
Question Bank For Class 10 Seba Answer

Desember 06, 2022

Question Bank For Class 10 Seba Answer

. Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

Daftar Isi

1. . Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​


Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class?

Answer: Julia and Rano

Question: When will class begins?

Answer: In 10 minutes

Question: Where will you put your craft?

Answer: In the living room

Question: Why will you join dancing club?

Answer: To become a dancer

Question: How many times will you play this song?

Answer: 3 times


Maaf bila ada kesalahan ^^

2. II. Answer the following question with correct answer! 1. Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer : 2. Question: When will the class begins? Answer 3. Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer : 4. Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer 5. Question : How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

1. Julia and Rano

2. in 10 minutes

3. in living room

4. become a dancer

5. 3 times

3. Answer the question with complete sentence 1. were these in the class

yes , this in the class

4. Passive Voice Change the statements below into passive sentence Question #1 (1 point) 6. Are you listening a music? Answer: Question #2 (1 point) 3. Where did you see the movie? Answer: Question #3 (1 point) 9. Someone hid my shoes in the class yesterday Answer: Question #4 (1 point) 2. Someone stole my wallet in the market yesterday Answer: Question #5 (1 point) 4. Lina has not replied my letter yet Answer: Question #6 (1 point) 7. The teacher often advices the students to study hard Answer: Question #7 (1 point) 1. The students are doing the exercise in the class now Answer: Question #8 (1 point) 10. I will buy a leather jacket in Jogya next holiday Answer: Question #9 (1 point) 5. The police was asking a few questions to me when my father came Answer: Question #10 (1 point) 8. Doni has been reading the novel since morning Answer: Logout

6. Is the music being listened by you?
3. Where did the movie was watched by you?
9. my shoes were hid by someone yesterday
2. my wallet was stolen by someone yesterday in the market
4. My letter has not been replied by Lina yet
7. The students often adviced by the teache to study hard
1. the excercise is being done by the students in the class now
10. the leather jacket will be bought by me in Jogya next holiday
5. I was being asked a few questiona buy the police when my father came
8. the novel had been being read by Doni since morning

5. Bangunan ini disebalah kiri dari sebuah bank



6. dou you think madame loisel's longing for higher-class life ruined her? support your answer with reasons

Apa kau pikir Ibu loisel yang merindukan higher-class hidup merusak dirinya? Dukungan jawabanmu dengan alasan.

7. do you think madame loisel's longing for higher-class life ruined her?support your answer with reasons

No,because with higher-class we can easy to make life in the future

8. bagaimana aturan dalam menggunakan bahan alam?Class 1answer for my younger sister.Please...​




9. Daugmeate into Indonesian language!Don't sleep in the class!Answer:2. Open the window, please!Answer:........3. Thank you for your presentAnswer:​


1. Jangan tidur di kelas!

2. Tolong buka jendelanya!

3. Terimakasih atas hadiahnya


— Translate into Bahasa Indonesia —

1. Do not sleep in the class!

Answer: jangan tidur di dalam kelas!

2. Open the window, please!

Answer: Buka jendela nya, tolong!

3. Thank you for your present

Answer: Terimakasih atas hadiah mu

10. mengapa bank sentral / b1 dikatakan sebai bank pengendali kondisi keuangan negara?, berikan contoh otoritasnya!​


Karena Bank Sentral adalah pemegang kebijakan moneter yang akan mempengaruhi kondisi keuangan negara.

Tujuan utama Bank Sentral adalah menjaga kestabilan nilai mata uang baik :  

1. Atas barang (inflasi)

2. Atas mata uang asing lainnya (kurs)

Otoritasnya antara lain :

1. Menentukan suku bunga, yang akan mempengaruhi kondisi investasi, kredit, dan pada akhirnya jumlah uang yang beredar

2. Mengeluarkan dan mengedarkan mata uang

3. Menentukan nilai minimum simpanan wajib dana pihak ke 3 oleh bank

4. Menentukan alat pembayaran yang sah di suatu negara

5. Menyimpan cadangan devisa

11. Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya. 1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45. 2. Question : Who Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight. 3. Question : Where Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant. 4. Question : When Answer : I'll call her tomorrow. 5. Question : When Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.6. Question : What timeAnswer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.​


2. Question : who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : where are we going for dinner?

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : when are you going to call her?

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : when is she graduating?

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time will they be here?

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.


Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya.

1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45.

2. Question : Who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : Where

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : When

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : When

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.

12. tulis question and answer in engglish in hal60-61 to class 6 from hello jakarta​


Jawaban terlampir teman-teman ..





13. the following dialog is for question number 24-27 class 7 tentang ari dan ida ​

kak ini soalnya mana? ada fotonya?


maaf tapi kamu ngga nyatumin dialognya, kalau ngga ada dialog nya, gimana bisa bantu jawab?

14. Do you think madame loisel longing for higher class life ruined her?support your answer With reasons

no,because every teacher want their class always be good not ruined.

sorry if my answer is wrong

15. write 10 intructions for an english class

Pls hv a seat!
Pls help me!
Speak clearly!
Be punctual
Pay attention
Do ur homework
Make it clear
Explai the process pls
Put your pen down
Read the pharagraph

16. This sentence below is for question number (34a-b). 34.(a) Samsul’s height is ... in the class.​


the highest


itu perbandingan tingkat superlative.

jadi dia tertinggi dari semua murid di kelas itu.


the highest


Samsul's height is the highesti in the class

Merupakan kata Degree of Comparison dan termasuk kedalam superlative degree.

Dimana kata superlative degree dari high adalah highest

17. Do you see any differences between the two letters? Write a question about them. Raise your question to the class and in turns answer each question


Do you See Any Differences Between the two Letters?Write a Question about them.Raise your Question to the Class and in Turns Answer each Question...


Apakah Anda melihat perbedaan antara kedua huruf tersebut? Tulis pertanyaan tentang mereka. Ajukan pertanyaan Anda ke kelas dan jawablah setiap pertanyaan secara bergiliran...

-Jangan Lupa Follow-


Maaf kalau salah :)

18. 2. Question : WhoAnswer :Nadya and Dilla are going to walk home from school today.3 Question : WhereAnswerI am going to eat lunch in the cafeteria at 12.304. Question WhatAnswer: We are going to miss the bus if we don't hurry.5. Question : WhenAnswerThere is going to be a storm in an hour.6. Question : WhatAnswer : Dad is going to fix my bike on Saturday.7. Question : WhoAnswer : Ivan feels dizzy. He is going to stay home tomorrow.8. Question : WhenAnswer : My mom and my sister are going to get a haircut this week.9. Question : WhereAnswer : Class 6B is going to visit Ivan in the hospital after school.10. Question : WhenAnswer : My dad is going to buy mom's birthday present this evening.Answer​


question artinya "pertanyaan"

answer artinya "jawaban"


itu sudah ada jawabannya kak jadi apa yang mau ditanyakan lagi kak??

19. do you think madame loisel's longing for higher-class life ruined her? support your answer with reasons

Apakah Anda pikir Ibu loisel yang merindukan higher-class hidup merusak dirinya? Dukungan jawabanmu dengan alasan.

20. Tuliskan objek dan method dari class bank

Saya bantu jawab dengan PHP, karena stack saya di situ

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