
Life Poem Figure Of Speech

November 22, 2022

Life Poem Figure Of Speech

Figure of speech di poem sounds assail me​

Daftar Isi

1. Figure of speech di poem sounds assail me​


artinya "bahasa kiasan di puisi terdengar menyerangku "

2. Bntu dongMenentukan figure of speech lagu story of my life

story of my life

i take her home

i drive all night to keep her warm

and time.. is frozen

Yang di bold itu speech-nya

Smeoga membantuu

3. What figure of speech does the writer use in her poem?


Similes. Simile is a simile figure of speech.

Metaphor. Metaphor comes from the Greek which means to move.

Personification. Personification figure of speech is a figure of speech that attaches the characteristics of creatures

And others.


                                    TERCERDAS YA??

4. 4.s5.The lyrics of a song may contain ....a. figure of speech or denotation meaningb. instrumentc. rhymed. rhytm... is a figure of speech which comparesseemingly unrelated objects. an idea. similedontb. metaphorC. personificationybodd. figure of speech... is a figure of speech which compares twounlike things.a simileb. metaphormonic. personificationd. figure of speech6.​






agak bingung aku sama susunan soalnya tapi saya membantu sebisaku

5. what do you know about figure of speech

Figure of speech or most commonly known as persuasive devices.
Example of figure of speech:
1. Alliteration - repetition of the beginning sounds of neighboring sounds.
example :  "She sells sea shells"
2. Methapor - comparing two unlike things 
example : Heart of Stone
3. Hyperbole - exaggeration sentences.
example: Everybody knows that

6. Language features dalam lagu Oasis - Don't look back in anger please (tenses, part of speech, figure of speech) ​


Fitur bahasa dalam bahasa oasis - jangan melihat ke belakang dalam kemarahan (tenses, bagian dari pidato, gambar ucapan)


Di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia gituh? saya gk ngerti

7. figure of speech in perfect song ​

kiasan dalam lagu yang sempurna

8. find out figure of speech on the song i have a dream​


artinya cari tahu kiasan di lagu i have a dream

kiasan / makna dari lagu tersebut adalah dalam mencapai kesuksesan kita jangan hanya bertindak , tetapi juga perlu bermimpi ,dan juga jangan hanya berencana, tetapi juga perlu untuk percaya

9. how many kind figure of speech​



ada berapa macam majas


-majas alegori

-majas metafora

-majas metonimia

-majas pars pro toto

-majas totem pro pate

-majas eufimisme

-majas ironi

-majas sarkasme

-majas sinisme

-majas pleonasme

-majas repetisi

-majas aliterasi


jadikan jawaban ini terbaik

10. Carilah figure of speech (majas) dalam lirik lagu Story of My Life - One Direction. Dan apa jenis majas tersebut?

story of my life
i take her home
i drive all night to keep her warm
and time.. is frozen

majas paralelisme

11. figure of speech(majas) di Lagu Barat. Lagu apa yah?

I have died every day waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more - a thousand years christina perri (figure of speech - hyperbole)

12. soal bahasa Inggris Below are the types of figure of speech, except….​

Jawaban:Di bawah ini adalah jenis-jenis majas, kecuali….

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah kalau bener follow

13. figure of speech(majas) di Lagu Barat. Lagu apa yah?

Katy Perry's Hot N Cold has a lot of similes: 
ie. You change your mind like a girl changes clothes-simile 
The same energy now's a dead battery-metaphor 
Lifehouse's Broken has a personification at the beginning.

14. What do you call the figure of speech​


A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition. It can be a metaphor or simile, designed to make a comparison. ... But, let's start out by exploring some of the most common figure of speech examples.

Sorry if my answer is wrong


Figure of speech or language style, namely the use of rich language, the use of certain types to obtain certain effects that create a literary work more lively, the overall characteristics of a group of writers of literary language and way of delivering typical thinking. . and feelings, either orally or in writing. Figure of speech used in the writing of literary works, including poetry and prose. In general, poetry can use more figurative than prose.

hope this helps:)

15. The analogy of lives are..What do you call the figure of speech?​


Analogi kehidupan adalah ..

Apa yang kamu sebut kiasan?

16. apa itu figure of speech?​




majas kalo ga salah

Jawaban: majas, jika diartikan kebahasa Indonesia


17. apa figure of speech pada puisi a hero??

But for me a real life hero is a person who willingly delivers his/ her 100% to protect his/ her dear ones from pain and agony.

Nothing can stop a real hero to provide safety and security to people they love and care. A heroic personality does not have to be an impeccable character sustaining high value in the society. A hero is someone who cares for your happiness & deeply loves you for what you are. For me my mother is my real hero. It took me 10 years after birth to realize the hidden hero inside my mother.

I recall those days when I was around 5-6 years old when I used to throw enormous tantrums about eating healthy food. Being a hero she taught me to eat every last bite of a chapatti, broccoli, pea or whatever was left in my plate.

I was a kid to understand her immense love towards me and I thought that she is a cruel individual forcing me to eat tasteless food. But in realty she wanted me to remain healthy so that I can lead a healthy life style and attend my school well.


She taught me to be patient and control my anger as I got angry very easily since I was too young. She taught me the importance of having a healthy life style. Still I was too immature to understand what she says and sneak chapattis under the table.

Today I am a big teenage girl of 15. I am disciplined, focused, and healthy and stood a topper throughout my academic career. This is all possible because of one person, my hero my mother. All my friends respect my mother too. She is not a mother but my best friend. I can discuss all my problems with her whenever I face any difficulties because I know she is the best one to show me the right path.

In my low times she always asks me to remain calm and patient and wait for the right time. I still remember the way she used to hide Christmas gifts for me when I was a kid. Every year on Christmas I wake up seeing Santa’s gift in stockings for me kept by her. The gift was always of my choice and I was never disappointed. She also used to keep a letter along with the gift saying that Santa wants me to do those things.

The letter was full of importance of life, success and importance of being a better human being. All my friends consider me quiet luck to have her as my mother. I love my mother and lot and I thank god that I am blessed with such a good hearted person as my mother. I love my mother a lot. She is my life my hero.

18. buatin gw poem english dong2 bait, with Rhyme and Figure of speechpls original..........poinnya besar loh


Rhyme speech :

Life Madness

Life gets faster every day

No time to think, no time to play

Hurry, Chaos, lots of stress

Tension leads to sleeplessness.

When will all this madness cease?

Where is free time? Where is peace?

I'm running, doing, till I drop.

Give me button: Pause, mute, STOP!

Figure speech :

Your Best

If you always try your best

Then you'll never have to wonder

About what you could have done

If you'd summoned all your thunder.

And if your best

Was not good as

As you hoped it would be

You still could say

" I gave today

All that I had in me."

maaf saya mengambil poin

19. Buatlah sebuah paragraf/tulisan yang menggunakan majas (figure of speech) dan idiom​


kalian jalan hari Minggu

20. Task 5a. In the poem, lives are ....b. The analogy of live are ....c. What do you call the figure of speech...​


a. In the poem, lives are swiss

b. The analogy of live are so still and so cool

c. What do you call the figure of speech? It's metaphor

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