
Make A Collage Of Rainforest Grassland And Coniferous Forest

September 17, 2022

Make A Collage Of Rainforest Grassland And Coniferous Forest

RAINFOREST A rainforest is a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot. One kind of rainforest is called a temperate rainforest. A few kinds of evergreen trees grow there. Another kind of rainforest is a tropical rainforest. In fact, most of the world's rainforests are tropical rainforests. The word "there" in the paragraph refers to . . . . A) Forest B) Rainforest C) Tropical rainforest D) Temperate rainforest

Daftar Isi

1. RAINFOREST A rainforest is a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot. One kind of rainforest is called a temperate rainforest. A few kinds of evergreen trees grow there. Another kind of rainforest is a tropical rainforest. In fact, most of the world's rainforests are tropical rainforests. The word "there" in the paragraph refers to . . . . A) Forest B) Rainforest C) Tropical rainforest D) Temperate rainforest

Answer D. Temperate rainforest

The sentence explain another sentence before it, which is talking about temperate rainforest.

2. in this forest, you'll see many types of coniferous trees....pine and spruce. A. For instance B. Namely C. Such as D. E.g. E. i.g.


C. such as

smoga bs membantu

3. Rainforest A rain forest is a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot. One kind of rainforest is called a temperate rain forest. A few kinds of evergreen trees grow there. Another kind of rainforest is a tropical rainforest. In fact, most of the world’s rainforests are tropical rainforests. Tropical rainforests grow in warm places near Earth’s equator. The Equator is an imaginary line that goes around the idle of the planet. There are tropical rain forests in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon rain forest in South America. It is always hot and wet in a tropical rainforest. Rain forests are divided into different layers. The ground in a rainforest is called the forest floor. Some plants living there get their food from dead plants. Other plants on the ground eat insects. The plant layer just above the forest floor is called understorey. Not much sunlight gets down to this layer. Young trees and plants that like low levels of light grow in the shady understorey. The next layer is the canopy. Medium-size trees grow in the canopy. Most of the rainforest animals live in the canopy. Monkeys swing from branch to branch in the rain forests of Central and South America. The top layer of rainforest is called the emergent layer. The tops of tall trees make up the emergent layer. They capture most of the sun and rainwater falling on the forest. The emergent layer is thick and green. TOLONG BUATKAN 3 PERTANYAAN BESERTA JAWBAN DARI TEXT DIATAS

What Called Is The Forest floor? understorey
Where Is the world largest rainforest? amazon
what called is the top layer forest? emergent layer
Semoga membantu
(。’▽’。)♡1.Rain forest are devied into different?
2.The top layer of rainforest is called?
Answer: The Emergent Layer
3.there is tropical rainforest in?
Answer: Central and Shout America

4. read the text and answer the questions number 1 to 2 . A rainforest is a very dense forest usually found in tropical areas. these forests have warm climates. rainforests also receive a high amount of rainfall. A special characteristic of these forests is the large amount of plants and animals living in them. Another characteristic is the forest canopy. this canopy is formed by the branches and leaves of large trees. the canopy forms a green roof over the forest. A lot of birds live in the branches of the canopy. Unfortunately, rainforests are rapidly decreasing. people are clearing more and more rainforests for timber. some people are cutting down trees illegally. this is called illegal logging. if the forests are cleared, many animals and plants my become extinct. 1.what is main idea of paragraph 2 ? a.the forest canopy b.the characteristics of rainforesta c.large trees in the rainforests d.bird in the rainforests 2.what is suitable title for the text? a. the rainforest b.the forest Environment c.the forest canopy d.lllegal logging

1. b. the characteristics of rainforests.
2. a. the rainforest

5. ngland7. What is Amazon Rainforest?a. A moist broadleaf forest that coversmost of the Amazon basin of SouthAmerica.b. A moist broadleaf forest that coversmost of the Amazon basin of SouthAfrica.c. A moist broadleaf forest that coversmost of the Amazon basin of SouthKalimatan.d. A moist broadleaf forest that coversmost of the Amazon basin of SouthSumatra.e. A moist broadleaf forest that coversmost of the Amazon basin of SouthAsia.apa jawabannya​


7. What is Amazon Rainforest?

a. A moist broadleaf forest that covers

most of the Amazon basin of South


I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong


a. A moist broadleaf forest that covers

most of the Amazon basin of South



maaf klo salah

6. Typical of the grassland dwellers Of the continent ....... Or Pronghorn



Khas penghuni padang rumput Benua ....... Atau Pronghorn

jawaban :

bisa benua afrika bisa benua australia




7. poeple call it"the king of the forest".it is bag and strong. all of animals in the forest are avoid of is a..?

the king of the forest is "LION"

8. Why are there so many species of plants in a single hectare of the rainforest? a. The forest is home to these plants. b. These plant species are potential cures for cancer. c. The forest is a significant part of our environment. d. The high rainfall and the warm temperature all year round encourage plant growth.

Mengapa ada begitu banyak spesies tanaman dalam satu hektar hutan hujan? A. Hutan adalah rumah bagi tanaman ini. b. Spesies tanaman ini adalah obat yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk kanker. c. Hutan merupakan bagian penting dari lingkungan kita. d. Curah hujan tinggi dan suhu hangat sepanjang tahun mendorong pertumbuhan tanaman. Ini Artinya

9. apa Arti A rainforest,a very dense forest usually found in tropical areas.these forests have warm climates. A rain forest also

Hutan hujan, hutan yang sangat lebat biasanya ditemukan di daerah tropis. Hutan-hutan ini memiliki iklim hangat. Hutan hujan juga

"hutan hujan, adalah hutan yang sangat lebat yang biasanya terdapat di daerah tropis. hutan-hutan ini beriklim hangat. hutan hujan juga

10. Terjemahkan. A. Tropical rainforest is one of the earth's spectacular natural wonders From its name we know that a rainforest is very wet. A forest is called as a rainforest when it receives around 400-1000 cm of rain every year. That's a lot of rain! Los Angeles, for example,only 40-80 cm rain every year. There are a lot of rainforest in tropical areas, because in tropical areas. There are two seasons. Wet and dry seasons. During the wet season rainforest receive a lot of rain and so do they in the dry seasons. in the dry seasons, the water in the ground evaporates and becomes clouds. When the clounds get heavy, the fall to the ground and become rain. Tropical rainforest are very important. They contral the worlds climate and give the earth a lot of oxygen. The plants in the rainforest are very useful for peoples life people can get their food, houses and medicines from the rainforest. Rainforest also become the house of a lot of animals. About 90% of worlds animals and plant species live in the rainforest. Unfortunately, rainforest are now in danger. People clear the rainforest by cutting the trees. Every year the world loses about 0.3% of its forest. We cannot replace a rainforest. When we lose a rainforest,we lost it forever because it takes about 70-100 milion years get the rainforest back. That's why we must help to preserve rainforests. When we preserve them, we also preserve our life.


11. typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent......or pronghorn


jawabannya adalah is the american antelope

12. #change into negative(-) and intogative (?) Sentence!1.(+) they eat grass and plants.(-)(?)2.(+) they live in the grassland forest(-)(?)3.(+) monkey are clever mammals.(-)(?)


1 (-) They don't eat grass and plants

(?) did they eat grass and plants?

2(-) they don't live in the grassland forest

(?) did they live in the grassland forest?

3(-)monkey aren't a clever mammals

(?)are the monkey clever mammals?

13. A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a, b,c atau d di depaan jawaban yang benar!1. Tigers are the biggest of all cats. They live in .......... And.......... And ........ Their stripped coat givesthem good camouflage when they hunt. They love meat to eat.The grasslandsb. The forestb. The grassland and forest c. The seaa.prepares​


b. the forest


smg bermanfaat

14. tabel perbedaan tropical rainforest and temperate rainforest

1. tropical rainforest / hutan hujan tropis :
- curah hujan tinggi
- hutan besar dan lebat
- jenis vegetasi bersifat heterogen
- keadaan hutan yg lembab
- terdapat tumbuhan menempel seperti anggrek dan rotan

2. temperate rain forest / hutan hujan musim
- perbedaan antara musim hujan dan kemarau sangat jelas
- jenis vegetatip bersipat homogen
- curah hujan tidak terlalu tinggi

15. 5. Fill the blank with the correct 1answer! They ... in thegrassland and forest *O A. livedO B. livesO C. livingO​


jawabannya adalah D


maaf kalo salah tolong di ikuti ya

16. In the articel tropical rainforest you leamed about the four different layers of the rainforest.write a short paragrafh that compares and contrasts the rainforest's canopy and the forest floor be sure you tell how the canopy and floor are the same and how they're different

Di hutan hujan tropis artikel, Anda menemukan empat lapisan berbeda dari hutan hujan. Tulislah paragrafh pendek yang membandingkan dan kontras kanopi hutan hujan dan lantai hutan pastikan Anda memberi tahu bagaimana kanopi dan lantai sama dan bagaimana mereka berbeda.

17. poeple call it"the king of the forest".it is bag and strong. all of animals in the forest are avoid of is a..?

It is a lion

smg membantu

18. social function of the rainforest​


sebagai paru paru bumi dan tempat hidup untuk hewan liar


maaf kalo salah

19. Another trait of the rainforest is the best forest canopy. This canopy is formed by the branches and leaves of the large trees. This canopy forms a green roof over the forest. Most bird live in the branches of the canopy.What is the main idea of the text? A. The definition of the forest canopy B. The examples of the forest canopy C. The form of the forest canopy D. The size of the forest canopy

Jawaban :
What is the main idea of the text?
==> B. The examples of the forest canopy
Di bagian awal ada kalimat yang merujuk pada hutan hujan yang memiliki ciri dengan kanopi hutan terbaik. Jadi text di atas adalah contoh dari kanopi hutan, yaitu hutan hujan

Semoga membantu^^

20. No.Date:TIGERSTigers are the biggest of all cars. They live in thegrassland and Forest. Their stripped coat gives themFood comouflage when they hunt. They love meat to eat.where do they live ?H. wood and valleys ( hill and ForestB. Grasslands and Forest D. river and mountain in7​


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