
The Correct Boolean Operation Represented By The Circuit Diagram

Juli 24, 2022

The Correct Boolean Operation Represented By The Circuit Diagram

Kalimat passive the operation (perform)by the surgeon

1. Kalimat passive the operation (perform)by the surgeon

Jawaban:Kalimat pasif yaitu operasi (perform) oleh dokter bedah

Penjelasan:cuma bisa artiin maaf


2. apa arti dari Connect the cables as per the circuit diagram shown on the control cover.

Sambungkan kabel sesuai diagram rangkaian yang ditunjukkan pada penutup kontrol.

3. What is represented by the sand of time !

The sands of time is an English idiom relating the passage of time to the sand in an hourglass

The image of the sand being emptied in the hourglass creates a visual metaphor for the limited duration of human life, and for the inevitability of change in the world as a whole

4. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.​

~ Answer:

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.​

4. I have to get up early. I set the alarm for five o'clock in order not to oversleep.

--> karena oversleep termasuk verb sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tujuan agar berhasil dicapai dengan in order not to.

5. I waited for an hour so that I could meet her.

--> karena I termasuk subjective pronoun sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tujuan agar berhasil dicapai sebelum verb/modal/auxiliary dengan so that.

6. Exercise regularly to have excellent health and well-being.

--> karena have termasuk auxiliary sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan adalah to.

~ Introduction:

Conjunction adalah salah satu bagian dari kelas kata yang dapat menggabungkan kalimat yang terpisah menjadi satu kalimat yang bersatu. Conjunction digunakan dalam beberapa tujuan. Contohnya:

untuk melakukan pemilihan antara pernyataan kesatu dengan kedua, gunakan or;untuk menggabungkan obyek dalam pernyataan kesatu dengan kedua gunakan and;untuk menyatakan tujuan yang akan dilakukan gunakan to.

~ Discussion:

Nah mengenai conjunction mana yang sesuai untuk kita pilih, kita dapat mengingat pola berikut yaa ^^

... + so that + pronoun/adjective/noun/adverb + verb + ...... + in order to + verb + ...... + to + verb + ...(4) oversleep adalah verb. Gunakan in order to.(5) I adalah pronoun. Gunakan so that.(6) have adalah helping verb. Gunakan to.

.— ❁ —.

Thank you and I hope this answer is helpful.

Good luck and I wish you the best. ^^

~ Learn more:

If you need any extra materials, you can learn more about:

— clause of purpose:

— cause and effect:

~ Details

Subject: English

Material: Clause of Purpose

Level: Middle (JHS)

Grade: 9

Keywords: in order to, to, so that

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 9.5.2

5. Choose the correct by click the options below!​

The child broke the vase

6. Question 2 Study the circuit diagram. Draw the circuit symbols for a cell, a switch and a lamp.


ini cuma disuruh bikin gambar rangkaian seri kak

yang terdiri dari lampu, stop kontak, dll.

7. Complete the sentence by using the correct compass!​



8. Choose the correct by click the options below!​


It was Tuesday



It was Tuesday


Wednesday = rabu

Bila hari ini adalah Wednesday (rabu) maka yesterday (kemarin) adalah tuesday (selasa)

9. complete the sentences by using the correct verb!

11. playing. Saya sedang bermain sepak bola di lapangan sekolah.

12. walking. Dia sedang berjalan di sekitar rumahnya.

13. cooking. Ibu saya sedang memasak untuk makan malam di dapur.

14. playing. Adik perempuan dan adik laki-laki saya sedang bermain pasir di pantai.

15. walking. Saya tidak berjalan kaki ke sekolah, tetapi saya menggunakan taksi.

16. draining. Batre HP saya menurun sekarang, tolong bicara lebih cepat.

17. waiting. Dia sedang menunggumu di perpustakaan sekarang.

18. swimming. Doni sedang berenang di kolam renang bersama temannya.

19. watching. Mereka sedang menonton pertandingan sepak bola di TV.

20. getting. Cuacanya mulai memanas di bulan Februari

semoga membantu ya!

10. switches work by. the flow of electricty in circuit​


saklar bekerja. aliran listrik di sirkuit


semoga membantu

11. 2. In the simple circuit, what happens if the circuit is broken?


If the circuit is broken, then there is no current flowing through the circuit. If you put a bulb in that circuit, then there is no light



There are many kind of broken in electrical circuit. The most common are:

1. The running out battery

2. The lamp is defective

3. The ripped wire

All of those broken are resulting one thing: The electron is unable to move that make the electrical energy become unavailable.

12. complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjuctions​

4. i have to get up early. i set the alarm for five o'clock in order not to oversleep.

5. i waited for an hour so that i could meet her.

6. exercise regularly to have excellent health and well being.

7. my sister gave English lesson in order to earn some pin money.

8. Taufik is a very nice person. he ia always prompt to help his friends.

9. they tool the bus to save their money.

10. make sure your bags are tagged so that you can identify then later.

semoga membantu dan dapat dijadikan jawaban terbaik terimakasih

13. Choose the correct by click the options below!​


did cleaned


semoga membantu



hope this helps!

- bimo

14. What was the goal of the operation led by yos sudarso


semoga membantu :)

To open new ways to free the Dutch New Guinea


15. explain why electron flow around the circuit when the circuit is complete​

It’s all to do with setting up of a potential difference. The actual flow of electrons in a conductor is constant but random but you can make it orderly.

If you set a voltage greater than zero at one end of the circuit and a lesser or zero voltage at the other end, and make sure there is a conductive path between the two ends, what will happen is that through the conductors there will be a force. It is in fact an electromotive force (EMF) and is measured in volts.

You can think of the EMF as a drill sergeant ordering soldiers around a parade ground, and the soldiers as the electrons. Rather than milling around randomly, all the soldiers are moving in one direction in step at the same speed. If they are marching in three columns, and past a yellow post, each file of three men will pass that yellow post at a given time interval.

16. Choose the correct by click the options below!​


Did not answer



did not answer (simple past)

tanda 'last exam'


17. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.​

~ Answer:

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.

1. The girl is studying very hard at the moment to pass her exams next month.

--> karena pass termasuk verb sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan adalah to.

2. I bought a dictionary in order to help with my vocabulary.

--> karena help termasuk verb sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan adalah in order to.

3. I went to bed early so that I wouldn't be tired in the morning.

--> karena I termasuk pronoun jadinya kita pakai so that ya.

~ Introduction:

Conjunction adalah salah satu bagian dari kelas kata yang dapat menggabungkan kalimat yang terpisah menjadi satu kalimat yang bersatu. Conjunction seperti in order to dan so that merupakan penghubung suatu pekerjaan dan tujuan.

Contoh tujuan penggunaan konjungsi:

untuk menyatakan tujuan yang akan dilakukan gunakan to/in order to.untuk menyatakan tujuan yang tidak dilalui dengan verba dulu gunakan so that.

~ Discussion:

Nah mengenai conjunction mana yang sesuai untuk kita pilih, kita dapat mengingat pola berikut yaa... ^^

... + so that + pronoun/adjective/noun/adverb + verb + ...... + in order to + verb + ...... + to + verb + ...(1) pass adalah verb. Gunakan in order to.(2) help adalah verb. Gunakan in order to.(3) I adalah pronoun. Gunakan so that.

.— ❁ —.

Thank you and I hope this answer is helpful.

Good luck and I wish you the best. ^^

~ Learn more:

If you need any extra materials, you can learn more about:

— clause of purpose:

— the usage of that/this + is + adjective + noun phrase formula:

~ Details

Subject: English

Material: Clause of Purpose

Level: Middle (JHS)

Grade: 9

Keywords: in order to, to, so that

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 9.5.2

18. The parts of an electric circuit are connected by ____________.


conductive wires or traces through which electric current can flow.


Maaf klo salah:v

19. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.​


7. My sister gave English lessons inordertoearn some pin money.

8. Taufik is a very nice person. He is always prompt tohelp his friends.

9. They took the bus to save their money.

10. Make sure your bags are tagged sothatyou can identify them later.


Cara termudah untuk membedakan penggunaan inorderto dan to dengan sothat adalah memperhatikan kalimat setelahnya.

inorderto dan toselalu diikuti dengan verb+object/complement

sothat selalu diikuti dengan subject+v+o/c(completesentence)

Jadi, dengan membedakan bentuk apa yang ada setelah conjunctionnya akan mempermudah menentukan apa yang harus dipakai. Verb dan subjectnya sudah diberi italic di jawabannya ya.

Hope it helps :)

~ Answer:

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct conjunctions.​

7. My sister gave English lessons in order to earn some pin money.

--> karena earn termasuk verb sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tujuan agar berhasil dicapai dengan in order to.

8. Taufik is a very nice person. He is always prompt to help his friends.

--> karena setelah prompt adalah help. Dua-duanya termasuk verb. Jadi kita gunakan to-infinitive untuk help menjadi to help.

9. They took the bus to save their money.

--> karena save termasuk verb sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tujuan agar berhasil dicapai dengan to.

10. Make sure your bags are tagged so that you can identify them later.

--> karena you termasuk objective pronoun sehingga conjunction yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tujuan agar berhasil dicapai sebelum verb/modal/auxiliary dengan so that.

~ Introduction:

Conjunction merupakan bagian kelas kata yang dapat menggabungkan kalimat yang terpisah menjadi satu kalimat yang bersatu. Conjunction digunakan dalam beberapa tujuan. Contohnya:

untuk melakukan pemilihan antara pernyataan kesatu dengan kedua, gunakan or;untuk menggabungkan obyek dalam pernyataan kesatu dengan kedua gunakan and;untuk menyatakan tujuan yang akan dilakukan gunakan to.

~ Discussion:

Nah mengenai conjunction mana yang sesuai dipilih, kita dapat mengingat pola berikut.

... + so that + non-verb + verb + ...non-verb adalah selain verb seperti noun, adjective, dan adverb.... + in order to + verb + ...... + to + verb + ...(7) earn adalah verb. Gunakan in order to.(8) help adalah verb. Gunakan to.(9) save adalah verb. Gunakan to.(10) you adalah pronoun. Gunakan so that.

.— ❁ —.

Thank you and I hope this answer is helpful.

Good luck and I wish you the best. ^^

~ Learn more:

If you need any extra materials, you can learn more about:

— clause of purpose:

~ Details

Subject: English

Material: Clause of Purpose

Level: Middle (JHS)

Grade: 9

Keywords: in order to, to, so that

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 9.5.2

20. Choose the correct by click the options below!​


A few

Semoga membantu

Maaf kalo salah

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