
A Circular Plate Of Diameter A Is Kept In Contact

Desember 22, 2022

A Circular Plate Of Diameter A Is Kept In Contact

The diameter of circular disc is 18 cm. Find the area of the disc in terms ...cm²​

Daftar Isi

1. The diameter of circular disc is 18 cm. Find the area of the disc in terms ...cm²​


Area of the disc = 254,5 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Area of a disc = π × r²

r = 18/2 = 9 cm

Area = π × 81 = 254,5 cm²

2. jhon is eating a plate of rice in the dining room now


sekarang jhon sedang makan sepiring nasi di ruang makan


jhon is eating a plate of rice in the dining room now

John sedang makan sepiring nasi di ruang makan sekarang


Makasih jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.Janlup love dan bintangnya yah!

3. A circular field has a perimeter 660 m. If the fieldis mapped on a map with the scale 1: 6000, thediameter of the field in the map is...​


A circular field has a perimeter 660 m. If the field

is mapped on a map with the scale 1: 6000, the

diameter of the field in the map is...

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sebuah bidang lingkaran memiliki keliling 660 m. Jika lapangan

dipetakan pada peta dengan skala 1: 6000 yaitu

diameter bidang di peta adalah ...

4. A planet of mass p moves in a circular orbit of radius r round a sun ....

moving in the sun

semoga bermanfaat

5. tuti: waht is there in the boytle? nina: there is ..... in the bottle. a. a plate of rice. b. a little ink. c. a bunvh of bananas. d. a set of knife

b. a. little ink
artiny sedikit tinta dalam botolmenurut saya, B.

maaf kalo salah

6. eating rice David is a of plate​

ini kata2 nya di susun kah??

jika di susun


David is eating a plate of a rice

semoga membantu,maaf klo salah :)

7. Rini is eating a plate of fried rice in the kitchen now, buatlah kalimat present tense


Rini is eat a plate of fried rice in the kitchen


Simple Present Tense => Rini eats a plate of fried rice in the kitchen.


Di soal merupakan bentuk Present Continuous Tense (sesuatu yang terjadi pada saat detik itu juga), dan jawabannya berupa bentuk Simple Present Tense (bisa berupa memberitahukan hal yang umum atau berupa kebiasaan).

8. It is in front of the classroomThe blackboard is circularIt is made of glassWe can write on the blackboard using a chalk​


Itu ada di depan kelas

Papan tulis itu melingkar

Itu terbuat dari kaca

Kita bisa menulis di papan tulis menggunakan kapur

Maaf kalau kurang tepat

9. A circular wire of diameter 42 cm is bent in the form a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio 6:5. The area (in square cm) of the rectangle is... (Use π = 22/7)A. 540B. 1.080C. 2.160D. 3.240E. 4.320​


Hari/Tanggal: Jumat, 3 Juli 2020

Jam: 12.00 WIB

Pertama Cari Keliling Kawat Dengan Rumus K○

k○ = 2πr = 2 × 22/7 × 42 = 44 × 6 = 264 cm

Panjang : Lebar

6 : 5

Perimeter (Keliling) Persegi Panjang = 2 (p + l)

264 = 2 (6x + 5x)

264 = 22x

264/22 = x

12 = x

P. Persegi Panjang Sebenarnya = 6x = 6(12) = 72 cm

L. Persegi panjang Sebenarnya = 5x = 5(12) = 60 cm

L = P × L = 72 × 60 = 4320 cm² {Opsi E}

Semoga Bermanfaat Ya ^^

10. Much-of-rice-a-how-plate-is-?

How much a plate of rice is?
(Berapa harga sepiring nasi?)

11. find the area of the surface of a circular pond that has a diameter of 14m

area =phi.x.x
= 22/7 x 14 x 14
= 616 m2

12. The color of shirt isa. yellowb. bottlec. plated. plate​


A. yellow


karna yellow adalah warna

bahkan yang lainnya adalah benda

13. Tolong bantu di jawab!! 1. are/circular/wheels./These/ 2. Spherical./The/building/shape/of/the/is 3. Tile/rectangle./buiding/in/this/is/a 4. toy/is/sphere./a/box/my/in/room/The 5. moon/sky/in/The/the/circular./is


1. These wheels are circular

2. The shape of the building is spherical

3. Tile in this building is a rectangle

4. The toy box in my room is a sphere

5. The moon in the sky is circular

14. The area of a square tin plate is 7056 cm2. Find the length of a side of the plate

ini matematika atau bahasa inggris? jadi binggung aku

Maaf ya saya tidak bisa menjawabnya!

15. Is there A plate in your kitchen?


yes,there is a plate in my kitchen



--Apakah piring ini terdapat di dapur kamu.

16. old painting... in the museumsA. keep B. KeptC. Are kept D. Is kept​




17. what is the meaning"a plate of rice"​


Arti dari Plate Of Rice adalah SepiringNasi.



Sepiring nasi.

Maaf kalo salah

18. apa arti dari this is a plate of beef..

Ini adalah sepiring dagingini adalah sepiring daging sapi

19. 1. are/ circular/ wheels./ Thesel 2. spherical./The/ building/ shapel of the/is 3. Tile/ rectangular./ buiding/in/ this/is/ a 4. toy/is/ spherical./ a/box/my/in/ room/The 5. moon/ sky/ in/ The/ the circular./is Tolong disatukan menjadi kalimat yang benar tidak di terjemahkan


1. These are circular wheels

2. the shape of the building is spherical

3. tile in this building is a rectangular.

4. the toy box in my room is a spherical.

5. the moon in sky is the circular.

20. Whats is the meaning of"a plate of fried rice

"Sepiring nasi goreng"maaf kalo salah

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