
The Energy Required To Break One Mole Of Cl Cl

Mei 20, 2023

The Energy Required To Break One Mole Of Cl Cl

Which of thefollowing correctly defines lattice energy? AIt is the energy required to convert a mole of ionic solid into its constituent ions in the gas phase.BIt is the energy given off when gaseous ions combine to form one mole of an ionic solid.CIt is the energy required to produce one mole of an ionic compound from its constituent elements in their standard states.DIt is the sum of ionisation energies of the components in an ionic solid. Kenapa A bukan B

Daftar Isi

1. Which of thefollowing correctly defines lattice energy? AIt is the energy required to convert a mole of ionic solid into its constituent ions in the gas phase.BIt is the energy given off when gaseous ions combine to form one mole of an ionic solid.CIt is the energy required to produce one mole of an ionic compound from its constituent elements in their standard states.DIt is the sum of ionisation energies of the components in an ionic solid. Kenapa A bukan B


What affects lattice energy?

This model emphasizes two main factors that contribute to the lattice energy of an ionic solid: the charge on the ions, and the radius, or size, of the ions.


The effect of those factors is: as the charge of the ions increases, the lattice energy increases.

2. la) The heat capacity of a body is defined as the amount of thermal energy required to

Saya akan menjawab dengan dua tipe jawaban.

Jawaban pendek:
".. increase its temperature by a degree Kelvin (or celsius)." 

Jawaban panjang:
"heat capacity”atau kapasitas panas suatu benda adalah jumlah panas atau heat, dalam satuan joule, yang diperlukan oleh suatu benda tersebut untuk menaikkan suhunya sebesar satu Kelvin atau satu derajat celsius. Derajat celsius dan Kelvin adalah sama dan sejajar, bedanya hanya pada nilai, yaitu suhu air beku dalam skala celsius dinyatakan dalam 0 derajan celsius, sedangkan dalam skala Kelvin dinyatakan sebesar 273 Kelvin.

3. In a sample of an unknown compound, the mass ratio of Cl to C is 47.227g Cl to 4.00g C. In another sample, there are 0.553g of Cl. What mass of C would be in this sample?

Rasio perbandingan massa tiap unsur dalam suatu sample juga mewakili perbandingan mol nya

massa C/Ar. C : massa Cl/Ar. Cl

4/12 : 47,277

0,3 : 1,3

Pembulatan perbandingan mol

1 : 4

Atau senyawa tersebut memiliki rumus molekulnya CCl4

Hukum perbandingan tetap dari rumusan diatasi massa C

= 1/4 massa Cl = 1/4 x 0,553 gram = 0,138 gram

Semoga membantu.

4. CH4(g)+CL2(g)=CH3CL(g)+HCL(g) jika energy disosiasi ikatan: C-H=413KJ\MOL,C-CL=328K\MOL,CL-CL=242KJ\MOL,H-CL=431KJ\MOL maka tentukan ∆H reaksi tersebut

= (4×413)+(242)-(3×413)+(328)

5. 1. Berdasarkan data energy ikatanberikut : H – H = 104, 2 kkal Cl – Cl = 57,8kkal H – Cl = 103,2 kkal JikaAr H = 1, Ar Cl = 35,5maka tentukanlah kalor yang diperlukan untuk menguraikan 73 gram HCl menjadi unsur-unsurnya ?

persamaan reaksinya gmn? biar bisa dijawab, tuliskan dlu persamaan reaksi HCl yang diketahui ya,,2HCl ⇒ H2 + Cl2
ΔE = (2 H-Cl) - ( H-H + Cl-Cl)
= (2 × 103,2) - (104,2 + 57,8) = 44,4
mol HCl = gr ÷ mr
= 73 ÷ 36,5 = 2
maka kalor yang diperlukan untuk 2 mol HCl = 2 × 44,4 = 88,8

6. A joule is an amount of energy, and a watt is a rate of using energy, defined as 1 W = 1 J / s. How many joules of energy are required to run a 100 W light bulb for one day? Save your answer for use in the next question?

Electric Energy

base formula

E = W . t


E = electric energy (Joule)

W = power (watt)

t = time (s)


from the question, we are given

W = 100 watt

t = one day = 24 hours = 86400 second


E = W . t

E = 100 . 86400

E = 8,64 x 10^6 Joule

Hope this helps you :)

7. Which one of the following molten electrolytes requires only one mole of electrons to produce one mole of metal atoms during electrolysis? A.calcium glories B. Iron (111)glories C. Magnesium bromide D.potassium bromide

jawabannya adalah c magnesium bromide

8. bahasa indonesianya he showed them a bundle of arrow which were tied together "try to break the bundle " said the old man all of them tried one after another , but no one could break it .


dia menunjukkan pada mereka seikat panah yang di ikat menjadi satu "cobalah untuk merusak ikatan nya" kata sang lelaki tua. Mereka semua mencobanya satu persatu, tapi tidak ada yang bisa merusaknya.

semoga membantu ya, maaf kalau salah :)

9. Thermal energy required to increase the temperature of 100g water from 20°c to 70°c (specific heat capacity of water is 4200 Joule/kg °C) is​


m = 100 g.

T.Awal = 20°C.

T.Akhir = 70°C.

c = 4200 J/kg°C.


Q = ?


21000 J.


Pertama-tama konversikan massanya menjadi kg.

m = 100 g = 100 ÷ 1000 = 0,1 kg.

Kemudian carilah kalornya.


Q = m × c × ∆T = 0,1 × 4200 × (70 - 20) =

0,1 × 4200 × 50 = 21000 J.

Semoga Membantu.

10. Diketahui energy ikatan rata – rata C – H = 99,3 kkal/mol ; Cl – Cl = 58,0 kkal/mol ; H – Cl = 103,2 kkal/mol ; C – Cl = 78,0 kkal/mol. Hitunglah delta H persamaan reaksi berikut : CH4 + Cl2 -> CH3Cl + HCl

semoga membantu dan bermanfaat yah:)

11. Ar Cl= 35,5 , isotop Cl ada 2 cl no massa 35 dan cl no massa 37 Tentukan %Cl 35 dan % Cl 37

CI 35 = 75%
Cl 37 = 25%

12. One of the teachers rang the bell to announce the students that it is break time, so the examination .... next time.m​


artinya : Salah satu guru membunyikan bel untuk mengumumkan kepada siswa bahwa itu adalah waktu istirahat, jadi ujian .... lain kali.m​


13. Which one is the correct qualification of an applicant required?


unique,responsive,responsible,keep learning,confident,keep updating information


semoga membantu

14. Manakah senyawa klor yang bertindak sebagai reduktor? Select one: a. ClO4– →ClO – b. ClO4– →Cl‑ c. Cl2 → Cl– d. Cl- →ClO2– e. ClO2– → ClO3–

unsur Chlor sebagai reduktor terdapat pada reaksi d dan e.

15. How to break the laws of physics?



Jawabannya=Gak ada yang bisa TAPI ada contohnya

16. 3.0 g of magnesium was added to 12.0g of ethanoic acid. Mg + 2CH 3 COOH → (CH3COO)2Mg + H 2 The mass of one mole of Mg is 24g. The mass of one mole of CH3COOH is 60g. Which one, magnesium or ethanoic acid, is in excess? You must show you nasoning ​

mass of Mg = 3 g

Atomic relative Mg (Ar) = 24 g/mole

mass of CH3COOH = 12 g

Molecular relative of CH3COOH (Mr) = 60 g/mole

Reaction occurs:

Mg + 2CH3COOH → (CH3COO)2Mg + H2 (balance)

first, calculate mole for each reactant

[tex]n \: = \frac{mass}{Ar/Mr} [/tex]

[tex]n \: Mg= \frac{3 \: g}{24 \: g/mole} = 0.125 \: mole [/tex]

[tex]n \: CH _{3}COOH = \frac{12 \: g}{60 \: g/mole} = 0.2 \: mole [/tex]

identifying the limiting reactant from balanced equation, use the mole from calculation before and use coefficient for each reactant from balanced equation

[tex]limiting \: reactant = \frac{mole \: reactant}{coefficient \: of \: reactant} [/tex]

[tex]limiting \: Mg = \frac{0.125}{1} = 0.125 \: mole[/tex]

[tex]limiting \: CH_{3}COOH = \frac{0.2}{2} = 0.1 \: mole[/tex]

use CH3COOH as limiting reactant because it has smallest mole quantity, so for 1 coefficient of each compoundcompound is 0,1 mole.

calculate the remaining reactant

Mg + 2CH3COOH → (CH3COO)2Mg + H2

initial 0.125 0.2 - -

reacted 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1

excess 0.025 - 0.1 0.1

calculate mass of excess reactant, Mg

[tex]mass \: = excess \: mole \: \times Ar = 0.025 \: mole \times 24 \: g/mole = 0.6 \: g[/tex]

17. what is the most accurate definition of energy? a. Energy is distance covered over time b. energy is ratio between.force and the area c. energy is the relation between the mass and volume of an object d. energy is required to do something dijawab ya hari ini deadline ​


d. Energy is required to do something


Kita sebagai manusia pastinya membutuhkan energi untuk melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan, darimana energi itu berasal? Dari makanan dan minuman yang kita konsumsi sehari sehari

Begitu halnya dengan lampu, kendaraan bermotor, mesin dan lain sebagainya. Semua benda membutuhkan energi untuk dapat bergerak sebagaimana mestinya.

Maka dari itu, pengertian dari energy is required to do something menurut saya paling akurat dibandingkan pilihan jawaban yang lain.

18. CH3-H+Cl-Cl----->CH3-Cl+H-Cl termasuk reaksi??? ​


reduksi dan oksidasi


reduksi naik dan oksidasi turun

19. ionization energy of cl- ion is 349 KJ/mol.Approximate heat liberated when an electron is added to gaseous chlorine atom.

Ionization energy of Cl⁻ ion is 349 kJ/mol. Approximate heat liberated when an electron is added to gaseous chlorine atom is 349 kJ/mol too.


Energi ionisasi ion Cl⁻ adalah 349 kJ / mol. Perkiraan panas yang dibebaskan ketika elektron ditambahkan ke atom gas klor adalah 349 kJ / mol.

Reaksi ionisasi ion Cl⁻ :

Cl⁻ → ¹/₂ Cl₂ + e  Energi  = 349 kJ/mol

Reaksi penambahan elektron pada atom gas klor :

¹/₂ Cl₂ (g) + e → Cl⁻, maka energi = - 349 kJ/mol

Reaksi ini merupakan reaksi kebalikan dari reaksi ionisasi. Energi ionisasi menyatakan jumlah energi yang menyertai proses pelepasan sebuah elektron.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang sifat keperiodikan unsur brainly.co.id/tugas/18035068

2. Materi tentang konfigurasi unsur periode ketiga brainly.co.id/tugas/4312205

3. Materi tentang energi ionisasi https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18026612


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : XII

Mapel : Kimia

Bab : Kimia Unsur

Kode : 12.7.3

Kata Kunci: Energi ionisasi, elektron

20. Potential energy can change to … or the energy of motion.​


Potential energy can change to KENECTIK ENERGY




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