
What Does M Hamel s Motionless Posture Reflect

November 23, 2022

What Does M Hamel s Motionless Posture Reflect

what does reflect india's influence in borobudur architecture

Daftar Isi

1. what does reflect india's influence in borobudur architecture

apa yang mencerminkan pengaruh india dalam arsitektur borobudur

2. what does reflect india's influence in borobudur architecture

namely in the Borobudur temple there are various kinds of reliefs


3. 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?


GDP has always been a measure of output, not of welfare. Using current prices, it measures the value of goods and services produced for final consumption, private and public, present and future. (Future consumption is covered since GDP includes output of investment goods.)

4. Bagaimana posture tubuh Yang ideal?

Tinggi badan - 110 = (berat badan ideal)
tinggi dan berat badan seimbang

5. What would happen to your body if your not properposture an overwork our bones or muscles?​

1. Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain. Poor posture or slouching can lead to tension and pain in your neck, upper back, lower back, and shoulders. Be careful that you don't overcorrect on your own wrongly by pulling your shoulders back too far as this could cause muscle tension and stiffness.


If you sit for hours, especially if it’s daily, in a chair with poor posture, you’re putting yourself at risk of developing or worsening circulation problems. By sitting with poor posture all day, you’re keeping your body from obtaining the necessary circulation it requires.  

Poor posture can also make you vulnerable to varicose veins.  


Poor posture can affect the amount of air you’re taking into your lungs when breathing. Leaning or hunching forward all the time can negatively influence your lung function and capacity. When your lungs aren’t functioning as they should be, your brain, heart and other vital organs won’t get the oxygen they need.

This could lead to shortness of breath, poor cognitive function and even heart and vascular disease.


If you have a desk job then you likely know how easy it is to slouch your shoulders and neck over your abdomen and chest. When you slouch, you compress your abdominal organs, including your digestive tract.

Doing this can over time, negatively impact your metabolism and your ability to process foods properly, potentially resulting in a nutritional deficiency.


The long-term impact of poor posture can cause your spine and other bones to shift their position. This is because your skeletal system starts coming into contact with your surrounding nerves, “pinching” them.

The “pinched” nerves can not only lead to back and neck pain, but could also cause pain in other parts of your body.


Bad posture can negatively impact your spine’s position. When you have proper alignment, you can easily feel posture throughout your musculoskeletal system. But, when if you perform most of your everyday activities with bad body mechanics or are stressed or injured in any way, you could end up with spinal misalignment and muscle spasm.


An upright spine is not really straight. You have a few essential spinal curves which are one in your:

6. Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?​


Economic growth has raised living standards around the world. However, modern economies have lost sight of the fact that the standard metric of economic growth, gross domestic product (GDP), merely measures the size of a nation's economy and doesn't reflect a nation's welfare

7. How does capital flight affect exchange rate? 20 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? 20 3 What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics? 30 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies? 30 Skor Total 1


1. The flight of capital has serious consequences. It leads to loss of wealth. This can lead to a contraction in real investment spending, a sharp fall in the exchange rate, and a rapid tightening of credit conditions.

2. GDP cannot describe the welfare of the community. The community tends to only control the labor factor, has limited access to the land factor, and has low capital control

3.In the period 1948-1952, the European economy soared and reached the highest level in history.



just help answer

8. how 2 do good posture

1.Control your self
2.Dont say bad word
3.Dont hurt people feelings
4.Fix your self

9. Cara yang baik yang perlu di perhatikan dalam tehnik vokal posture adalah... ​


hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam teknik vokal adalah intonasi, artikulasi, pernapasan, pembawaan atau penjiwaan, frasering, dan ekspresi.


maaf klo slah,,

10. 3 examples of reflect action​


When light acts as a stimulus, the pupil of the eye changes in size.Sudden jerky withdrawal of hand or leg when pricked by a pin.Coughing or sneezing, because of irritants in the nasal passages.Knees jerk in response to a blow or someone stamping the leg.


mafa kalau salah

11. according to the princess,how does salt reflect her feeling towards her father?

Menurut sang putri, bagaimana garam mencerminkan perasaannya
 terhadap ayahnya?menurut sang putri,bagaimana cara dia mengucapkan perasaan / perlakuannya kepada ayahny

12. bagaimana tanggapan mu tentang status kewarganegaraan ganda, apa dampak yang didapat, seperti pada kasus gloria natapradja hamel

status kewarganegaraan ganda sangat tidak baik. karena tidak menjamin nasib kita. seperti contohnya ada menteri ESDM yg dicabut jabatannya karena memiliki kewarganegaraan ganda.

13. we will work in groups to reflect on our learning we will discuss what we have learned

Kita akan bekerja secara berkelompok untuk menguji pemahaman kita. Kita akan mendiskusikan apa yang telah kita pelajari

14. 7. Which statement does reflect sug-gestion in the picture? ​



A. Ifyouwanttobuildmuscle,youshouldexercisemore

15. I will lead you to reflect on what you are learning now

saya akan membimbing kamu merekfeksikan apa yang sedang kamu pelajari sekarang
lead bisa menuntun atau memimpin, membimbingsaya akan membimbingmu untuk mencerminkan apa yang kau pelajari sekarang :D

16. Padanan kata reflect​


reflection : pantulan


17. What does a bond rating reflect? Why is the rating important to firm's management

A bond rating is a way to measure the critworthiness of a bond, which corresponds to the cost of borrowing for an issuer. These ratings typically assign a letter grade to bonds that indicates their credit quality. Private independent rating services such as Standard & Poor's, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch Ratings Inc. evaluate a bond issuer's financial strength, or its ability to pay a bond's principal and interest, in a timely fashion.

sorry if wrong

18. How does capital flight affect exchange rate? Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics? What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modem economies?

Jawaban & Penjelasan:

1. Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?

Answer : Per capita income simply divides national income by the total             population. Thus, GDP cannot be said to be a perfect measure of the level of welfare.

2. What were the most significant results of the Marshall Plan on Politics?

Answer : On the political side, US assistance through the Marshall Plan has made Western Europe no need to save money on people's welfare costs and this in turn has brought political stability. As a result, the influence of communists in Western Europe declined drastically and the popularity of communist parties in several European countries also declined.

3. What is the significance of modern production and productivity developments?

Answer : Productivity is the level of efficiency of an economy in using its capital, people and technology to produce output. Productivity is an important concept in the analysis of economic development, because apart from adding production inputs, income growth can occur as a result of increased productivity.

Sorry if it's not quite right, Thanks & Hope it helps

19. what is the correct body posture during sleep

to right (kanan) position

20. lawan kata winding?,lawan kata motionless?

winding : straight
motionless : move

kalau tidak salah ya kak

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