
Radiation Of Intensity 0 5 W M2

Mei 04, 2023

Radiation Of Intensity 0 5 W M2

Question 3 Earthquake intensity. The intensity of an earthquake P wave travelling through the Earth and detected 100km from the source is 1.0 x 10 W/m2 What is the intensity of that wave if detected 400km from the source?​

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1. Question 3 Earthquake intensity. The intensity of an earthquake P wave travelling through the Earth and detected 100km from the source is 1.0 x 10 W/m2 What is the intensity of that wave if detected 400km from the source?​


Intensity of an earthquake P wave is a measure of the energy that is transmitted through the Earth by the wave. It is usually expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m^2). The intensity of an earthquake P wave decreases with distance from the source, meaning that the intensity of the wave will be lower if it is detected further away from the source.

To calculate the intensity of the earthquake P wave if it is detected 400 km from the source, we can use the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of a wave decreases inversely with the square of the distance from the source.

If the intensity of the earthquake P wave is 1.0 x 10^-7 W/m^2 when it is detected 100 km from the source, and the distance from the source is increased by a factor of 4 (from 100 km to 400 km), the intensity of the wave will decrease by a factor of 4^2 = 16.

Therefore, the intensity of the earthquake P wave if it is detected 400 km from the source will be 1.0 x 10^-7 W/m^2 / 16 = 6.25 x 10^-9 W/m^2.

2. what is the meaning of of radiation


1 pemancaran sinar; radiasi.
2 tenaga atau sinar yang dipancarkan.
3 tindakan atau proses pemancaran sinar radio aktif oleh molekul dan atom bahan radio aktif.

Radiation is energy transmitted in waves or a stream of particles

3. the example of radiation is​


sinar matahari sampai ke bumi Dan api unggun sampai panasnya kepada kita sehingga badan terasa hangat


maap klo salah 8)


1.Visible light.

2.Infrared light.

3.Near ultraviolet light.


5.Low frequency waves.

6.Radio waves.

7.Waves produced by mobile phones.

8.A campfire's heat.


==Meaning of radiation==

the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization


4. how does light intensity and distance affect the rate of photosynthesis how do you know?

Light provides the energy needed for photosynthesis. Increasing the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis, provided plenty of carbon dioxide and water are available. This states that the intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

sorry if wrong

5. give an example of heat transfer by radiationbantu jawab........​


Examples of radiation heat transfer are the sun's rays, the warmth of a campfire or candle to the glow of a warm lamp.


jadikan jawaban terbaik

6. the part of a camera which set the intensity of incident light is the​


Light meters

7. Radiation Of Heat Transfer is (Pake English Hehe)​


Radiation heat transfer is the process by which the thermal energy is exchanged between two surfaces obeying the laws of electromagnetics.


8. apa yang anda ketahui tentang color intensity

untuk memgatur perubahan font,kelik plihan bagian intem dg memilih incom

9. 26. A sound wave from a police siren has an intensity of 100.0 W/m2 at a certain point; a second sound wave from a nearby ambulance has an intensity level that is 10 dB greater than the police siren's sound wave at the same point. What is the sound level of the sound wave due to the ambulance?


sorry yah aku mau ambil koin mu soalnya aku mau kasih pertanyaan juga(╯︵╰,)

10. pengertian dari intensity

Intensity atau chroma adalah istilah untuk menyatakan cerah atau suramnya warna, kualitas atau kekuatan warna.

11. what may prevent the risks of uv radiation​


Because it protects skin from UV rays.

12. what is the meaning of radiation (Pake Bahasa Inggris)​


Radiation is the emission and propagation of energy through matter or space in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles.


I hope this helps:)

Sorry if it's wrong


Radiation is the emission and propagation of energy through matter or space in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles.


Radiasi adalah emisi dan perambatan energi melalui materi atau ruang dalam bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik atau partikel.

maaf klo salah

13. poinya 100buatlah kalimat:Adverb Of TimeAdverb Of MannerAdverb Of PlaceAdverb Of Intensity

Adverb of time
Finally, my sister finished her tasks.
I'm cooking now.

Adverb of manner
Read the instruction carefully before you answer the question

Adverb of place
My father goes to Bandung

Adverb of intensity
The dress was pretty good

maaf kalau salah:)

14. Warming your hands in front of a fire is an example of …. *a. conductionb. convection c.condensationd. radiation ​


d. radiation

ok sekiandanTerimaksh

15. An adverb of degree tells us about the intensity or _______ of an action, an adjective or another adverb.


An adverb of degree tells us about the intensity or ___extent____ of an action, an adjective or another adverb.

16. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang value dan intensity?

Value adalah istilah untuk menyatakan gelap terangnya warna atau harga dari hue 

-Value adalah Nilai dari suatu barang atau jasa
-Intensity adalah tingkat kepentingan atau tingkat kebutuhan konsumen akan suatu barang dan jasa

17. Sweetness of the fruit depends...the climate condition and intensity of photosynthesispilihan asal"an

a. on............
....Sweetnees of the fruit depends on the climate condition and intensity of photosynthesis
a. on

18. (Poinnya 100) buatlah kalimat : Adverb Of TimeAdverb Of MannerAdverb Of PlaceAdverb Of Intensity

The plane arrives at Surabaya at 07.00 (07.00 itu adverb of time. Bsa juga pakai Hari. Bulan. Tahun. Atau malam pagi Siang)

She sings very beautifully ( beautifully itu kata Keterangan Cara/adv of manner. Ingat, adverb of manner terbentuk Dari Kara sifat(adjective ) yg ditambahkan huruf ly. Kcuali beberapa kasus seperti fast Dan hard tidk perlu dtmbahi

My mother go to the market (market itu Keterangan tempat)

We oftenly visit museum( Keterangan of intensity itu fungsinya menunjukkan tingkat keseringan Dari sesuatu. Cth lainnya adalah always, usually, never, seldom. DLL.)

Itu ya..smga membantu Adverb of time = keterangan waktu
He is a student now.

Adverb of manner = menerangkan kata kerja.
He works hard.

Adverb of place = keterangan tempat.
He works there.

Adverb of degree/intensity
I am very excited to meet him.

19. what is the meaning of =arrogant, phsyco, radiation?pls help ya​

sombong,psikopat dan radiasi

arrogant tuh artinya sombong atau belagak kalo phsyco artinya psikopat kalo radiation artinya radiasi

20. explain the radiation of taj mahal at different time !

Results indicate that deposited light absorbing dust and carbonaceous particles are responsible for the surface discolouration of the Taj Mahal

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