
Shoot Animals With A Camera Not With A Gun

Maret 05, 2022

Shoot Animals With A Camera Not With A Gun

aidil buy a gun that gun is M16 AND aidil shoot a DIKA What happen with dika

Daftar Isi

1. aidil buy a gun that gun is M16 AND aidil shoot a DIKA What happen with dika

Jawabannya Wallahu a'lamDika is death,astagfirullahal'aziiim

2. "……the best picture, you must shoot with the best camera.


if the


kalo salahhh mafff

3. "……the best picture, you must shoot with the best camera."


''to get the best picture,you must shoot with the best camera.''

4. Terjemahkanlah this camera is the newest camera with 20 mega pixel

Artinya : Kamera ini adalah kamera terbaru dengan 20 mega pixel



Kamera ini adalah kamera terbaru dengan 20 mega pixel.

5. ........together all of your friends (max.15 persons) ........your best pose and smile ! ........your photo with a digital camera or a pocket camera Do not use ......... effects or contact lenses

do not use special effects or contact lens

6. Woman : i think you should have a camera. taking picture with smartphone is not good. Man : that's true. I will buy a camera next week unless it is expensive. What does the man mean?

The man means he will only buy if it's not expensive or cheap for him

7. Talladega booty like a gun to shoot somebody to​

Ni bukan pertanyaan mbambangg •_•

8. A : i think that we should preserve rare animalsB: I'm not sure, I agree with youA: .....B:.....A: ...B:....A:....B: ...A:.......B:....

A: why not you agree with me ?
B: because i think the rare animal still lot in wild
A: we have to preserve that animal or they are will be extinct!
B: they are still life in the wild wwhy we have to preserve. them?
A: because now animal is being hunted by human and they can extinct in anytime because of that we have to preserve them!
B: you got a point i think you are right we have to preserve the animal from Extinction
A: thank you because you agree with me
B: your welcome

9. his-camera-takes-picture-a photographer-with .urutkan kata kata ini

a photographer takes picture with his cameraphotograper takes his picture with a camera.

10. "……the best picture, you must shoot with the best camera." a. in resulting b. to resulting c. in result d. in to result e. in to result


A. In Resulting


Maaf Kalau Salah

& Semoga Membantu Kak

11. "the man shoot the boy with gun"jelaskan kalimat diatas dengan mengggunakan tree diagram!

seorang pria menembak laki-laki dengan pistol

12. ……the best picture, you must shoot with the best camera." a. in to result b. in result c. in to result d. in resulting e. to resulting

Jawaban: to result


maaf kalau salah

13. 42). "Their predators include birds, beetle, r̲o̲d̲e̲n̲t̲s̲, reptiles,..."The underlined word means...a. animals with scales and finsb. wild animals with sharp fangsc. small mammals with large sharp fronth teethd. animals with sharp spiky hairs to protect themselves44). Jenis teks dan tujuan teks tersebut​

Grasshoppers are insects. People also call them short-horned grasshoppers because they do not have any nose. We can find about 10.000 different spec es in many different parts of the world. Like most insects, they lay eggs. The outer layer of theor body will get harder when they grow older. Most grasshoppers are green, brown, or olive-green A grasshopper's body consists of the head, thorax, and abdomen, which are covered by a hard exoskeleton. Grasshoppers breathe through a series of holes called spiracles, which are located along the sides of the body. Grasshoppers are able to hop, walk, and fly. They hop with their long hind legs. Their short front legs are used to hold prey and to walk, Many male grasshoppers usually make noise by rubbing their back legs together. The grasshoppers eat plants. In the ecosystem, their predators include birds, beetles, rodents, reptiles, and spiders. Some flies also eat grasshopper eggs. Jawaban:39. The text mainly tells us about A. grasshopper in general. 40. What does the third paragraph tell us about? B. The anatomy of grasshoppers. 41. How do grasshoppers make noise? A. By rubbing their back legs together.42. "Their predators include birds, beetle, r̲o̲d̲e̲n̲t̲s̲, reptiles,..." The underlined word means C. small mammals with large sharp fronth teeth. 44. Jenis teks di atas adalah Report Text yang tujuannya adalah to tell the factual report about grasshopper.

PEMBAHASANNo. 39 dan 44Report Text adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi tentang objek secara umum.Buktinya judulnya sangat umum (grasshopper)Dan bukti lainnya dalam isinya membahas fakta berdasarkan penelitian.

No. 40

Bukti Kalimat dalam paragraf ketiga:

A grasshopper's body consists of the head, thorax, and abdomen, which are covered by a hard exoskeleton. Jadi, paragraf ketiga beris tentang anatomi tubuh dari hewan tersebut.

No. 41Bukti Kalimat "Many male grasshoppers usually make noise by rubbing their back legs together."Yang artinya "Banyak belalang jantan biasanya mengeluarkan suara dengan menggosokkan kaki belakangnya."

No. 42

Rodents is small mammals with large sharp fronth teeth. (Hewan pengerat adalah mamalia kecil dengan gigi depan besar yang tajam). Bukti hewannya:

rats/mice = tikussquirrels = tupaihamsters = hamsterporcupines = landak

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Report Text:

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: B. Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kode: 9.5

14. his-camera-takes-picture-a photographer-with .urutkan kata kata ini

--•Words Arrangement•--
Responsio :
A photographer takes picture with his camera

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking." -Santosh KalwarPhotographer takes a picture with his camera

15. the photo looks blurry. .. it was taken with a low resolution camera

the photo looks blurry(maby)it was taken with a low resolution camera

16. I Went to the zoo, a aplace with lost of animals.​


Saya pergi ke kebun binatang, tempat yang penuh dengan binatang.

maaf kalo jawabannya salah


Mungkin ada kesalahan penulisan, yang tepat menggunakan kata lot bukan lost


I went to the zoo, a place with lot of animals.

Saya pergi ke kebun binatang, sebuah tempat yang memiliki banyak hewan.

17. Warning Do Not FEED THE ANIMALS WHat Is The CautionAbout A Touching the animals b Gifing food to animals c Hurting the animals D Taking picture with animals Apakah jawaban soal tersebut


A. Menyentuh hewan


Peringatan Jangan PAKAN BINATANG HATI YANG PERHATIAN TENTANG A Menyentuh hewan b Memberi makanan kepada hewan c Menyakiti hewan D Memotret dengan hewan

18. 2) use "2" with nouns starting with consonants (k, r, t, s, b, p, d, v, w, etc). e.g. A digital camera is a camera that encodes a digital image and a video digitally. 3) use "an" with nouns starting with vowels (a, i, u, e, o) or consonants​


Setelah menjelaskan pentingnya informasi visual dalam persepsi ucapan dan membuat sketsa sejarah sintesis ucapan visual, kami mempertimbangkan sejumlah teori koartikulasi dalam ucapan manusia. Implementasi teori gestural produksi ucapan Lo .. fqvist (1990) dijelaskan untuk sintesis ucapan visual bersama dengan deskripsi sistem pengembangan yang dikontrol secara grafis. Kami menyimpulkan dengan beberapa rencana untuk pekerjaan di masa depan. Kata kunci: animasi wajah, pidato, koartikulasi 1. PENDAHULUAN Pendekatan kami untuk sintesis pidato visual dimulai dengan studi persepsi bicara. Banyak dari apa yang kita ketahui tentang persepsi bicara berasal dari studi eksperimental menggunakan pidato sintetis pendengaran. Pidato sintetik memberikan kontrol penyidik ​​atas stimulus dengan cara yang tidak selalu mungkin menggunakan pidato alami.

19. WARNINGDO NOT FEEDTHE ANIMALS1.What is the caution about?a. Touching the animalsb. Giving food to animalsC. Hurting the animalsd. Taking picture with animals​


B.Giving food to animals


Terjemahan dari soal tersebut ialah "PerintahapayangdibicarakanditeksDiatas"

20. “……the best picture, you must shoot with the best camera.”a. In to resultb. In to resultc. In resultingd. In resulte. To resulting​


a.In to result


In to result artinya (untuk menghasilkan)

In resulting, (ing) biasanya digunakan pada present continuous tense dan tidak berhubungan dengan soal

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