
Suspend A Student Ending With Cate

Juli 16, 2022

Suspend A Student Ending With Cate

Write a story with a bad ending

Daftar Isi

1. Write a story with a bad ending


maad kalau salah

semoga membantu


Sad memories

my name is mikaa, i am the youngest child in my family. however, that's not what I like. this is my story....

I live in three with my mother and two older brothers. My father died 2 years ago. I am very sad. Finally my eldest brother becomes the backbone of the family. At that time, I was walking with my mother and two older brothers. I asked my mom to buy me ice cream. My mother nodded. Finally, I bought Strawberry flavored Ice Cream. My heart is very happy. Not long after, came a man in black with a black mask and sunglasses. I don't know who that man is. And I ignore it. After eating the ice cream, I saw my older brother crying. I asked why my Brother was crying. Apparently the answer really surprised and saddened me. That guy was apparently my mother's classmate who was taking revenge for their past. I was scared like a tissue. I can't say a word. My mother was taken to the hospital. The doctor said, "your mother can't be saved, we have tried". I cried non stop at that time. when I had dinner with my sister, I still remember that. Why ? I can't say any more. After that, I heard a knocking sound. Turns out it was a debt collector. My father has not paid for an object he bought. namely Home. Even the price. It cost as much as "600 billion", because unable to pay, my Brother gave up our house. We ended up living on the streets and no one cared. My sister passed out and I ended up living alone.


It is a story that has a bad ending and a bad start. There lived a child named Mikaa who lost his 3 loved ones.


This is not based on a true story

Sorry if wrong

Story By: @nazhifaalmalina

2. make 5 world starting with S, ending with A​


make 5 world starting with S, ending with A?Sri langka, Singapura, Somalia, Slowakia dan Samoa


semoga bermanfaat jawaban nya(^_^)

3. apa itu suspend?berapa lama suspend ada?cara mengatasi suspend?akun gua di tahan:v​

1. Suspend adalah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh otoritas bursa, yakni menghentikan sementara perdagangan saham. Suspensi atau suspend adalah intervensi yang dilakukan oleh Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada perdagangan saham untuk mendorong perdagangan efek terselenggara dengan teratur, wajar, dan efisien.

2. Kalian akan menerima Suspend 30 hari minimal untuk Sara, tapi kalau untuk Cheat dan melakukan Sara lagi itu bisa kena sampai Suspend Permanen.


yang terakhir aku gak tau


Suspend sesungguhnya merupakan kegiatan menghentikan atau menonaktifkan sesuatu, baik bersifat sementara atau pun permanen.  akun hanya di suspend kurun waktu tiga hari saja. Namun jika pelanggaran dianggap berat, maka akun di suspend dengan waktu yang cukup lama dan bahkan permanen.Anda bisa mengambalikannya dengan mengubah imei device sehingga tidak terdeteksi, atau dengan menghubungi pihak garena.atau

Sebelum itu, pastikan anda sudah mengetahui alasan dan penyebab kenapa akun  FF di suspend atau banned. Karena dengan begitu, anda bisa mengatasinya dengan lebih mudah dan bisa mencegah agar tidak terulang kembali.

Cara Mengatasi Akun FF Suspended

Ada dua jenis cara untuk mengatasi suspended akun free fire yang diberlakukan oleh garena. Yang pertama yaitu dengan mengubah imei device atau perangkat sehingga tidak terdeteksi, lalu yang kedua yaitu dengan menghubungi garena.

Cara yang pertama hanya bisa dilakukan pada hp android yang sudah di root. Jika hp android yang anda miliki belum di root, maka anda bisa mencoba metode yang kedua.

1. Mengatasi Akun FF di Banned

cara mengembalikan akun ff banned

Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya di atas, untuk cara yang pertama hanya bisa dilakukan di hp android root. Jadi, pastikan agar hp yang anda gunakan sudah dalam posisi root.

Berikut cara mengatasi akun FF di banned:Pertama install aplikasi xposed installer.Kemudian install aplikasi IMEI Changer.Jika kedua aplikasi sudah di install, restart HP Android.Setelah itu uninstall aplikasi free fire.Jalankan aplikasi module xposed lalu pilih IMEI Changer.Maka HP Android akan mendapatkan IMEI yang baru.Restart sekali lagi HP Android anda.Langkah terakhir install kembali FF melalui playstore.

IMEI Changer adalah aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengganti IMEI pada HP Android. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut, maka perangkat anda tidak akan terdeteksi telah menggunakan cheat FF.

2. Membuat Laporan ke Garena

cara mengatasi akun FF yang kena suspended

Jika hp anda belum root dan tidak ingin memiliki resiko karena melakukan rooting android, maka cara yang kedua ini bisa menjadi solusi paling efektif untuk mengembalikan akun yang kena suspended.

Ikuti cara mengatasi akun yang suspended dibawah ini:Buka browser lalu kunjungi situs garena.Kemudian login menggunakan akun garena anda.Selanjutnya masuk ke halaman garena help akun ff suspend.Di opsi Game pilih Free fire.Lalu di opsi Kategori pilih Akun.Pada Sub Kategori, pilih opsi Akun Terkena Ban.Terakhir, anda harus mengisi formulir di bagian pesan.Selesai, silahkan klik tombol Kirim.

Sekarang anda hanya perlu menunggu tanggapan dari garena pada laporan tiket telah anda kirimkan melalui email. Jika pihak garena menyetujui laporan anda, maka akun anda yang di suspend bisa kembali normal dari suspended dan bisa dimainkan lagi.

Agar respon tiket dapat direspon oleh garena dengan cepat, pastikan anda mengirimkan tiket beserta isi pesan sesuai dengan data dengan benar. Anda juga bisa mengirimkan berkas jpg, jpeg, png atau pdf pada laporan anda.

Nah itulah dua cara mengatasi akun FF kena suspended yang bisa menjadi solusi untuk mengembalikan free fire yang di banned karena terdeteksi menggunakan cheat atau aplikasi pihak ketiga.


maaf kalo salah

salah? komen di kolom komentar

4. arti kata dari suspend

Suspend adalah Menangguhkan
Semoga membantu 

suspend = menaguhkan ; menunda ; menghentikan

5. The gregorian calendar consists of 12 months,starting with.....and ending with.......


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Saya kurang tau maaf y saya lagi nyelesai. Ka. Misi


january until december


sumber dari google

6. Why is learning English important?State your arguments or position on one of the above given issues and then discuss with your partner. You can use this example to start your conversation:Student A : learning english is important because it is means of communication with different people around the worldStudent B : I don't think it is importantStudent A : I do not agree with you.....Student B : ...Student A : ...Student B : ...Student A : ...Student B : ...Student A : ...Student B : ...​


A : learning english is important because you can comunicate with people around the world

B : i don't think it's important

A : i don't agree with you...

B : it's useless to learned a language

A : that's not true. by learning languages, you can communicate with people in specific region or countrys. in this case, english is an international language, it is use for so many regions and countries.

B : i don't like languages

A : then don't say that english isn't important

B : I'm sorry

A : yeah it's okay

english is important because by learning english, you can communicate with people around you. english is one of the most used language in the world. almost 50% of the world speaks English

7. Mohon bantuannya kak Adjecives ending with -ed/-ing form


1. interesting

2. interested

3. amusing

4. shocked

5. worried

6. surprising

7. bored

8. boring

9. frightened

10. pleased

11. amused

12. inspiring

13. interested

14. exciting

15. embarrassing

16. amazed

17. astonishing

18. amused

19. terrifying

20. shocked

21. surprising

22. bored

23. inspired

24. confusing

25. disgusting

26. interested

27. annoyed

28. boring

29. interested

30. tired

sisanya menyusul


8. make a word ending with ...sive.apa kata yang cocok untuk melengkapi kata sive?​




semoga membantu

9. Kenapa Twitter kita bisa tersuspend?

  Ada beberapa penyebab akun twitter kita bisa tersuspend oleh pihak twitter, diantaranya: SARA.Memfollow / unfollow banyak akun hingga ratusan dalam waktu yang cepat dan singkat.Melakukan banyak SPAM di twitter.Memasukkan sebuah link yang sama ke dalam beberapa tweet yang berbeda.Sudah banyak di blokir user twitter lain. Terlalu banyak melakukan mention ke pengguna twitter lain dalam satu har

10. Apa perbedaan koloid dan suspendi ??

Koloid : campuran antara 2 zat/lebih di mana salh satu zat penyusun tersebar dalam zat penyusun yang lain.
Suspensi : larutan kasar dan tampak heterogen.

11. contoh dialog starting extending and ending a conversation with stranger

A: Excuse me. May I sit here?
B: Sure
A: Lovely day, isn't it?
B: You're right. The sun is shining brightly
A: Btw, I heard that there will be a great festival next month in this park
B: Really? Tell me more about it
A: It is the annusl ethnic music festival. There will be mant participants from different countriea
B: It sounds great!
A: Well, I have an appointment at 10 so I must be off now. Bye
B: Bye

12. 4. Whose key is that ?a. it's cateb. it's to catec. it's of cated. it's cate's​

~ Answer:d. it's Cate's


~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pada soal tersebut, kita dapat menyatakan kepemilikan benda yang disebutkan tersebut.

Dalam bentuk afirmatif, kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk nominalkarena tidak terdapat verba. Kita nyatakan subyek key dengan kata ganti it. Nyatakan dengan kata kerja bantu is untuk it dalam bentuk present tense.

» It's...

Berikutnya, kita ambil nama Cate. Partikel to dan of tidakdapat dimasukkan sehingga ada kemungkinan dua jawaban benar yaitu it's Cate dan it's Cate's.

Perhatikan pertanyaannya.

» Whose key is that?

Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kuncinyabukan Cate sehingga menunjukkan kepemilikanbenda tersebut dengan adanya whose.

Apabila dinyatakan it's Cate, seperti pembicara menunjukkan benda itu adalah Cate, padahal itu adalah kunci. Untuk menyatakan kepemilikan pada noun, nyatakan dengan contraction berupa 's setelah noun menjadi Cate's.


d. it's Cate's

~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ✿

[tex]{\boxed{\mathfrak{\huge\blue{{\boxed{\mathfrak{\huge\red{Jawaban :}}}}}}}}[/tex]

D. it's cate's


Dalam bentuk afirmatif, kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk nominalkarna tidak terdapat verba. Kita nyatakan subjek keydengan kata ganti it.Nyatakan dengan kata kerja bantu isuntuk itdalam bentuk present tense.

#Semoga membantu#Semangatt.....

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bold{Answer \: By :{ \red{ \boxed{ \red{ \bold{faizakamiliya121}}}}}}}}[/tex]

13. Bahasa indonesia nya suspend​

Salah satu arti nya adalah MENGGANTUNG.

14. why is learning english important? state your argument or position on this issue and then discuss with your partner. You can use this example to start your conversation: Student A : learning english is important because it is means of communication with different people around the world Student B : I don't think it is important Student A : I do not agree with you..... Student B : ... Student A : ... Student B : ... Student A : ... Student B : ... Student A : ... Student B : ...

Why is learning English important? State your argument or position on this issue and then discuss it with your partner. You can use this example to start your conversation:

Student A: Learning English is important because it is a means of communication with different people around the world

Student B: That's not always true. I can get a job that doesn't need English.  

Student A: Well, but if you can speak English, you will have more chances to get many different jobs.

Student B: But, we are in Indonesia, and speak Indonesia is enough. We don't use English much in here.

Student A: Yes, you're right that we are in Indonesia, but if you can speak English you can get a job anywhere in the world. You can also travel to many countries without any difficulties in communication because it's a world language.

Student B: Oh, I see. I agree with you about that.


Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita menggunakan expression opinion yaitu ekspresi untuk menyatakan pendapat/opini kita terhadap sesuatu hal.

Sebagai reaksi terhadap expression of opinion adalah agreement atau disagreement. Phrase yang sering digunakan dalam ekspresi ini adalah .

Expression Agreement I totally agree with you. That's a good idea. I am totally with you. Yes, you right. I support your idea

Expression Disagreement I don't think so. I'm afraid I'm disagree with you. That's not always true. I'd say the exact opposite. No. I'm not sure about that.

Expression Giving Opinion In my opinion I believe (that) I am certain (that) I am strongly believe I am sure I think..

Pelajari Lebih lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai materi agreement dan disagreement silakan kunjungi link berikut ini :


Detil Jawaban :

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Expression Agreement and Disagreement

Kode: 9.5.2

Kata Kunci: Agreement, expression disagreement, giving opinion dialogue

15. the student have a ball they play with ..... ball

the student have a ball

they play with the ball

They play with the ball.

16. contoh dialog starting extending and ending a conversation with stranger

A: hallo!
B: hi..!
A: can you show me the directon of the nearest market?
B: sure! from the main street over there, go straight to the right. after the first traffic light, turn left. and you'll see the market on the left of the street.
B: owh.. okay!
A: are you new here?
B: oh, yes. i just arrived a couple days ago.
A: i see.. my name is A. and i live in that little house on the corner.
B: i'm B. nice to meet you. my house is near that school, a house with palm and coconut trees. please join us this weekend for dining.
A: yes, i'd love to. thanks. may i bring my family?
B: yes, for sure! it would be great..
A: ok. then see you on weekend.
B: yes. see you. bye..

17. Student A : learning English is important because it is an means of communication with different people around the world. Student B: I don't think it is important Student A : I do not agree with you Student B:...Student A:..Student B:..Student A:..Student B:...Student A:...Student B:...Plis bantuin itu dialognya disuruh lanjutin

b why dont u agree to me 
a because almost 50% of the world use english for speaking
b but why dont you just hire a translator
a because its expensive and not efficient
b well ur not rich
a even if you are rich what about other people
b well thats right

18. perdagangan saham pada pasar modal di suspend jika

pemilik saham menutujuinya
mf bila salah

19. Example of essay with Title,setting,key events,Ending

contoh esai dengan judul, pengaturan, peristiwa utama, berakhir

20. with timmy he is a smart student​


dengan timmy dia adalah murid yang pintar



He's a freaking dumb kid , with peanut brain. ( Jadikan Jawaban Tercerdas ya kk ‍)

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