
I Saw A Tiger It Was Wounded

Mei 15, 2023

I Saw A Tiger It Was Wounded

Where was kancil when tiger saw him?

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1. Where was kancil when tiger saw him?

Dimanakah Kancil berada ketika sang Harimau melihat keberadaannya.

2. Dalam cerita kancil and tiger What was kancil doing when tiger saw him


he is run away

because he scary

3. 3. What happened to the birdOa. It flewO b. It woundedООc. It was feverOd. It was beautiful​

Apa maksudmu "burung"?

The answer is A


It Flew mengartikan Itu Terbang dalam Past Simple a.k.a Verb2

4. • a kitten may weigh a hundred grams when it was born • a cub or young tiger may weigh two kilograms when it was born​

Kupukir ini harus diartikan :)

• Anak kucing mungkin memiliki berat 100 gr ketika mereka lahir.

• anak atau macam muda mungkin memiliki berat 2 kg ketika mereka lahir.

5. It is a tiger please answer


It is a tiger artinya adalah Ada seekor harimau.


Tigers are animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, subphylum vertebrates, class of mammals, meat eaters, family felidae, genus panthera, and belonging to the tigris species. Tigers are a type largest cat of its species, even bigger than a lion.


I hope this helps

6. 2.akitten. may weigh a hundres grams when it was born A cub or young tiger my weigh two kilograms when it was born

Eng. : A kitten may weight a hundred grams when it was born.

Ind. : Seekor anak kucing memiliki berat sekitar seratus gram saat dilahirkan.

Eng. : A cub or young tiger my weigh two kilograms when it was born.

Ind. : Seekor anak harimau atau harimau muda memiliki berat sekitar dua kilogram saat lahir.


7. Some people saw a tiger. They...away


Some people Saw a Tiger,They Run away.



8. What was kancil doing when tiger saw him


soal terjemahan :

apa yang dilakukan kancil saat harimau melihatnya


dia berlari(kancil run)

9. Why did the mousedeer trick the tiger by saying that the snake was a king's belt?A. The mousedeer like to trick other animalsB. The mousedeer was a clever animalC. The tiger wanted to eat himD. The tiger like to wear it.

because the Tiger wanted to eat him (c)the answer is C, because, if the tiger won't eat the mousedeer, the mousedeer wouldn't lie to the tiger

10. 25. The cat was wet and wounded,took it to the veterinarian.A. SOB. butC. becauseD. although​

c. because maaf kalau salah

11. simple past tense dari where was the man saw the big tiger

itu sudah simple pas tense nominal bosqAnswer:
Where did the man see the big tiger?

Was harusnya did
Saw harusnya see


12. Long ago, there lived a great wizard in a village.One day, as hewas walking through the village he found a weak little mouse. Hefeched the mouse and fed it rice.One day, the wizard saw the mouse hiding in a hole because itwas afraid of a cat.Thereofe, he turned the mouse into a cat sothat it could defend itself. The next day, the wizard saw a tigerfrightening his cat and immediately changed his cat into atiger. The villagers said that it was not a tiger, it was just amouse that the wizard changed into a tiger. It would not scaredthem. When the fake tiger heard this, it planned to escape thejungle, so it would be a real tiger.As soon as the wizard saw the fake tiger running, he understoodits plan and immediately changed it into a little mouse again.Answer the question based on the text!1.When did the story happen?​


asliu pajbdibsbj


main free fire

13. Dita saw tiger in the...last sunday

in the "ZOO" itu jwabnya dek

Dita Saw tiger in the zoo last Sunday.

14. A Bad Dream15th JanuaryI was walking through the forest when I saw a big house. I went into the house to see if anyone lived there. The front door was open and there was no lock. Anyone could walk into the houseA phone was ringing as I walked in. there was nobody in the first two rooms. By the time I found the phone, it had stopped ringing. There was nothing else in the room. I walked through the house. There were so many rooms that I couldn’t count them all.Then I heard someone talking in the next room. I walked through the open door, but no one was there. Something didn’t feel right. I could smell an animal in the room, but I couldn’t see it. Where was it?Then I saw it. A tiger was sleeping in the corner. It woke up as I was looking for a place to hide. The next thing I knew, I was running. I ran all around the house, but I couldn’t find the front door. The tiger was chasing me. I was in a big trouble! What could I do?I woke up in my bedroom screaming. The whole thing was a bad dream!My mother came in. “Wong, did you have a nightmare? Are you OK? You read too many horror stories.Answer the questions1. Who had the bad dream?2. When was the dream?3. What was he doing when he saw a big house?4. What was the tiger doing when he saw it?5. Why did his mother think that he had the bad dream?​


1. The writer.

2. 15th January.

3. The writer was walking through the forest.

4. The tiger was sleeping in the corner.

5. Because the writer woke up in the writer's bedroom screaming.

Insyaallah, benar. Maaf jika ad kesalahan dalam grammar dan ejaan


1. Wong

2. 15th January

3. He went into the house to see if anyone lived there

4. A tiger was sleeping in the corner

5. Because he woke up in his bedroom screaming


•answer number one I got from the last paragraph when his mother call him

•answer number two I got from the top under the title

•answer number three I got from the second sentence in the first paragraph

•answer number four I got from the second sentence in the fourth paragraph

•answer number five I got from the first sentence in the fifth paragraph

15. he wounded himself without dying. "wounded" is a synonym for.....​


synonym yg cocok untuk wounded adalah injured.

Semoga membantu


16. my cat looks very sick it has a Wounded paw Apa artinya

Kucing saya terlihat sangat sakit kakinya yang terluka

"maaf kalau salah"

17. SO25. The cat was wet and wounded, ...!took it to the veterinarian.A.soB. butC. becauseD. although​

jawabanya: so maaf kalau ada salah


A. so


kucing itu terluka, jadi kita harus bawa ke dokter

kata hubung yang tepat yaitu so

18. Why did the tiger jump to the water? a. He saw his reflection. b. He was scared. He was overjoyed. d. He was overslept. C.​


Jawabanya itu b.


Terima Kasih, semoga benar (≧∇≦)/

19. Fill in the blanks using these, some , the , a this is .... telephonehe is eating ..... apple there is .... water in the glass...... Sun is shining very brightlyI saw a tiger in the zoo ..... tiger was very fiercejawab sekarang​


a , the , some , the , a

semoga membantu :)


This is a telephone

he is eating an apple

there is some water in the glass

the sun is shining very brightly

I saw a tiger in the zoo the tiger was very fierce



20. 1.What is the animal in the text a tiger wild animal 3.How is a tiger teeth and claws4. What color is it 5.How is it tail 6.for what a Tiger Run very fast7. What does a tiger eat8.What does it catch9. Where does a tiger Live 10.Do you ever see a tiger ​


Yang ke2. Is a tiger wild animal


Karna disana terdapat kata2 TIGER yang berarti HARIMAU dan apakah artinya is a tiger wild animal? Artinya adalah Harimau adalah hewan buas makasih..

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