
M And N Have Two Childrens A And B

Maret 06, 2022

M And N Have Two Childrens A And B


Daftar Isi

1. has-my-uncle-two-the-childrens-are-hafish-and-rinda​


My uncle has two childrens the? (they) are hafish and rinda

2. My parents have two ... . * 2 poin A. child B. childs C. children D. childrens






#saya cuman membantu

3. the childrens like playing sand and castle in the​


beach (pantai)

anak² suka bermain pasir dan kastil di.... pantai


the childrens like playing sand and castle in the​ 'Beach'



translet= Anak anak suka bermain pasir dan istana di pantai. as we know everyone love playing sand and built everything termasuk istana di pantai

semoga membantu, ttd @diffaadira bini chanyeol

4. Answer the questions below!1.Dana and Dani have a is funny.2. The childrens have a book. That book is3. Who is your father?......Father is Mrs ana.4. I have a cat.ban cat is white.5. Ajeng has some are colorfull.6. They have dolls. Those are... dolls.7. We have a bike. That isBike.8. Tono has a new toy car. That is .....toy car.9. You have a pen. That is..pen.10. I have a roller skate. This is ........roller skate.​


1. Their

2. our

3. my

4. my

5. her

6. their

7. our

8. his

9. my

10. my



they menjadi their

we - our

i - my

she - her

he - his

5. Tugas: Rearrenge these words into a good sentences! (Susun mnjadi kalimat yg benar) 1. have-beautiful-daughter-I-a 2.Mother-have-My-two-childrens 3.parents-My-live-in-Surabaya 4.go-They-to-Parapat-month-next 5.friend-Jhon-is-my-new


I have a beautifull daughter My mother have two childrens My parents live in Surabaya They go to Parapat next month Jhon is my new friend


6. apa perbedaan children dengan childrens

kalau children itu hanya satu sedangkan childrens itu lebih dari satu, karena ada penggunaan s dibelakang childrenKata benda tunggal hanya menyebutkan satu orang/hewan/tempat/benda/ide. 


Untuk bentuk jamak dari mayoritas kata benda, cukup tambahkan s.


ini sedikit penjelasan semoga mengerti..

7. how..childrens in our class​


How many childrens in our class

Talking about how (many):

How many children in our class?


Children is the plural form of child. No need of the (s) after the children

8. 1. how many people are there in the family? they are ..... people in the family2. who is agus satria ? agus satria is mr. surya and mrs. artini's3. what is agus satria's hobby? agus satria's hobby ishihinalaimuraninin4. how many childrens does mr. surya have ? he has .... childrens.5. where does agus satria live ? he lives inhtm6. does mrs. artini a teacher ?hu7. who is mr. surya and mrs. artini's daughter?mb. what is mr. surya ? mr. surya is9. where does mr. suryawork?he works10. arya saputra is agus satria's​

Ada bacaan atau gambarnya ga?

9. My aunt has two childrens they are My








My aunt has two childrens they are my cousin.


Bibi saya mempunyai dua orang anak, mereka adalah sepupusaya.


10. my father is Mr Nigel and mother is Mrs jenny they have three childrens, me my brother beryl, and my_______alika, i love them very much my mother is the _______ of Mr Andy and Mrs Andy so, Mr Andy and Mrs Andy are my ______ , my mother has two ______ Mr Henry and Bram they are my ______ Mr Lilian is Mr Henry _____ , so she is my ______ , they have two Bryan and angela, sothey are my _____choose your answer ( pilih jawaban untuk menjawab soal di atas !! )1.wife (istri)2.sister (kakak/adik pr)3.childs (anak)4.grand parents (kakek nenek)5.broter (kakak/adik Lk)6.uncle (paman)7.daughther (anak perempuan)8.cousin (sepupu)9.aunty (bibi)​


1. sister

2. Daughther

3. grand parents

4. Brother

5. Uncle

6. Wife

7. Aunty

8. Cousin


saya yakin childs digunakan ditengah tengah "have two ... bryan and angela"

dan itu menjadi " have two childs bryan and angela"

lalu jangan tulis Mr Lilian , tulis Mrs Lilian karna Mr itu untuk lelaki dan Mrs untuk perempuan yang sudah menikah , kalau ditulis Mr Lilian is Mr henrys "wife" otomatis Mr henry nya jadi ️‍

11. 1.(+)the childrens swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago(-)??(?)??2.andi is a junior high school student three years ago(-)(?)

1. (-) the children are not swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago
(?) Were the children swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago?
2. (-) andi wasnt a junior high school student three years ago
(?) Was andi a high school student three years ago?
Semoga membantu :)

12. Read the text carefully! (questions for ne 31-Mr. Ridho and Mrs. Jeni have three childrens. Theyare Sarah, Budi and Lala. They have different hobbies.Mr. Ridho's hobby is fishing. Mrs. Jeni's hobby iscooking. Sarah likes dancing and Budi likes playingfootball. Lala's hobby is collecting stamps. She hasmany stamps from different countries,Although they have diffrent each other but they stillsupport Mr. Ridho always buys stamps for Lala andSarah joins with dance club and Budi joins with footballclub too. They live happily.31. There are five characters in the text.Writedown the characters!​


aku gak bisa bahasa inggris maff


Mr. Rhido, Mrs. Jeni, Sarah, Budi, Lala


liat dari teksnya

13. Read the following text and complete theblanks.I am sitting in a bank There are some persons queing in the lineThere are two (A) weaning the same uniform. They might befrom the same office. There are three (B) There are two (C)accompaning their momsThe correct answer for (C) ischildchildschildrenchildrens​


There are two children accompanying their moms.


14. jawab pertanyaan no 1-5 Mario Bellini is an Italian, but he lives and works in Britain. His wife is from England. He is thirty two years old and he is married. He plays the piano and works with the Philharmonic orchestra. They have two childrens, a daughter and a son. He speaks English and his childrens speak English and Italian. He is a musician. In his free time, he reads books and he goes swimming. He practices from Monday to Friday and he gives one or two concerts every week. pertanyaan: 1. what does the text describe? 2. which sentence(s) shows the identification? 3. what kind of information about mario does the text provide? 4. what kind of information does the text contain? choose one of these a. the present activities of mario b. mario habits 5. what is the best title of the text above? choose one of these a. an england musican b. a famous swimmer c. an italian musican

1)the text is describe about a musician
2)He plays piano and he works with the philharmonic orchestra
3)information about Mario Belini's family and his job.

15. Kk bantuin lagi nih, maapin yak banyak tanya :")People are very happy here and they work hard, keeping their houses spick and span an their childrens faces clean.What is the object of the sentence? Give the reason

orang-orang sangat bahagia di sini dan mereka bekerja keras, menjaga agar rumah-rumah mereka tetap bersih dan merentang di wajah anak-anak mereka. apa objek kalimatnya? berikan alasannya

16. UNICEF yaitu lembaga PBB yang memberikan bantuan kepada anak – anak dan Ibu di Negara Berkembang merupakan singkatan dari * a) United Nations Childrens Finds b) Unit National Childrens Find c) United Nations Childrens Fund d) Unit Nations Childrens Fund


a maaf jika salah ya makasih folow wa:089677543554

17. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!1. My Grandfather is 70 years old. He isa youngb. oldc. baby2. Mr. Ridwan has two childrens. They are Sony and Heni. Heni is Soni'sa Sisterb. Brotherc. Father3. Grandparents is....a. Father and Motherb. Grandfather and Grandmotherc. Uncle and Aunt4. Rudi is ten years old. He is...a smallb. youngcold5. AMy pen is lost.​


1. B old=tua

2. A sister=saudara perempuan

3. B Grandfather=kakek Grandmother=nenek

4. B young=muda


nomer 5 ngga jelas


1.B. Old

2.B. Brother




Semoga membantu :)

18. some adults and children are watching a musical. there are n childrens. there are 25 fewer adults than children. a. find the number of adultss in terms of n b. if there are 124 children, how many adults are there?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A. N -25= adult

B.124-25= 99

19. 1.My grandfather has three ..., they are my mom, my aunt and uncle. a. childrens b. childs c. children d. childrenes 2.the ... have four .... a. buffalo, feet b. buffalos, feet c. buffalo, foot d. buffaloes, foot 3.The ... are happy because they have new .... a. girl, toy b. girl, toys c .girls, toy d. girls, toys


O1. C karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata "Child" and plural nounnya "Children"

O2. A karena "Feet" adalah plural noun dari "Foot"

O3. D karena "Girls" menggunakan "Are" untuk setelahnya and "Toys" sebagai plural noun dari "Toy"

maaf kalo kurang jelas / tepat

1. c. children
2. a. buffalo, feet
3. d. girls, toys

20. There are …A. a childB. a childrensC. an childD. children​


D. children


There Are ( D ) Children


semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :)

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