
I Am Proud To Be An Indian Speech In Hindi

Juli 24, 2022

I Am Proud To Be An Indian Speech In Hindi

proud to be an america​

Daftar Isi

1. proud to be an america​


Bangga menjadi orang Amerika

Maaf kalau salah

2. Quiz (+50): Pilih kata yang benar! "I live in (Indonesian/Indonesia) and I'm proud to be (an/in) Indonesia.


"I live in (Indonesian) and I'm proud to be (in) Indonesia.



“Saya tinggal di Indonesia dan saya bangga menjadi orang Indonesia.”

3. "I am proud of and happy for you" The word "proud" in the text is closest in meaning to

Sinonim dari "proud"(perasaan bangga) adalah glad,satisfy,happy,joyful,delighted,dll.happy, glad, delighted,

4. To : AndreAll the hard work you have put, all the sacrife you have made, has finally paid off. Congratulations! On your success to be the winner in the swimming competition. I am proud of you. Elena 1.        What is the intention of the writing the text ?2.        What is likely recipient of the card to be ?3.        “I am proud of you.”.I refer to ......​


1. Congrate Ander for his achievemenent

2. Andre

3. the writer

5. what makes you proud to be an indonesia​


the government


6. he say to her, 'I am proud of your success. later I will give you present" change into indirect speech

he said to her that he is proud of her success and he will give her present laterHe said to her that he's proud of her success and will give her a present later

7. i am proud of you.the word "proud" in indonesian means......

bangga ...
i am proud of you = aku bangga padamuBangga maaf kalo salah

8. I am an Indian here for s*ex purpose​


9. "I am so proud of you." The underlined word "I" refers to _______

Jawaban: the word i refers to the person writing it

10. " i am proud of you" what does the word "i" refer to?​


1 adj If you feel proud, you feel pleased about something good that you possess or have done, or about something good that a person close to you has done. ... 2 adj Your proudest moments or achievements are the ones that you are most proud of.



11. direct speech: Miguel said, " I know I am not supposed to love music"reported Speech :????​


Miguel said he knows he isnt supposed to love music

12. Quiz (+50): Pilih kata yang bener dari tanda kurung (..../....) "Hello! (I/my) name is Aisyah. (Old I is/I am) 10 years old. (My class is/I am in) class 5 at the Mekarwangi elementary school. I (was/am) currently studying there, because the school (is/are) known for their best education system and facilities (which/who) support learning among the students. I (am an/live in) Indonesian and I am proud to be (in/an) Indonesia." Ngasal, report.


"Hello! (my)name is Aisyah. (Iam)10 years old. (Iamin)class 5 at the Mekarwangi elementary school. I (was)currently studying there, because the school (are)know for their best education system and facilities (which)support learning among the students. I (livein)Indonesia and I am proud to be (an)Indonesian"


Jawaban yang ada di dalam tanda kurung dan di cetak tebal. Tolong koreksi ya.

[tex]\colorbox{black}{\pink{\boxed{\colorbox{black}{\pink{\cal{Answer by: LalitaX✿}}}}}}[/tex]


"Hello! my name is Aisyah. I am 10 years old. I am in class 5 at the Mekarwangi elementary school. I am currently studying there, because the school is known for their best education system and facilities which support learning among the students. I live in Indonesian and I am proud to be in Indonesia."



13. " i am very proud of you" i refers


saya sangat bangga padamu "saya mengacu pada ..... saya"

14. I am practicing how to write a formal paragraph Ubah kalimat direct speech ke in indirect speech


Saya sedang berlatih bagaimana menulis paragraf formal

Ubah kalimat ucapan langsung ke dalam ucapan tidak langsung


ini dalam bahasa indonesia nya

he/she said that he/she was practicing how to write a formal paragraph

15. Uncle jon next month i am going to participate in the english speech competition in semarang


psis semarang


1.Posisiawaladalah berdiri tegak dengan kedua tangan lurus di samping badan.2.Angkat kedua tangan ke depan dan bungkukkan badan, lalu letakkan telapak tangan di atas matras.3.Tekuk kedua siku agak ke samping, lalu masukkan kepala di antara dua tangan.4.Sentuhkan bahu ke matras.

16. change the quoted speech to reported speech. change the verb in quoted speech to a past form in reported speech as appropriate.1. jim said, "I am sleepy."2. lanjut di gambar ya kak

1. Jim said that he was sleepy.
2. Sally said that she didn't like chocolate.
3. Marry said that she was planning to make a trip.
4. Tom said that he had eaten lunch.
5. Mr Rice said that he was going to go to Chicago.
6. Eric said that he would come to the meeting.
7. Jean said that she couldn't afford to buy a new car.
8.Jessica said that she might go to the library.
9. Ted said that he had to finish his work.
10. Mr.Young said that he had to talk to professor Reed.

17. change to reported speech! billy says " i am thingking if going to live in semarang"


18. A. Complete the following dialog or sentence with suitable expressionFather:"i am proud of you indra, you have be able to speaks in arabic now."Indra:"....................., Dad, iam proud of you to​


Thank you


Balasan untuk ekspresi Dari ayah

19. yang benar proud to be part of blablabla atau proud to be the part of blablabla?

Yang benar adalah proud to be part of.
tanpa article "the" :)
i am proud to be part of brainly
penggunaan kata THE untuk menekankan pd sesuatu yg spesifik semisal i am proud to be part of THE group (group yg d maksud adalah group yg d pahami oleh orang2 yg bersangkutan)

20. arti dari congratulations I am very proud of you be an interpreter in an international conference is a great achievement I know this is your dream so keep it up


Selamat. Aku sangat bangga terhadapmu setelah menjadi penerjemah di sebuah konferensi international. Sebuah pencapaian yang hebat. Aku tahu ini impianmu, jadi lanjutkan.

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