
Write A Response To The Following Arguments Against Democracy

Mei 15, 2023

Write A Response To The Following Arguments Against Democracy

Choose the best answer these following questions!1.the officials act according to the people’s wishes in…………… democracyb.democratic nations democracyc.representative democracyd.people democracye.Pancasila

Daftar Isi

1. Choose the best answer these following questions!1.the officials act according to the people’s wishes in…………… democracyb.democratic nations democracyc.representative democracyd.people democracye.Pancasila

jawabannya adalah direct democracy

2. Write the arguments of the following topic! Topic : The Benefits of Learning English (Sama Translatenya)


tulislah argumen dari topik berikut!

manfaat pembelajaran bahasa inggris

3. Choose the best response to the following dialogues


Choose the best response to the following dialogues

artinya  =

Pilih tanggapan terbaik untuk dialog berikut/ini

Tika: could I sit over here?

Liza: yeah,sure why not!


Makasih jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.Janlup love dan bintangnya yah!

artinya Pilih tanggapan terbaik untuk dialog berikut

4. Answer the following questions, or Mention the following statements! Dogs bark everyday. a. How many participants/arguments: b. The participants/arguments: c. The predicate Dogs chase cats. a. How many participants/arguments: b. The participants/arguments: c. The predicate:


Dogs Bark Everyday

a. one

b. Dogs

c. Bark

Dogs chase cats

a. two

b. dogs & cats

c. Chase

Correct me if I wrong :)

5. chose the best response to the following dialogues​

2. B. May i have your attention please?

6. apa bahasa indonesia nya ini Choose the correct response to the following expressions


Choose the correct response to the following expressions.

Artinya ( B.Indonesia)

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk ekspresi berikut

Semoga membantu

artinya pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk ungkapan ini

7. chose the best response to the following dialogues​


1. B (Excuse Me)

2. B (May I have your attention, please?)

3. A (Is it okay?)

4. B (Do you understand what I'm saying?)


8. write an expression or response for the following short conversation​


B) May I help youwith the suitcases?

C) Your computer is not working, canIfixit?

D) Sure,I'lllendyouthemoney

E) Sure,That would be very nice of you

9. what are the arguments against the use of ipads in the classroom​


apa argumen yang menentang penggunaan iPad di kelas


apakah seperti itu

10. give your response to the following situations.Examples are given.

example giving something
do you want a glass of avocado juice?

11. write down the response of to thank in the dialog​


Ammar : Hi Ameera! You look so pale today. What happen with you? Are you sick?

Ameera : Hello Ammar! I don’t know but I feel so weak today.

Ammar : I think you should take a rest or go to see the doctor.

Ameera : No, I can’t. I have so many works to do.

Ammar : It’s okay, I will help you to finish it, don’t you think that your healthy is more important?

Ameera : Really? Do you want to help me to finish it?

Ammar : Yes, I will do it my dear.

Ameera : oh... Thank you very much for your help, Ammar. You are my best friend. I don’t know what should I do without you.

Ammar : It’s my pleasure, my dear.



Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people, when speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something and give you compliment, etc.

(Expressing Gratitude adalah ekspresi yang kita tunjukkan atau katakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan berterima kasih kepada orang lain. Ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris, Anda mengatakan “terima kasih” berkali. Katakanlah “terima kasih” ketika orang memberikan sesuatu dan memberikan pujian, dll)

Ekspresi trimakasih (Thanks) adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting , karena ini menunjukkan sebuah penghargaan atau apresiasi kepada orang lain yang telah melakukan sesuatu untuk kita atau membantu kita.

Dan yang terlebih penting adalah ungakapan terimakasih itu diungkapkan dengan mimic atau air muka atau ekspressi yang indah dan menyejukkan, yang pasti dengan senyuman. Karena ini menunjukkan sebuah ucapan atau ungkapan yang tulus dari kita kepada orang laian.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan gratitude (Thanks) yang biasa digunakan dalam bahasa inggris.

I’m so grateful for…. (Saya sangat berterimakasih atas/untuk...)

Thank you very much for… (Terima kasih banyak atas...)

Thank you for… ( Terima kasih atas... )

That was nice of you. Thank you. (Kamu baik sekali. Terima kasih)

Thanks a lot for…. (Terima kasih atas...)

I really appreciate… (saya sungguh menghargai)

Thanks./many thanks. (terima kasih/ terima kasih banyak)

Thanks a million. (berjuta-juta terima kasih

Thanks a lot. (terima kasih banyak)

Many thanks (terima kasih banyak)

It means a lot to me (Itu sangat bermakna bagi saya)

I can’t repay you for what you have done (saya tidak dapat membayar mu atas apa yang telah kamu lakukan)

I just can’t thank you enough (Saya tidak cukup hanya berterima kasih)

You have been very helpful (kamu sudah sangat membantu)

Berikut beberapa ekspresi respon yang dapat digunakan:

• Don’t mention it. (Jangan katakana itu)

• It was my pleasure. ( itu suatu kebahagiaan)

• You’re well come. (terima kasih kembali)

• No big deal. (bukan sesuatu yang besar)

• I’m glad that I can help you.( saya senang dapat membantu kamu)

• My pleasure. ( kebahagiaan saya)

• Forget it. (lupakan)

• That’s what friends are. (itulah gunanya sahabat)

• It’s all right. (itu tidak apa-apa)

• Its nothing (bukan masalah)

• Thats okay (tidak apa-apa)


Student : May I help you, Ma’am? I will help you to lift these books.

Teacher : Oh... of course, That was nice of you. Thank you.

Student : I’m glad that I can help you

Terimakasih, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa follow yah:)

12. democracy provides us the following, EXCEPT

never ignore their Jobs......

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory Exposition adalah teks yang menunjukkan keinginan atau usaha sang penulis untuk megutarakan pendapatnya serta mengajak seseorang melakukan apa yang dia rekomendasikan.

Goal: to persuade the reader or listener that something should pr should not be the case.

Generic Structure dari Hortatory Exposition:

1. Thesis: Tesis berisi tentang masalah yang menjadi perhatian.

2. Arguments: Berisi tentang pendapat-pendapat penulis yang akan mengarah pada sebuah rekomendasi.

3. Recomendation: Berisi rekomendasi dari penulis tentang apa yang seharusnya atau harus terjadi.

Language features dari Hortatory Exposition:

1. Focusing on the writer

2. Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc

3. Using action verb

4. Using thinking verb

5. Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc

6. Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc

7. Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc

8. Using passive voice

9. Using simple present tense


Membuat argument dan recommendation dari judul atau kasus yang tersedia:

1. Pavements should not be used for motorcycle parking.

Arguments: If pavements is used as motorcycle parking, there will be no place for pedestrian. It will disturb the pedestrian's right to walk freely in pavements.

Recommendation: Government should build a parking building in every street, thus people who ride motorcycle and drive car can park their vehicle there.

2. Top Littering in the classroom.

Arguments: Littering is a bad habbit that should be banned from our selves. Littering is not only making our classroom dirty, but also making us cannot concentrate well in studying subjects.

Recommendation: Principle must make a regulation about littering in the classroom. Student who litter in the class should pay a fine to the school.

3. Neighborhood clean-up is a great volunteer project

Arguments: People in a neighborhood should help each other. In Indonesia, we have a tradition that called kerja bakti or Neighborhood clean-up. Everyone in a neighborhood will be asked to come and clean their environment. It is like an unwritten law. The men will clean the street and the ditch. The women will cook for the men.

Recommendation: It is beautiful to see everyone help each other. We should conserve this tradition. It is a simple volunteering project but have a great impact to others.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Genre Text

Kata kunci: Hortatory Exposition

14. apa arti dari Choose the correct response to the following expressions

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk ekspresi berikut



Choose the correct response to the following expressions


Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk ekspresi berikut

15. write two arguments about the internet


The arguments consist of two, pro and con. So, here is the two arguments on the internet.

Pro: I suppose Internet is not only useful for us but can be profitable as it provides the new opportunities for earning money, from online business, online projects as well as easy networking and marketing chance.

Con: I think Internet has led the human life into a setback or even downfall of humanity since modern people only are mostly obsessed with instant popularity.


In stating argument, one usually use the same kind of sentences for stating opinion. So, the useful language for such are

- I think...

- I believe.....

- I suppose...

- In my opinion, .....

- I'd say that.....

When one say an argument, it can be pro, which is supporting the statement or con, which is against the statement. Argument can be stated in speaking or writing.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Example of arguments

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Bab: 2

Mapel: English


Kata kunci: argument

16. chose the best response to the following dialogues​


1. (B) Excuse me

2. (B) May i have your attention, please?

3. (B) Look

17. give response to the following situation!(mohon bantuannya)​

1.Congratulation on the achievement!

2.I hope he get well soon!

3.I wish you a good luck!

4.Thank you very much!

5.Congratulation on getting the scholarship!

6.Congratulation! I'm so proud of you!

7.Thank you very much!

8.Congratulation on your achievement!

9.I wish you a good luck!

10.Thank you very much!


2.I hope he get well!

3.Good luck!

4.Thank you!



7.Thank you!


9.Good luck!

10.Thank you!

18. Choose the best response to the following dialogues​


Tika : Excuse me, could I sit over here?

Lilly : Hey look! I just bought  a new novel.

Student B : I'll check if I can bring it to school tomorrow or not. If I can't, you might need to come to my house to get it. Is it okay?

Dimas : Make sure you turn the antivirus first and then you can install the game, do you understand what I'm saying?

Terimakasih kak, jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

19. Write the right expression and the response for the following situations : • Today is Mother's Day. Bayu wants to say something to his mom, expressing her love

bayu: happy mother day, mom. i want you to know that i love you every day even it is not a mother day and even when i didn't say it. you mean everything to me.

mother: that's really nice bayu. thank you. i love you too

20. Write offer and response based on the following situations! Your friend ia seriously injured offer : ... response : ... ​

you:do you need medical help?let me help

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