
A Program Reads In 500 Integers

September 16, 2022

A Program Reads In 500 Integers

Change the sentence to negative !“Father reads newspaper in the morning"A. Father do not reads newspaper in the morningB. Father does not reads newspaper in the morningC. Father is not reads newspaper in the morningD. Father are not reads newspaper in the morning​

Daftar Isi

1. Change the sentence to negative !“Father reads newspaper in the morning"A. Father do not reads newspaper in the morningB. Father does not reads newspaper in the morningC. Father is not reads newspaper in the morningD. Father are not reads newspaper in the morning​

C. Father is not reads newspaper in the morning

A. Father do not reads newspaper in the morning

2. Father Reads/Read a Newspaper in The Veranda

Father reads a newspaper in the verandareads

karena "father" bisa di ganti dengan "he"
he + reads

3. farhan-libary-book-a-reads-often-in-the.

Farhan often reads a book in the libraryFarhan often reads a book in the library.
kayaknya seperti itu

4. Kalimat pasif dari kalimat"He reads a newspaper in his room"


Newspaper read by him in his room


Read nya v3 ya

Semoga membantu

5. prabu reads a novel of 390 pages only in one day. 1. what quickly he reads! 2. how quickly he reads! 3. how quick he reads! 4. what a quickly he reads! 5. how does he reads quickly! nomer berapa yg benar?

4.what a quickly he reads

6. fatimah reads a secret message in a book.what does the message say?​


=fatimah reads a secret message in a book.what does the message say?=fatimah membaca pesan rahasia di sebuah buku. apa isi pesan itu?


7. siska reads...... in the class​


Siska reads biologi book ini the class

English book : buku pelajaran bahasa inggris

8. he reads book in my/ room (+) (-) (?)

(+)He reads book in my room.
(-)He doesn't/does not read book in my room.
(?)Does He read book in my room?My advice you should put *TO BE ( am, are, is ) *after she, he, it

(+)He is reads book in my room
(-)He is not reads book in my room
(?)Is he reads book in my room ?
*yes ,he is
*no ,he is not

9. Prabu reads a novel of 390 pages only in one day.____ a. What quickly he reads! b. How quickly he reads! c. How quick he reads! d. What a quickly he reads! e. How does he read quickly

jawaban benar adalah dJawabannya = 
B. How quickly he reads!

Maaf ya kalau salah.

10. + She reads a book in library.- she does not read a book in library? Does she read a book in library ? kenapa harus ada kata does kenapa bukan do atau apa lah itu , dan kenapa di (+) itu ada s dibelakang reads sedangkan di (-) dan (?) itu gak ada s ​


Karena dalam simple present tense, ada beberapa aturan berkaitan dengan penataan kata-katanya. Di antaranya yaitu penggunaan -s tambahan di belakang verb atau kata kerja pada subjek she, he, it, dan jika subjeknya 1 orang kecuali saya atau I. Namun pada kalimat negatif dan interogatif (kalimat tanya), tambahan -s atau -es pada verb nya dihilangkan dan diganti dengan does.

Pada umumnya, pertanyaan dalam bahasa inggris..contohnya:

+ you eat fish.

- you do not eat fish.

? do you eat fish?

Terlihat memang aslinya ada tambahan kata do pada kalimat negatif dan interogatif. Sama halnya dengan does. Bedanya does adalah gabungan dari kata do dan -es, karena tidak mungkin dituliskan dos maka menjadi does.

Semoga membantu..

11. In the circuit shown below ammeter reads 2.0 A and the voltmeter reads 12V. How much energy is transferred in the resistor in 10 seconds.


Known :

I = 2,0 A

V = 12 Volt

t = 10 seconds

Asked :


Solution :

W = P . t

W = V . I . t

W = 12 . 2 . 10

W = 240 Joule

12. rani always ..... a book in afternoona. readb. reads c. reading​


A. Read


Make it the best answer pls

13. in - Anto - a - reads -library - the - book - .di susun ya kak​


Anto Read a book in the library


maaf kalo salah


In the library Anto reads a book

maaf kalo salah

14. 5. Anis reads two books in a week. Yusi reads three books in two weeks. We can infer that Anis reads ... books than Yusi in two weeks. A. more C. little B. much D. most​

A. more

Semoga membantu


A. More


We can infer that Anis reads MORE books than Yusi in two weeks.


Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Anis membaca LEBIH BANYAK buku daripada Yusi dalam dua minggu.

15. There are 3 consecutive even integers. Let x be the smallest number. i. Express the other two integers in terms of x ii. If the sum of these 3 integers is 66, find the integers.

(x) + (x+2) + (x+4) = 66

3x + 6 = 66

3x = 66 - 6

3x = 60

x = 60 ÷ 3

x = 20

x = 20

x + 2 = 22

x + 4 = 24

16. A =B= Father reads newspaper in the living room.​

A:Where’s father?


17. prabu reads a novel of 390 pages only in one day. 1. what quickly he reads! 2. how quickly he reads! 3. how quick he reads! 4. what a quickly he reads! 5. how does he reads quickly! nomer berapa yg benar?

3 . how quick he reads

18. in-anto-a-reads-libary-the-bookJAWAB YANG BENER YA​


Anto reads a book in the library


Anto didepan karena nama orang, lalu dilanjutkan kata kerja (verb) yaitu "read" yang artinya membaca. lalu dilanjutkan dengan kata benda (apa yang dibaca anton) yaitu "book" lalu terakhir adalah kata keterangan tempat (di perpustakaan)


In - Anto - a - reads - libary - the - book

*Anto reads a book in the library.


Arrange Words are rearranging random words so that they become correct sentences.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

19. he reads a book in the library. buatlah kalimat pasif​


A book is read in the library.

20. a person who reads in the library is called

kalau gk slh jawabannya librarianlibrarian..............

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