
What Is The Shortcut Key For Repeat The Recent Find

Maret 04, 2022

What Is The Shortcut Key For Repeat The Recent Find

What is the shortcut key to display full-screen preview of the graphic or drawing

Daftar Isi

1. What is the shortcut key to display full-screen preview of the graphic or drawing

F9 atau F11,

which graphic application that you use ?

sometime is depending you app

2. The circumstance is "Mr. Hadi can not find his key car, he already looked for somewhere but he still found the key". The questions is, what should you do to help them?​


help search the key


jadukan yang terbaik

3. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

4. I .... find the lost key last week. *​


I am find the lost key last week

maaf kalau salah :)



warning mean that we need to go away or we dont closer to the elepany like un the question

6. ...for me! The key is under the big white stone in the garden

untuk saya! kuncinya ada di bawah batu putih besar di kebun

7. . The key is made of … , it’s used for … doors.


the key is made of metal,it's use for open doors.


the key is made Of brass or a nickel-brass mixture Its Used for Unlockthe doors


brass or a nickel-brass mixture-Liat Di Wikipedia

8. The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....


The posting key has controlling function for the following purpose, which is.....

1. Transfer of information from financial accounting to management accounting

2. Post document items as debit or credit

3. Type of account to post document items

4. Additional state additional data field

9. Which one of the following is TRUE about foreign key field for a given table? a) it is a field that uniquely identifies the record in the table b) the values for the foreign key field can have similar values in different record c) the values for the foreign key field cannot have duplicate values in different record d) none of the above


c) the values for the foreign key field cannot have duplicate values in different record

10. Arrange the words below to be a goodsentence!Viewers - most - wait - the - of - for bulletin- recentA. The most of bulletin wait for recent viewersB. Wait the most viewers for most of recent bulletinC. The viewers bulletin wait for most of recentD. Most of the viewers wait for recent bulletin​




pengaturan/rules dalam penataan kalimat

subject+verb(kata kerja)+ket

example: i love ice cream


C. The viewers bulletin for most of tecent.

11. I .... find the lost key last week.



Semoga bermanfaat





12. 1. Someone stole the key from the drawer.The correct passive form of the sentence is ....a. Someone is stolen the key from the drawer.b. The key was stolen from.the drawerc. Someone stolen the key from the drawerd. The key stole someone from the drawer​


1. B. the key was stolen from the drawer



13. 1. What are the characteristics of birds?2. In what member are birds? 3. What is the meaning of vertebrate?4. Do birds have same characteristics with other animals?5. What is the similarity between birds and reptile? 6. Why have people been long fascinated by birds?7. Why are birds useful for humans?8. What is the key basis for the rapport between human and birds? 9. What is function of birds related to healthy environment?10. Find the generic structure of the text above!

2. group of animal called vertebrates
4.yes..they do

14. Jerry promised, "i will help you find the key for the puzzle." Tolong bantu ya Makasih

jerry berjanji " aku akan membantumu menemukan kunci untuk puzzle"indirect speech :
Jerry promised that she would help me find the key for the puzzle.

15. 1. Where das the dialog probably take place? 2. What are the materials is of the key Chains sold by Mrs. Amy? 3. What does mr. Reza order wax key chains for? 4. How does mrs. Amy make the wax key chains more attractive? 5. What color does Mr. Erza order for the key chains?


Sorry Kak Kami Belum Belajar Kek Gituan

pertanyaan tidak sesuai dengan dialog

16. __Quizz__arti dari "Is always the key for happiness."adalah...#SelamatMengerjakan ​


"Selalu menjadi kunci kebahagiaan."


Selalu menjadi kunci kebahagiaan


Gpp gdikasih jwbn tercerdas yang penting dikasihbintang5&Terimakasih

17. your key on the table. I can't find your key anywhere​


then , what is the question ?


kalo terjemahananya gitu, semoga membantu ya.


kuncimu diatas meja. Aku tidak bisa menemukan kuncimu dimanapun.

18. what is the key of ram's personality? why?​



apa kunci kepribadian ram? kenapa?

19. pidato bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya tentang english is the key for global word

English is the key for global world

Nowaday, cultural and economic exchanges between countries causes us have to learnt some forein language such as the most vital one, English. First and foremost, many foreign companies with high salary and also give us a better chance to improve ourself require a high-level English. Thus, we need to master it to be applied for a nice job. Morover, not only in foreign companies, work in domestic companies with a skillful-English also enable us to promote in ourwork easily. Additionally, there is no more cultural barriers in the world. English, a key to open the door to the outside world, brings us many foreign friends and knowledge about English-speaking country, such as the US, Singapore, etc... Furthermore, many goods on market we know come from that countries, so we need English to read its details information. Not to mention, almost today's youth's entertainments is based on English include of musics, films, PC games,... In summary, we need to learn English day by day to master it in future

hope this helps x

20. what expression should the student repeat?

Repeat,please. maaf kalau salah :))))))))))))))))))))))

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