
A Light Cylindrical Vessel Is Kept On A Horizontal Surface

Desember 22, 2022

A Light Cylindrical Vessel Is Kept On A Horizontal Surface

Force of . . . is less on a smooth surface than on a rough surface.​

Daftar Isi

1. Force of . . . is less on a smooth surface than on a rough surface.​

Jawaban :

Kekuatan ... lebih sedikit pada permukaan yang halus dibandingkan pada permukaan yang kasar

2. ari open vessel has squarical base. if surface area of the vessel is 36 m² , then maximum volume of the vessel is obtained when the base area is. . m³

surface area = 36 m2
r = 6 m

volume = 6 ×6×6
= 216 m3

semoga benar terima kasih

3. Which is correct”?... * a. Switch on the light! b. On switch the light! c. The light switch on! d. Switch the light on!​


D.switch the light on!


maaf kalo salah


d.Switch the light on!


Semoga membantu!


4. is a violent movement on the earth's surface that causes damages​


Earthquake /gempa bumi

5. The bouncing of light off a surface is called theof light.a. reflectionb. beamc. rayd. reflect​


Penjelasan:karena jawaban nya B

6. What may Mr. Tio's action cause?a. There is a sign to stop the busb. There is no sign to stop the busc. There is a traffic light on the roadd. There is not a traffic light on the road

jawabannya yang B there is no sign to stop the bus

7. A 0.800 kg metal ball is tied to a light, inextensible string of length 0.400 m and attached to a fixed support. It is made to rotate in a horizontal circle on a smooth and flat table.


i want enggersddd sorrt

8. The making of cartography relief is based on... A. The extent and depth of earth's surface waters B. The landscape on Earth's surface C. The altitude of a particular place on earth's surface D. The social and economic conditions of a religion

A. The extent and depth of earth's surface waters

9. A volcanic rock is back, glossy, and smooth. How did this rock most likely form ? A. Rapidly, on the Earth's surface B. Rapidly, beneath the Earth's surface C. Slowly, on the Earth's surface D. Slowly, beneath the Earth's surface​





10. a..............surface reflects light in the same direction


I'm not so sure about the answer but it seems that this is the best answer. Hope it helps. :)

11. A bicycle will move more easily if it is on a road that has a smooth surface....


artinya:Sebuah sepeda akan lebih mudah bergerak jika berada di jalan yang permukaannya licin....

12. a light that shine on one person is


Sebuah cahaya yang menyinari seseorang yaitu


ini minta jawaban atau arti ?

13. ........ is a violent movement on the earth’s surface that causes damages.



Earthquake is a violent movement on the earth's surface that causes damages

semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah.

14. apa arti dari the seatbelt light wast kept on for way too long!(-10%)

lampu sabuk pengaman tetap hidup dan terlalu lama

15. What do you say in these situations 1.Your shipmates in the mess room at breakfast time 2.the captain of you vessel who you meet on the way to your watch 3.a teacher/a trainer who is running a training course on your vessel 4.a senior executive of your company who is visiting your vessel 5.a ism inspector who is on board 6.a group of visitors to your vessel who you have never met before 7.seafarers from another vessel who you meet in the seamen's club at port

Interpersonal expression adalah kalimat yang mengekspresikan respon kita terhadap suatu keadaan. Kalimat ini biasanya digunakan sebagai sapaan untuk mengawali komunikasi, seperti dalam soal berikut ini:

1. Hi bro, good morning, can I join you?

2. Hello Captain, we have the same direction!  

3. Good morning Coach, thanks for the lesson!

4. Hello Sir, welcome to my workplace!

5. Hi Sir, have a nice trip!

6. Hello Ladies and gentlemen, how are you doing?

7. Hey guys, enjoy your time!


Teks interpersonal adalah teks yang digunakan untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain dengan tujuan agar kita bisa menjalin komunikasi dengan orang lain secara baik dan benar (bersosialisasi). Sedangkan, Teks transaksional adalah teks yang digunakan untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain dengan tujuan agar pesan kita dapat dipahami oleh orang lain. Sementara ekspresi interpersonal secara khusus ditujukan untuk merespon suatu keadaan yang kita hadapi saat itu.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi Interpersonal expression pada link berikut ini



16. Exercise 1Answer the questions below1. The bouncing of light off a surface is called .....2. Cahaya in English is ....3. Objects with smooth surfaces reflected ligt.4. When light falls on a mirror, it ... off in another direction5. Reflection in Bahasa is6. Objects with smooth surfaces appear shiny and ... when light falls on them.7. Permukaan in English is8. Mirror, magnifying glass and glass are examples of objects with ... surfaces9. A mirror can ... light10. A towel cannot ... light​





maaf ya segitu doang aku taunya

17. B. Fill the blank spaces with the correct answeri36. Light travels in lines37. When light is blocked by an object is formed38. The bouncing of light from a surface is called ....39. A lens is a piece of glass with a surface40. The three primary colours of light are red, blueand..41. A mirror has surface42. Our eyes have to receive light in order for us to43. The path in which light travels is called44. The lamp is one of light source made by45. A shadow is an area of darkness formed whenlight is totally or partially ...tolong jawab sekarang dong​


36. straight

37. shadow

38. reflection

39. curved

40. green

41. flat

42. see

43. medium

44. electricity

45. absent

18. a violent movement on the eart's surface that causes damages​


earthquake is a violent movement on the eart's surface that causes damages


Yang artinya gempa bumi adalah gerakan hebat di permukaan bumi yang menyebabkan kerusakan

semoga membantu


eartquake is a violent movement on the eart's surface that causes damages​


gempa bumi adalah gerakan hebat di permukaan bumi yang menimbulkan kerusakan


I hope this will help with your answer =]

19. If in a circuit there is one battery and 10 light bulbs, will the light be on ? ​

No ,cause the light bulbs has 10 and the battery just have 1

20. 8. .....the light is on. A. switch on. B. make sure. C turn off​


B.Make sure

Make sure the light is on maksudnya pastikan lampu menyala

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