
The Bubble The Straw And The Shoe Question Answer

Juli 15, 2022

The Bubble The Straw And The Shoe Question Answer

where... the shoe shop and the cinema​

Daftar Isi

1. where... the shoe shop and the cinema​


where does the shoe shop and the cinema ?


hope this helps:)...Sorry if its wrong..

2. is the sentences "There aren't any straw in the container" grammatically correct? Explain your answer and write the correct sentence for it​


incorrect. it should be "straws"


because straw is a countable noun and any is always paired with either a plural noun or an uncountable noun (any pasangannya plural/uncountable noun e.g. any straws, any milk)

3. Undefined the correct answer 1. (This/these) is a rake the Farmers use the take to take up straw




Cuz is this

4. what is the arrangment of bubble

apa susunan gelembungnya

itu disuruh mengartikan?

5. how did he aways examine the straw​


bagaimana dia bisa memeriksa sedotan itu

6. the stairs/take/and/the shoe shop is/ next to/the bookshop/to the second floor. minta tolong urutin

The shoe shop is next to the bookshop and take the stairs to the second floor

7. where...the shoe shopthe paking area is ..... basement?the cafetertas is.... the third floorthe museum is in purple street....the post officethe post office is in purple street....the mallthe shoe shop is on grey street .....the mosque and the cinemathe restaurant is ini blue street.... the hotelthe hotel is on blue street....the restauranttolong jwb cpt y kk​


maaf saya tidak tahu


8. 4to - north - Crossroads - Go-the- until - the straightAnswer:5east-to-Go - the - southAnswer:6. 100 m - a head - Go - aboutAnswer:7. in - shop - the - West - shoe - TheAnswer:8. class - The - are - students - room - in - theAnswer:9. on - pictures - wall - the - TheAnswer:10. park - on-left-The-is-supermarket - theAnswer: ​

Jawaban: 4. Go to the north straight until the crossroads

5. Go to the south east

6. Go ahead about 100m

7. The shoe shop in the west

8. The students are in the class room

9. The pictures on the wall

10. The supermarket is on the left park


Maaf kalo salah

9. 1.the shopping mall is.... yellow street.2.the traib station is.... gteen street.... the bioskop.3.the shoe shop is.... the bioskop4.the mosque is.... red street and yellow street5.the library is.... the mosque and bakery6.the bakery is.... yellow street and green street7.the shopping mall is.... the market8.the bank is.... the shopping mall9.the bookshop is.... green street.... the shoe shop10.the mosque is.... the banktolong dijawab ya kak.

1). at
2). between, and
3). across
4).between or among
5). between or among
6). across
7). beside
8). beside
9). among, and
10). across

maaf banget kalo salah,, saya hanya ingin membantu dan hanya itu yang saya bisa, terima kasih!!

10. read and answer this question with true or false :: 1. Many inventors aren’t well-known. 2. No one knows about the bendable straws nowadays. 3. Joseph Friedman had a soda store. 4. Joseph’s daughter couldn’t use the long straw easily. 5. Joseph invented the bendable straw to solve his own problem. jgn ngsl!!!!!


Read and answer this question with true or false ::

1. Many inventors aren’t well-known. (True)

2. No one knows about the bendable straws nowadays. (False)

3. Joseph Friedman had a soda store. (False)

4. Joseph’s daughter couldn’t use the long straw easily. (True)

5. Joseph invented the bendable straw to solve his own problem. (True)


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dengan menyatakan True jika Benar dan false jika salah.

1. True karena berdasarkan teks tidak semua penemu terkenal

2. False karena berdasarkan teks semua orang tahu sedotan tersebut

3. False karena pemilik toko soda itu adalah adiknya

4. True karena berdasarkan teks putrinya Joseph kesulitan pake sedotan

6. True karena berdasarkan teks awalnya Joseph hanya mencari solusi

Semoga membantu ya.

11. He manages the local branch of a national shoe retailer. The passive form is ... *He manages the local branch of a national shoe retailer. The passive form is ... *He manages the local branch of a national shoe retailer. The passive form is ... *​



The local branch of a national shoe retailer is managed by him.




the local branch of a national shoe retailer was managed by him


semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah:)

12. Lina's houses, the shoes in the big shoe shop, and the T-shirt Mr. Hidayat and Mr. Gani to buy him

maksudnya?....artinya. rumah lina..
sepatunya di toko sepatu besar..dan kaos/kemeja(saya lupa) tuan hidayat dan tuan gani untuk membeli nya(laki2)

13. Task 2Answer the questions based on the dialogue abovel1. Who went to the market?Answer:2. Where is the shoe shop?Answer:3. Who needs plastic shoes?Answer:What kind of plastic shoes does she want to buy?Answer:5. When will Emy go to the market?Answer:​


1). Frida

2).in the big shoe shop, near the barber shop


4).she want shoes with a strap and open in the front like sandals

5). yes she Will go tomorrow

14. HOW TO SHINE SHOES what you need : -liquid or wax polish -brush -soft cloth -storage box for supplies. Steps : 1) Gather your shoe shining supplies.. 2) Brush the shoe briskly to remove any losee dirt.. 3) apply the polish, If using the liquid shoe polish, glide it over the shoe. When using the can of wax polish, a puff is included inside the can for you to use. Apply the polish in circular motions till the shoe looks cloudy.. 4) let the shoe dry.. 5) Brush the shoe with the larger brush in a side-to-side fast action.. 6)Buff the shoe with the soft cloth on the front in a brisk back and forth motion, until is shines.. 7) Put all your shoe shining supplies in one location, preferably in a box that holds them neatly together, so that everything's ready for the next time .. Soalnya : 1) what is the purpose of the above text? 2) what supplies do yoe need? 3) what is the purpose of brushing the shoes briskly in the second step? 4) what kind of shoe polish does the writer suggets to use? the liquid or the wax shoe polish? 5) what should you do before you apply the shoe polish? 6) how should you apply the shoe polish? 7) what should you do after you polish the shoe? Siapa yg tauu .. bantu dle?:(

1. Telling people how to shine shoes 2. liquid or wax polish -brush -soft cloth -storage box for supplies 3. to remove any losee dirt. 4. Both of them, the liquid and the wax shoe polish 5. Brush the shoe briskly 6. apply the polish, If using the liquid shoe polish, glide it over the shoe. When using the can of wax polish, a puff is included inside the can for you to use. Apply the polish in circular motions till the shoe looks cloudy. 7.Put all your shoe shining supplies in one location, preferably in a box that holds them neatly together, so that everything's ready for the next time .. 
1 ) what is the purpose of the text above ? = How to polish shoes
 2 ) What is supply yoe ? = -liquid Or wax polish cloth -brush -soft -Storage box for supplies
 3 ) what is the purpose shoe brush quickly in the second step ? = To brush to remove dirt Losee
4 ) the type of shoe polish which suggets authors to use? liquid shoe polish or wax ? = Liquid wax or paint
5 ) What should you do before you apply the shoe polish ? = Brush to remove dirt Losee and applying the paint
6 ) how should you apply shoe polish ? = Applying the paint , if using liquid shoe polish , glide over the shoe . When using candles cans of paint , puff supplied in cans for your use . Apply the paint in a circular motion until the shoes looks cloudy
7 ) What do you do after you polish shoes ? = Allows the shoe to dry and then brush the shoe with a larger brush in swift action from side to side and Buff the shoe with a soft cloth in front of -balik rapid alternating movements , until the shine
sorry kalau ada yang salah

15. And she ran away from the castel and she forget the shoe. Guys arti bahasanya apa (indonesia)


Dan dia lari dari kastil dan dia lupa sepatu itu.

16. 1. Make a good sentence from these jumbled words.the stairs / take / and / the shoe shop is / next to / the bookshop / to the second floor.____________________________________________________________________2. Make a good sentence from these jumbled words.between / the shoe shop / and / the fashion shop / is / the music shop____________________________________________________________________


1. Take the stairs to the second floor and the shoe shop is next to the bookshop

2. The music shop is between the shoe shop and the fashion shop

17. put an appropriate pronouns and rewrite the following senteces1.__he__kicked the ball so hard that_his_(Agus)shoe cake offanswer:....​

Jawaban: He kicked the ball so hard that his shoes taken off


18. "remove dirt from the shoe" atau "remove dirt around the shoe"

bisa dua duanya tergantung
around= di sekeliling
jd tinggal pilih yng mana


remove dirt from the shoe

semoga membantu dan berikan jawaban paling cerdas bila menurut jawabannya benar


19. terjemahan dari Steep 1.feed the theread through the straw. It must move easily. 2.Stretch the threat across a room, stick two pieces of tape to the straw. 3.Blow up the balloon. hold the neck, and attach the balloon to the straw. 4. Let go the balloon off. It rushes along the threead at high speed.

1.feed (saya tidak paham maksud feed) the threat (benang) through (melalui) the straw (sedotan). It must move easily (benangnya pasti bergerak dengan mudah).

2. Stretch (tarik) the threat (benang) across (menyebrang) a room(sebuah kamar/ruangan), stick (lengkatkan) two pieces of tape (dua buah isolasi) to the straw (ke sedotan).

3.Blow up (tiuplah) the balloon (balon). hold (pegang) the neck (lehernya), and attach (tempelkan) the balloon (balon) to (ke) the straw (sedotan).

4. Let go (biarkan) the balloon off(balon lepas). It rushes (ia segera) along the threat (melaju sepanjang benang) at high speed (dengan kecepatan tinggi).teks yang benar seperti ini
1. feed the thread through the straw. It must move easily.
2. Stretch the thread across a room, stick two pieces of tape to the straw.
3. Blow up the balloon. hold the neck, and attach the balloon to the straw.
4. Let go the balloon off. It rushes along the thread at high speed.

1. masukan benang melalui sedotan. Pastikan benang bergerak dengan mudah.
2. luruskan benang, rekatkan dua potong perekat (isolasi) pada sedotan.
3. tiuplah balon. pegang diujungnya, dan rekatkan balon pada sedotan.
4. Lepaskan balon. kemudian dia akan bergerak disepanjang benang dengan kecepatan tinggi.

20. HOW TO SHINE SHOES what you need : -liquid or wax polish -brush -soft cloth -storage box for supplies. Steps : 1) Gather your shoe shining supplies.. 2) Brush the shoe briskly to remove any losee dirt.. 3) apply the polish, If using the liquid shoe polish, glide it over the shoe. When using the can of wax polish, a puff is included inside the can for you to use. Apply the polish in circular motions till the shoe looks cloudy.. 4) let the shoe dry.. 5) Brush the shoe with the larger brush in a side-to-side fast action.. 6)Buff the shoe with the soft cloth on the front in a brisk back and forth motion, until is shines.. 7) Put all your shoe shining supplies in one location, preferably in a box that holds them neatly together, so that everything's ready for the next time .. What is the purpose of the above text?

To tell us how to make shoes shiningto tell us (the reader) about how to make shoes shine

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