed 60 cm from a concave (diverging) lens. If the focal length of the lens is 20 cm, determine the characteristics of the image?​


Virtual, upright and smaller

6. there is a ..... between two...

there is a nose between two cheeks and two eyes

?There is a face between two ear.

7. 1.what is that (kaca)a.this is a mirrorsb.this is two mirrorsc.that is armirror2 .what..... this a. are b. does C.is3.what is in your bathrooma. bolster b.blanket c.towel​


1. a. this is a mirror

karena kacanya hanya 1

2. C. is

karena setelah this itu is. kalo pertanyaan is dlu batu this.

3. C. towel


1. C. that is a mirror

2. C. is

3. C. towel


8. teacher: which is longer between train and plane? students : ..........​

~B. Inggris~


Train is longer than plane.


Biasanya, kereta api lebih panjang daripada pesawat terbang. Tapi tergantung dari jenis model dan lain sebagainya.


9. 5. An object is placed in front of a convex lens with a focal length, fof 10 cm. What are thecharacteristics of the image formed if the object distance is 15 cm and the power of thelens?​


5. An object is placed in front of a convex lens with a focal length, fof 10 cm. What are the

characteristics of the image formed if the object distance is 15 cm and the power of the


10. The height of two building is 34 m and 29 m respectively. If the distance between the two building is 12 m, find the distance between their tops.


13 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given :

Hight of first building is : AC = 34 m

Hight of Second building is : DE = 29 m

The distance between the two building is = 12 m

To find :

Distance between the tops of the building ,i.e., AE

Solution :



B |___\ E

C |_____| D

AB = 5 m, BC = 29m, & DE = 29m

BE = CD = 12 m

The distance between the tops of building be x m.

Using Pythagoras theorem


 AE² = AB² + BE²

=> x² = 5² + 12²

=> x² = 25 + 144

=> x = √169 = 13 m

So, the distance between the tops of building is 13 m✓

Sources of :

11. An object is placed 10 cm from a concave mirror. The focal length is 5 cm. The image distance of the object is

So, theimage distanceoftheobjectis10cmbehindtheconcavemirror.

Explanation :

A concave mirror (in Bahasa called "cermin cekung") is a type of mirror that the mirror can make the light focus and can reflect light on the same time. A concave mirror have positive focus. So we can calculate another part with this formula :

[tex]\boxed{\bold {\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{s} + \frac{1}{s'}}}[/tex]

If :

f = the focus of mirror (cm)s = distance object from mirror (cm)s' = distance shadow/image from mirror (cm)Work Steps :

We know that :

s = distance object from mirror = 10 cm f = the focus of mirror = 5 cm

Question : s' = distance shadow/image from mirror = ... cm

Answer :

[tex] \frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{s} + \frac{1}{s'} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{5}=\frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{s'} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{5} - \frac{1}{10} = \frac{1}{s'} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{2}{10} - \frac{1}{10} = \frac{1}{s'} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{10} = \frac{1}{s'} [/tex]

[tex] \boxed{s' = 10 \: cm} [/tex]

Detail Soal :

Kelas : 8

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika

Materi : Bab 5 - Cahaya dan Alat Optik

Kata Kunci : Menghitung titik fokus

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.6.5

Learn More : How to calculate the focus in the convex lens to calculate the shadow's magnification

12. the bigger the distance between two object,the______the gravitional force.


the bigger the distance between two objects, the SMALLER the gravitational force.

13. Teacher: which is longer between train and plane? students:....​


train is longer than plane

the longer one is the train

14. the bigger the distance between two object,the______the gravitional force.

The bigger the distance between two object, the ______ the gravitional force.

Blank space will be filled with: bigger

The sentence will going to be: The bigger the distance between two object, the bigger the gravitional force

Maknanya: semakin besar jarak antara dua objek, semakin besar gaya gravitasi.

15. The electrostatic force between two charged object is 0,8 N when the distance between them is 3,5 mm. Determine the electrostatic force if the distance between them becomes 7 mm!


0,2 N


F = k q1 q2 / r²

F1/F2 = r2²/r1²

0,8/F2 = 7²/3,5² = 4

F2= 0,8/4 = 0,2 N

16. An object has mass 10 kg. If gravity is 9,8 m/s2 so the weight of object is .... N

maka beratnya adalah 98 newton
w = m × g
= 10 × 9,8

17. A plane's average speed between two cities is 600 km/hr. If the trip tales 2.5 hours how far does the plane fly?

V=600 km/hr

t=2,5 h



R=1500 km

18. which is longer between train and plane​


train karena kereta api


in my opinion Train is longer but i guess it depends on what plane compared by what train... so yea you cannot get an Exact answer

19. What two conditions must be met if an object is to be in equilibrium?​


Syarat keseimbangan yang berlaku pada benda tegar adalah syarat keseimbangan translasi dan rotasi. Adapun syarat yang harus dipenuhi yaitu resultan dari semua gaya yang bekerja pada benda tegar harus sama dengan nol (∑F = 0) , dan resultan torsi yang bekerja pada benda tegar harus sama dengan nol (∑T = 0)


folow ya

20. A 6-cm-high object is placed in front of a concave mirror with a radius of curvature of 20 cm. Determine the image height if the object distance is 5 cm


Sebuah benda setinggi 6 cm diletakkan di depan cermin cekung dengan jari-jari kelengkungan 20 cm. Tentukan tinggi bayangan jika jarak benda adalah 5 cm




1/s+ 1/s' =1/f

1/5 +1/s' = 1/10

1/s'= 1/10 - 1/5

1/s'= -1/10









maaf gak ada cara

semoga membantu

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