
He Told Me That He Watching The Movie

Desember 07, 2022

He Told Me That He Watching The Movie

103. Irman Said, "I don't like watching movie."The indirect sentence of the sentence above is....a. Irman said he doesn't like watching movieb. Irman said that he is not like watching moviec. Irman said that he will not like watching movied. Irman said that he did not like watching moviee. Irman said that he doesn't like watching movie​

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1. 103. Irman Said, "I don't like watching movie."The indirect sentence of the sentence above is....a. Irman said he doesn't like watching movieb. Irman said that he is not like watching moviec. Irman said that he will not like watching movied. Irman said that he did not like watching moviee. Irman said that he doesn't like watching movie​

e. Irman said that he doesn't like watching movie

maaf klo slh

2. 2. Direct : He told me, “You lent me your dictionary yesterday.”The indirect speech is You lent me your dictionary yesterdayA. He told me that you lent me your dictionary the previous day.B. He told me that I lent him my dictionary the previous day.C. He told me that I had lent me your dictionary the previous day.D. He told me that you had lent me your dictionary the previous day.E. He told me that I had lent him my dictionary the previous day.CCT​


E. He told me that i had lent him my dictionary the previous day

3. Told - certain - I'm - that - he - the - me - truth - absolutely

I'm absolutely certain that he told me the truthI'm absolutely certain that he told me the truth Aku sangat yakin bahwa ia mengatakan yang sejujurny padaku

4. 1. he told me to put out my glasses, so ...2. he told me to write down my address, so ...3. he told me to wake andy, so ....4. he told me to come give him the play back, so ...5. he told me to break down the door, so ...​


1. he told me to take off my glasses, so... I took them off

2. he told me to write down my address, so...I wrote down mine

3. he told me to wake up Andy, so....I'll wake Andy

4. he told me to come give him the game back, so ...I took my game

5. he told me to break down the door, so ...I won't do that


Tidak ada penjelasan untuk B.inggris

5. He told me, "What should Ido?". Hetold me wahat ..........​


Dia mengatakan kepada saya, "apa yang harus saya lakukan?. Dia mengatakan kepada saya apa yang harus saya lakukan?

6. "QUIS"He ___ he could swim really fast.A. ToldB. Told to meC. Told me thatD. Told me to that​


Told me that


Told (past form of 'tell' (transitive verb))me (object pronoun for I)that = bahwa

- jiazheng -

7. He told me that he.....washington several times (visit)

he HASVISITEDwashington several times

8. "i don't like to see the film" He told me. He told me....... the film. a. whether He didn't like to see. B. that he didn't like to see. c. of he didn't like to see. d. that he doesn't like to see. e. that he didn't like to have seen​


d. that he doesn't like to see


karena subjectnya "he" maka menggunakan does

9. Told - certain - I'm - that - he - the - me - truth - absolutely

he told me truth the certain that i'm absolutelyI'm absolutely certain that he told me the truth

10. he told that he ... all the Files in the directory​

He told that he HAS all the files in the directory

11. 7. Don't turn off the light now."a He told me don't turn off the light atthat time.b. He told me not to turn off the light atthat time.c He told me didn't turn off the light at that time.d.He told me didn't turn off the light at now.e.He asks me not to turn on the lights​


A. He told me don't turn off the light at that time

Semoga membantu :)

12. "They will not have a meeting."a. he told me that they will not have a meetingb. he told me that they would not have a meetingc. he told me that they will not be having a meetingd. he told me that they would be having a meetinge. he told me that they would not meet​


B. He told me that they would not have a meeting


semoga membantu :)

13. 15. He said, “I don't like living in the dorm."What is the indirect form of the sentenceabove?a. He told me that he doesn't likeliving in the dorm.b. He told me that he likes living inthe dorm.C. He really like living in the dorm.d. He said that he didn't move fromthe dorm.e. He said that he moved to adorm.ne16. "John ston disturhing" »​

15. He said, “I don't like living in the dorm."

What is the indirect form of the sentence


A.He told me that he doesn't like

living in the dorm.

16. "John ston disturhing" »

"Semoga membantu"


a. he told me that he doesn't like living in the dorm


dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia tidak suka tinggal di asrama

14. 8. I want a .... flat. We don;t have enough space here.a. biggerb. biggestc. more biggerd. more biggeste. big9. Irman Said, “I don’t like watching movie.”The indirect sentence of the sentence above is....a. Irman said he doesn’t like watching movieb. Irman said that he is not like watching moviec. Irman said that he will not like watching movied. Irman said that he did not like watching moviee. Irman said that he doesn’t like watching movie10. Sany asked me, “What do you bring?”Sandy asked me...a. what I broughtb. what I’ve broughtc. what I am bringingd. what I has broughte. what I bringpls​


8. a.

9. e.

10. a.

Semoga membantu, semoga abang atau kakak menjadikan ini jawaban brainliest aka jawaban terbaik untuk membantu ranking ku :)

15. susunlah kata berikut . absolutely - truth - I'm - that - he - the - me - certain - told

i'm certain that he absolutely told me the truth

16. Ryan told me that he would go to the meeting,but he was not there. He (go) home earlier

He goes home earlier ••••Ryan does not occupy his own promise
semoga Bermanfaat

17. the doctor told him that he is dehydration, he...........more​


the doctor told him that he is dehydration, he need to drinkmore

18. He told me he couldn't afford to go on holiday; he....... Be that poor

maaf klo salah
saya kira kira sahajaKayaknya sih couldn't
Tapi nggak tau juga sih...

19. "I climbed up the drainpipe," he told them. he told them that........ up the drainpipe.

Mapel B.Inggris
Bab Reported Speech

Direct → " I climbed up the drainpipe ",he told them.

Reported → He told that I [tex]\bold { have }[/tex] [tex]\bold { climbed }[/tex] up the drainpipe.

-=- [tex] Formula [/tex] -=-
•> Direct → Past tense ( Subject + [tex] V_{2}[/tex] )
•> Indirect/Reported → Present Perfect ( Subject + [tex]\bold { have/has }[/tex] + Past Participle atau [tex] V_{3}[/tex])

Semoga Membantu

Subject : English

Category : Reported Speech

"I climbed up the drainpipe," he told them.

Answer : He told them that HE HAD CLIMBED up the drainpipe.

Dalam reported speech yang reporting verbnya menggunakan past tense (said, told, asked, etc), tense mundur.

Jadi, karena kalimat langsungnya menggunakan past simple (S + V₂), kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan past perfect (S + HAD + V₃).

20. I'm absolutely certain that he told the truth​


Saya sangat yakin bahwa dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya

itu terjemahannya ya

Saya sangat yakin bahwa dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya


maaf kalau slh

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