
Class 9 Hindi Premchand Ke Phate Joote Question Answer

Mei 20, 2023

Class 9 Hindi Premchand Ke Phate Joote Question Answer

. Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

Daftar Isi

1. . Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​


Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class?

Answer: Julia and Rano

Question: When will class begins?

Answer: In 10 minutes

Question: Where will you put your craft?

Answer: In the living room

Question: Why will you join dancing club?

Answer: To become a dancer

Question: How many times will you play this song?

Answer: 3 times


Maaf bila ada kesalahan ^^

2. Answer the question with complete sentence 1. were these in the class

yes , this in the class

3. II. Answer the following question with correct answer! 1. Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer : 2. Question: When will the class begins? Answer 3. Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer : 4. Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer 5. Question : How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

1. Julia and Rano

2. in 10 minutes

3. in living room

4. become a dancer

5. 3 times

4. Simple Past Tense - Class 9 don't know, don't answer ​


Simple Past Tense:

1. Shania went to her grandmother's house a week ago.

2. They came to my house last night.

3. The students made tumpeng last week.

4. He played football yesterday afternoon.

5. Jono and Joni bought new shoes last month.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Ciri khas dari Simple Past Tense adalah selalu menggunakan bentuk Verb-2 (bentuk kata kerja ke 2) dan kata keterangan waktu lampau.

Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-1 + Object + Time Signal (yesterday / last month)

Semoga membantu ya.

5. Passive Voice Change the statements below into passive sentence Question #1 (1 point) 6. Are you listening a music? Answer: Question #2 (1 point) 3. Where did you see the movie? Answer: Question #3 (1 point) 9. Someone hid my shoes in the class yesterday Answer: Question #4 (1 point) 2. Someone stole my wallet in the market yesterday Answer: Question #5 (1 point) 4. Lina has not replied my letter yet Answer: Question #6 (1 point) 7. The teacher often advices the students to study hard Answer: Question #7 (1 point) 1. The students are doing the exercise in the class now Answer: Question #8 (1 point) 10. I will buy a leather jacket in Jogya next holiday Answer: Question #9 (1 point) 5. The police was asking a few questions to me when my father came Answer: Question #10 (1 point) 8. Doni has been reading the novel since morning Answer: Logout

6. Is the music being listened by you?
3. Where did the movie was watched by you?
9. my shoes were hid by someone yesterday
2. my wallet was stolen by someone yesterday in the market
4. My letter has not been replied by Lina yet
7. The students often adviced by the teache to study hard
1. the excercise is being done by the students in the class now
10. the leather jacket will be bought by me in Jogya next holiday
5. I was being asked a few questiona buy the police when my father came
8. the novel had been being read by Doni since morning

6. NOTE: PLEASE HELP NOW AND IF THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION MUST BE CORRECT, DON'T JUST ANSWER ! ____________________Subjects : Bahasa Inggris Material : Caption Class : XII SMA ___________________ Please help answer the questions above and provide an explanation. Thank you​


1. E. I'm suffocating here .. Help!

2. D. Sorrow guy marries a pole.

4. I love internet!

5. I think the picture is good and the man in the picture looks Happy. I think the man in the picture is happy because he can do many things he wants to do on the internet, that is why he shows us a big smile and a thumb up!


Jawaban sudah dipilih yang sesuai caption.

1. Jawaban semua benar kecuali pilihan E. karena tidak ada satu orang pun yang tercekik di gambar tersebut.

2. Berdasarkan gambar, yang terjadi adalah pilihan D.

4. Caption yang sesuai: I love internet!

5. Saya pikir gambarnya bagus dan pria dalam gambar itu terlihat bahagia. Saya pikir pria dalam gambar itu senang karena dia dapat melakukan banyak hal yang ingin dia lakukan di internet, itulah sebabnya dia menunjukkan senyum lebar dan angkat jempol!

Semoga membantu ya.

I. Multiple choices

1. The followings are suitable captions for the picture, except  

= E. I'm suffocating here, help!

2. What is actually happened in the picture?  

= D. Some guy marries a pole.

II. Essay

1. Write your own caption of this photo!  

= A man who loves playing his Laptop.

2. What do you think about the picture? Is the man sad or happy? Explain!  

= In my opinion, according to the picture and the man's face, he looks kinda happy, so I could make a conclusion that he loves his laptop.


1. Berikut ini adalah keterangan yang tepat berdasarkan gambar, kecuali  

E. I'm suffocating here, help! = saya tersiksa (tidak bisa bernafas / tercekik) disini, tolong!

2. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada gambar?  

D. Some guy marries a pole. = Seorang pemuda menikahi tiang. Kenapa? karena sudah jelas judul pada gambar yaitu "Local Resident Marries Pole!" atau "Salah satu penduduk lokal menikahi tiang!"


1. Tuliskan keteranganmu sendiri berdasarkan foto!  

A man who loves playing his Laptop. = Seorang pemuda yang suka bermain Laptop miliknya.

2. Apa pendapatmu terhadap foto tersebut? Apakah pemuda itu sedih atau senang? Jelaskan!  

In my opinion, according to the picture and the man's face, he looks kinda happy, so I could make a conclusion that he loves his laptop.


Menurut saya, berdasarkan gambar dan wajah dari pemuda tersebut, dia terlihat senang, jadi saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa dia suka bermain Laptop-nya.

7. 2. Question : What is Risa doing in the Class-room?Answer : She is ....a. cleaningb. drawingc. readingd. singing​




kegiatan paling umum yg dilakukan di ruang kelas adalah membaca

8. 2. Question : WhoAnswer :Nadya and Dilla are going to walk home from school today.3 Question : WhereAnswerI am going to eat lunch in the cafeteria at 12.304. Question WhatAnswer: We are going to miss the bus if we don't hurry.5. Question : WhenAnswerThere is going to be a storm in an hour.6. Question : WhatAnswer : Dad is going to fix my bike on Saturday.7. Question : WhoAnswer : Ivan feels dizzy. He is going to stay home tomorrow.8. Question : WhenAnswer : My mom and my sister are going to get a haircut this week.9. Question : WhereAnswer : Class 6B is going to visit Ivan in the hospital after school.10. Question : WhenAnswer : My dad is going to buy mom's birthday present this evening.Answer​


question artinya "pertanyaan"

answer artinya "jawaban"


itu sudah ada jawabannya kak jadi apa yang mau ditanyakan lagi kak??

9. e quiz.Complete the sentencewith the correct answer.My little sister answers everyquestion in class. Heralways impresses the teachers.​


always impresses the teachers.

10. Writing PR Write the questions. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan seperti contoh nomor 1. 1. Question : Who is going to visit a friend tonight? Answer : Bagas is going to visit a friend tonight. : Who 2. Question Answer 3. Question Answer 4. Question : What Answer 5. Question Answer 6. Question Answer 7. Question Answer 8. Question Answer 10. Question : Nadya and Dilla are going to walk home from school today. : Where : I am going to eat lunch in the cafeteria at 12.30. Pir B : We are going to miss the bus if we don't hurry. : When : There is going to be a storm in an hour. : What : Dad is going to fix my bike on Saturday. : Who 9. Question : Where Answer a Bahasa Sesual Vrite questi ulis W 1 W : Ivan feels dizzy. He is going to stay home tomorrow. : When : My mom and my sister are going to get a haircut this week. : Class 6B is going to visit Ivan in the hospital after school. : When


1.she is intan

2.where did you come here

I come here by motor cycle

11. Questions:1. Who is the tallest student in the the Class A?Answer:2. Who is the shortest student in the Class A?Answer:3. Who is the fattest student in the Class A?Answer: 44. Who is the thinniest student in Class A?Answer:5. Who has the highest score in English in Class A?Answer: tolong di jawab ​

who : menanyakan nama ( jadi saya gak bisa jawab karna tidak tau apa yg harus sy isi, berupa nama... nama seseorang yg ada di buku itu mungkin?

"who is the tallest student in class a"

siapa orang tertinggi di kelas a ?

ex : Bobby

"who is the shortest student in class a"

siapa orang terpendek di kelas a ?

ex : leyla

fattest : tergemuk

thinniest : terkurus

highest score : ( yang memiliki) nilai tertinggi

JAWABANNYA itu Nama orang contoh nama orang : Ashley, Kate, John

1. Who is the tallest students in the class A? =
Siapa murid tertinggi di kelas A
2. Who is the shortest students in the class A=
Siapa murid terpendek di kelas A
3. Who is the fattest students in the class A=
Siapa murid tergemuk di kelas A
4.who is the thinniest in the class A=
Siapa murid terkurus di kelas A
5. Who has the highest score in English in class A =
Siapa murid yang memiliki skor tertinggi di kelas A

Semoga membantu

12. Don't stand up! Answer : .......... ,please Reno doesn't pass the examination Answer : .......... ! The class is nolsy! Answer : ..........

1) Sit down, please.
2) Don't give up!
3) Be quiet!

13. Tolong yg bisa jawab , jawab ya:)1. Question:Who ____________ Answer: Nadya and Dilla are going to walk home from school today.2. Question: Where______________ Answer: I'm going to eat lunch in the cafeteria at 12.30.3. Question: what______________ Answer: we are going to miss the bus if we don't hurry.4. Question: When________ Answer: There is going to be a storm in an hour5. Question: What _________ Answer: Dad is going to fix my bike on Saturday6. Question: Who__________ Answer: Ivan Feels dizzy. He is going to stay home tomorrow.7. Question: When________ Answer: my mom and my sister are going to get a haircut this week8. Question: Where_________ Answer: Class 6B is going to visit Ivan in the hospital after school.9. Question: When_________ Answer: My dad is going to buy mom's birthday Present this evening.ini yang bagian contohnyaContoh: Question: Who is going to visit a friend tonight? Answer: Bagas is going to visit a friend tonight.​


1. Who are they going to walk home from school today?

2. Where are you going to eat lunch at 12.30?

3. What are we going to do if we don't hurry?

4. When is there going to be a storm?

5. What is Dad going to do on Saturday?

6. Who is going to stay home tomorrow?

7. When are your mom and your sister are going to get a haircut?

8. Where are they going to after school?

9. When is your dad going to buy your mom's birthday present?


1. who will walk after school?

2. where are you having lunch later?

3. what should I do so as not to miss the bus?

4.when is the storm coming?

5. what is dad going to do on Saturday?

6. who's dizzy?

7. when will your mom and sister get their hair cut?

8. Where did class 6B go?

9. When Will dad buy mom's birthday present?


I hope thishelps


14. Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya. 1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45. 2. Question : Who Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight. 3. Question : Where Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant. 4. Question : When Answer : I'll call her tomorrow. 5. Question : When Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.6. Question : What timeAnswer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.​


2. Question : who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : where are we going for dinner?

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : when are you going to call her?

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : when is she graduating?

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time will they be here?

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.


Write the questions with the given WH word. Number 1 is an example. Lengkapi pertanyaan berdasarakan jawabannya.

1. Question : What time will the class end? Answer : The class will end at 8:45.

2. Question : Who

Answer : Ivan will go with Bagas to the movie tonight.

3. Question : Where

Answer: We will eat dinner in a restaurant.

4. Question : When

Answer : I'll call her tomorrow.

5. Question : When

Answer : She'll graduate in the spring.

6. Question : What time

Answer : They'll be here at seven o'clock.

15. question tag : they sits in the class,______?

→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→roomsdo they? itu jawabannnyaaaaaa

16. Timetable buatlah pertanyaan dan jawaban sesuai dengan di atas misalchairquestion: how many chair are in the classanswer: there are twenty two chair in the classpliss jawab kalo ngasal laporin awas lu​


Q:Have you get the timetable?

A:No/Yes i haven't/have got the timetable yet

semoga membantu

17. write three thinks in you class? answer​


Tables, chairs, and desk.


18. Write two notice in your class!Answer:​


1. The student must be in the class when the bell rings.

2. Students should not speak when the teacher explains.

I hope this helps for you


1. you must wear uniform

2. you must be at school, 10 minutes before the bell ring

3. you must do your homework

4. you must go home after the school end, except you have an extracuricular

5. you must obey the school rules

                     I hope this answer helps you                                   and I make bonus

19. Do you see any differences between the two letters? Write a question about them. Raise your question to the class and in turns answer each question


Do you See Any Differences Between the two Letters?Write a Question about them.Raise your Question to the Class and in Turns Answer each Question...


Apakah Anda melihat perbedaan antara kedua huruf tersebut? Tulis pertanyaan tentang mereka. Ajukan pertanyaan Anda ke kelas dan jawablah setiap pertanyaan secara bergiliran...

-Jangan Lupa Follow-


Maaf kalau salah :)

20. tulis question and answer in engglish in hal60-61 to class 6 from hello jakarta​


Jawaban terlampir teman-teman ..





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