
Nyc To Meet You Meaning In Hindi

Desember 22, 2022

Nyc To Meet You Meaning In Hindi

What is the meaning "nice to meet you​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the meaning "nice to meet you​


senang bertemu dengan anda


Skidipapap Sawadikap

2. what is the meaning of nice to meet you?​


Senang bertemu dengan anda.


artinya senang bertemu dengan mu

3. "Nice to meet you”. What is the similar meaning of the word “meet”? ​

Jawaban: see

penjelasan: "nice to meet you here", "nice to see you here"

maaf kalo salah

4. 1. You Meet Your Friend In The Morning On Your Way To School. 2.You Meet Your Friend In The Park, 3 You Meet Your Brother In The Dining Room In The Evening

Tony: Good morning John
John: Good morning Tony
Tony: How are you today?
John: I am fine. how about you?
Tony: I'm fine too. Oh well, did you finish the math homework?
John: Oh yes, I did

Ben: Hi Chris.
Chris: Hi Ben
Ben: Oh Chris, do you know a bookstore in near Tony's house?
Chris: yes , I went there two days. Why?
Ben: Can you go with me tomorrow? I want to buy some books about science
Chris: OH okay

Levi: Hi Frank
Frank: Hi Levi
Levi: I heard that you did not make English homework yesterday?
Frank: Oh no, when did you hear that?
Levi: This morning, from Leo
Frank: He lied to you. Don't trust him. I will show you my homework.
1. good morning. how are you today? 2. hi! what are you doing here? 3. good evening. how was your day?

5. i am glad to meet you in apa artinya dalam bahasa indonesia​


Saya senang bertemu Anda di

saya senang bertemu anda di..

6. "I have to meet my client... "The underlined word is closest in meaning to..

i have (future tense) mungkin ini menolak acara yang akan datang..

7. Diterjemahkan ke bhs indonesia. 1.You meet your new classmate ? meet your friend in the morning on your way to school ? meet your teacher on your way to the engglish course in the afternoon? meet your friend in the city park? meet your old friend in a mail?


1. Did you meet your new classmate? = Apakah kamu bertemu teman sekelas baru kamu?

2. Do you meet your friend in the morning on your way to school? = Apakah kamu bertemu teman kamu di pagi hari dalam perjalanan ke sekolah?

3. Do you meet your teacher on your way to the English course in the afternoon? = Apakah kamu bertemu dengan guru kamu dalam perjalanan ke kursus bahasa Inggris di sore hari?

4. Do you meet your friend in the city park? = Apakah kamu bertemu teman kamu di taman kota?

5. Do you meet your old friend in the mail? =  apakah kamu bertemu teman lama kamu di surat?


Grammarnya aku perbaiki ya, Semangaat belajarnya ! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

8. jawablah perntayanan ini :would you meet me in to my school​


Yes, i would or no, i wouldn't

9. nice to meet you in indonesian is.....​


senang bertemu denganmu


Senang bertemu dengan mu

Semoga membantu

10. meet your friend in the morning on your way to school meet your friend in the meet your brother in the dining room in the meet your new meet your teacher one your way to the english course(tolong diartikan)

kamu bertemu temanmu pagi hari dijalan sekolah1. Anda bertemu teman Anda pada pagi hari di jalan menuju ke sekolah
2. Anda bertemu teman Anda di taman
3. Anda bertemu saudaramu (laki-laki) di ruang makan pada malam hari
4. Anda bertemu teman sekelas baru
5. Anda bertemu gurumu di jalan menuju kursus bahasa inggris

11. You meet your frind on your way to bakery in to afternoon

kamu bertemu teman kamu dijalan ke toko roti di siang hari


Anda bertemu teman Anda dalam perjalanan ke toko roti di sore hari

12. i'm very pleased to meet you has the same meaning with ​


- nice to meet you

- glad to meet you

- good to meet you

- happy to meet you

- how wonderful to meet you,

- it is fun meeting you

- it is fun chatting with you

- it's a pleasure to meet you

13. nice to meet you in indonesia is​


senang bertemu dengan mu

14. well,aldy.l'm in a hurry pleased to meet you​

Pleased to meet you too, mam. Hope you have a nice day.

15. in you little haven .............................._____ the underlined word is closest in meaning to

ralat, jawabannya c.paradise

16. 1. You Meet Your Friend In The Morning On Your Way To School. 2.You Meet Your Friend In The Park, 3 You Meet Your Brother In The Dining Room In The Evening

1.kau bertemu temanmu pagi hari saat jalan ke sekolah. 2.kau bertemu dgn temanmu di taman, 3. kau bertemu saudara laki2mu diruang makan saat sore

17. 1. You meet your new classmate. 2. You meet your friend in the morning on your way to school 3. You meet your teacher on your way to the English course in the afternoon 4. You meet your friend in the city park. 5. You meet your old friend in a mall.bantu jawab plisss​


1. I am : hi,, nice to meet you

2. I am : hi ann,, good morning

3. I am: good afternoon sir...

4. I am : hi,, how are you?

5. I am : hi,,, long time no see,, how are you


Kalimat2 tersebut bisa kita gunakan ketika bertemu dg seseorang. Semoga membantu

18. Diterjemahkan ke bhs indonesia. 1.You meet your new classmate ? meet your friend in the morning on your way to school ? meet your teacher on your way to the engglish course in the afternoon? meet your friend in the city park? meet your old friend in a mail?

jawaban :

1.Kamu bertemu dengan teman sekelasmu yang baru?

1.Kamu bertemu dengan teman sekelasmu yang baru?2. kamu bertemu temanmu di pagi hari dalam perjalanan ke sekolah?

1.Kamu bertemu dengan teman sekelasmu yang baru?2. kamu bertemu temanmu di pagi hari dalam perjalanan ke sekolah?3. kamu bertemu gurumu dalam perjalanan ke kursus bahasa inggris di sore hari?

4. kamu bertemu temanmu di taman kota?

4. kamu bertemu temanmu di taman kota?5.Anda bertemu teman lama Anda melalui surat?


1. kamu bertemu teman sekelasmu yang baru?

2. kamu bertemu temanmu di pagi hari dalam perjalanan sekolah?

3. kamu bertemu gurumu dalam perjalanan ke kursus bahasa Inggris di sore hari?

4. kamu bertemu temanmu di taman kota?

5. kamu bertemu teman lamamu melalui surat?


semoga membantu dan maaf kalo salah

19. When You Meet Your Freind In The Night Have To You Say​


Good night my friend



20. you meet your friends in the way to the canteen

You meet your friends in the way to the canteen, Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
==> Kamu bertemu dengan teman - temanmu dalam perjalanan ke kantin.

Semoga Bermanfaat
Makasih ^-^kamu bertemu temanmu saat akan ke kantin

maaf kalau salah yaaa

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