
I Want To See Your Pic Meaning In Hindi

Desember 06, 2022

I Want To See Your Pic Meaning In Hindi

l want to see you pic artinya

Daftar Isi

1. l want to see you pic artinya


aku ingin melihat foto mu


2. I wants to see u. Send me your some pic

artinya, saya mau lihat kamu, kirim beberapa fotomuAku ingin Melihatmu, Tolong Kirim Padaku Beberapa Fotomu

Semoga Membantu

3. can i see your pic arti

Bisakah saya melihat gambar mu

Maaf klo salah dan semoga membantuu...
Jgn lupa jadikan jawaban trbaik + follow aq ya
Kuis 50 poin menantii setiap bertambah 50 pengikutt
Makasihh banyak kerja sama nya can i see your pic artinya?


bisakah saya melihat gambar anda?

( sepertinya yang dimaksud di situ "FOTO" )

4. Can you send your pic to me

bisakah kamu mengirim fotomu kepada ku?Terjemahan : Bisakah kamu mengirimkan fotomu kepadaku?

5. I hope your study will BRIGHTEN your future. the underlinde word is closest in meaning to

artinya mencerahkan atau menerangkan,,..*Mencerahkan*..,,

6. "Arti i wish all the best in pursuing your ambition" The underlined word is closest in meaning to

Saya mendoakan yang terbaik bagi anda dalam meraih mimpi (apa yg di cita citakan)

7. I,thank your dictionary if you want to know the meaning of the words easily tolong bantu jawab​

Jawaban: can


harusnya think . thank nya typo tuh

8. Interested in theatre? Want to be in a show? DRAMA CLUBOrganization meeting Monday December 17,6 p.m.Speanfish Middle School GymTheatre : the best stage of your life! Question? See Mr.O’Dea or Mr.Heidelberger. 5. “Now’s your chance!” The word chance is closet in meaning to … *a. Performanceb. Attendancec. Opportunityd. Changebantuin ya kakkkkkk​


b attendance

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah ya

9. please discuss in your group about the meaning of the dialogue above and the things that you want to know​


silahkan diskusikan dalam kelompok anda tentang arti dari dialog di atas dan hal-hal yang ingin anda ketahui



10. I can not hold it anymore . I want to put kelingking in the jungle the closest meaning to the underlined word is

kelingking dalam bahasa inggris itu little finger, tp sebenerny gua gak paham maksud pertanyaan lo

11. 1. what is the meaning of the words "good night" in dialoque number 4?2. what is your respond when someone say "see you later" to you?3. "...... take care see you later "the word" take care " has similar in meaning to .....​


1.Selamat malam

2.See you. take care!

3.maaf gtw


1. Selamat Malam, Ayah, Ibu.

Parents (orang tua) : Selamat Malam, sayang.

2. See you later too..

3. Carefully.

12. Put your belongings in the deposit box if you want to enter the mall! What is the meaning (bahasa Indonesia) of "belongings"?​

Jawaban: belongings = barang bawaan, barang kepunyaan

Penjelasan: the things that belong to someone

13. see the pic I can't. do it

4.beraturan 5. Diket : Waktu = 10s Jarak ditempuh = 150m 1 jam = 3600s Dit : Jarak ditempuh dlm waktu 1 jam = ? Jwb: Kecepatan = jarak/waktu = 150/10 = 15m/s Dlm 1 jam = 15 x 3600 = 54000m Meter diubah ke km = 5400/1000 = 54km

14. 1. what is the meaning of the words "good night" in dialoque number 4?2. what is your respond when someone say "see you later" to you?3. "...... take care see you later "the word" take care " has similar in meaning to .....​


1. used to express good wishes in the evening especially when someone is leaving or going to sleep Good night.

2. Okay, see you later!

3. Be careful!

15. I can see her pic atau can i see her pic?

Keduanya benar, Berdasarkan situasi apa yg ingin kamu katakan:

* Yg pertama, kalimat Positive

(+) I can see her pic (saya bisa lihat gambar/foto dia)

Maksudnya kamu memberitahu bahwa Kamu bisa melihat gambar/fotonya

* Yang kedua, kalimat tanya

(?) Can I see her pic? (bisakah saya lihat gambar/foto dia?)

Maksudnya kamu ingin bertanya/meminta utk melihat gambar/foto dia

Semoga Membantu

16. "To resarve your seat please...." the word "resarve" is closest in meaning to.....​


reserve (memesan)

jika yg digarisbawahi kata “seat”

Maka Jawabannya adalah Sit

Karena sit (duduk) = seat (duduk)

jadi jawaban nya adalah"sit" (duduk)


translate: Untuk memesan tempat duduk Anda mohon ...." kata "memesan" paling dekat artinya dengan .....

17. I want to ask what is the meaning of vocabulary raw​


Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), arti kata mentah adalah belum masak. Arti lainnya dari mentah adalah belum waktunya untuk dipetik, diambil hasilnya dan sebagainya (seperti buah-buahan). Contoh: Buahnya masih mentah rasanya asam dan sepat.





1 uncooked; not yet time to pick, take the results and so on (such as fruit): the fruit is still -- . it tastes sour and astringent; 2 immature; not finished processing to eat (about food): the rice needs to be cooked again because some of it is still --; 3 is not stable yet; not perfect; haven't broken up yet


sorry if i'm wrong

I hope this helps

18. Apa bahasa indondonesianya , sent to mi your pic

Arti dari Kata "sent to mi your pic" adalah

dikirim ke saya foto Anda

#Senang membantu

#No copas !!.

19. Interested in theatre?Want to be in a show?Now's your chance!Drama ClubOrganization meetingMonday, December 17, 6 p.m.Speanfish Middle School GymTheatre: the best stage of your life!Question? See Mr. O'Dea or Mr. Heidelberger.5. "Now's your chance!"the underlined word ia closest in meaning toA.performanceB.attendanceC.opportunityD.change​


C. Opportunity


C. Opportunity


Opportunity is a word that describes more chances that can be given to people. It can be based with many topics. Example : Please, can I still have a chance? The word chance resembles and connects towards the word Opportunity. The word can come when the chance is used basically on the schedule. Example : Yes! Finally, the show has begun today! This is my opportunity to watch!

Thank you, hopefully this develops your knowledge

20. To reserve your seat, please …." the word "reserve" is closest in meaning to….

Reserve artinya Memesan.

Another synonym of reserve can be book and order

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