
One Who Does Not Care For Art And Literature

Mei 03, 2023

One Who Does Not Care For Art And Literature

11. Mbape and Dyballa … able to paintings. They have no skills on art. *DoDoesDo notDoes not​

Daftar Isi

1. 11. Mbape and Dyballa … able to paintings. They have no skills on art. *DoDoesDo notDoes not​


does not

# semoga membantu

# jadikan yg terbaik ya

2. Dear mother 's Happy mother 's day !Thank you for you love and care No one loves you more than I do love lia 1. who send the card ?2. who is the card for ?3. what does the sender express throwah the card ?4. what does the sender thank the recipient for ?5. who does " you" in the card refer to ?


1. Lia

2. Mother

3. Expressing Happy Mothers Day

4. For the love and care

5. You refer to Mothe4

1. Her (mother) child send the card

2. The card is for mother

3. The sender express congratulation for her mother in the mother day through the card

4. The sender thanks the recipient for her loving and her caring.

5. "you" in card refers to mother

3. literature for young readers (children) differs from literature for adults in degree."" what does the word ‘degree’ mean?

degree means the amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present it also can means a unit of measurement of angles, one three-hundred-and-sixtieth of the circumference of a circle.


pada bahasa indonesia "degree" bisa berarti derajat, tingkat, taraf, gelar atau kadar

#maafkalosalah #keepsmile

4. Denias blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow. The librarian blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books the borrow.

Denias and the librarian blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow.

They blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow.

5. Dear mother Happy mother's day! Thank you for your love and care. No one loves you more than i do. Love Lisa. Exercise!! 1.who sends the card? 2.who is the card for? 3.what does the sender express through the card? 4.what does the sender thank the recipient for? 5. What does 'you' in the card refer to? Tolong jwb secepatny y ka..


No 1. = Lisa

No 2. = His mother

No 3. = Message

No 4. = For love and care

No 5. = Mom


semoga bermanfaat gan

maaf ya kalo salah

1. lisa.

2. mother

3. yes

4. Thank you for your love and care

5. The meaning of the word you in the text’s mother

6. 5. Lisa says, “She takes a good care of us and our house."Who does 'us' refer to?​


ini artinya:

5. Lisa berkata, "Dia merawat kami dan rumah kami dengan baik."

Siapa yang dimaksud dengan 'kami'?


Semoga membantu

Your welcome

7. Dear mother Happy mother's day! Thank you for your love and care. No one loves you more than i do. Love Lisa. Exercise!! 1.who sends the card? 2.who is the card for? 3.what does the sender express through the card? 4.what does the sender thabk the recipient for? 5. What does 'you' in the card? Tolong jawab y ka..



2.For mother


maaf bisanya jawab 2 soal saja

8. the ... departement Will care for people who need help right away​




maaf kalo salah


dokter karena terdapat tulisan "will care for people"

Penjelasan: yang artinya adalah merawat masyarakat atau orang

jika jawabannya benar tolong dukung saya dengan menekan evaluasi dan terimakasih

9. dear mother happy mothers day! thank you for you love and care. no one loves you more than i do love, lia card 1 1.who sends the cards? 2.who is the cards for? 3.what does the sender thank the recipient for?

1. Lia
2. Lia's mother
3. For your love and cae
((CMIIW))1. Lia
2. Lia's mom / her mother
3. For loving her as a daughter

10. 4. What is Natalie probably studying in Harvard? A. Law B. Economics C. Art and Literature​


All of the above

and you can just go on google and type

"what do you study at Havard"

11. Who is responsible for taking care the public place? Why?


Every body is reponsinble for taking care the public place, because it is made for everyone. We have to keep other people comfortable by keeping the public place in a good condition.


Semua orang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga tempat umum, karena itu dibuat untuk semua orang. Kita harus membuat orang lain nyaman dengan menjaga tempat umum dalam kondisi yang baik.

12. Why does literature inportant for our life?give your reasons

because it can improve reading abilitymengapa literatur penting untuk kehidupan kita? berikan alasan anda

kalo gx salah itu artinya kwan

13. (+)naruto sings art show (-)Naruto does not sing art show (?)does Naruto sing art show Ubahlah menjadi simple past tanse

(+)Naruto sang art show yesterday
(-) Naruto did not sing art show yesterday
(?) did Naruto sing art show yesterday?

14. I dont care because you are not who in my life

aku tidak peduli karena kamu bukan siapa-siapa dalam hidup ku

Semoga Bermanfaatsaya tidak peduli karena kamu bukan siapapun dalam hidup saya
maaf kalau salahaaf

15. the ... departement Will care for people who need help right away​


The... Departement will care for people who need help right away

Jawab= Emergency

Emergency Departement = Unit gawat darurat

Semoga membantu :)

16. denieas blames the borrowers who do not take care og the book they borrow, the librarian blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow

denieas menyalahkan peminjam yg tidak mengurus buku yg mereka pinjam....

maaf klo salah

17. although orphan do not have parents and a family many people care for them and will help them ​


Meskipun yatim piatu tidak memiliki orang tua dan keluarga banyak orang yang merawat dan akan membantu mereka

18. Which of the following is not an example of an Eastern stallion ? Horse owner who plan to breed one or mares should have a working knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals........

jawaban: hubunkan contoh dari kuda timur pemillik kuda who berencana untuk berkembang biak satu atau mare harus bekerja dgn kaki yg kuat dan tau marewat hewan dan anak zebra

19. artikan kalimat berikut, not- every- take care- he- does- morning- animals​


not- every- take care- he- does- morning- animals


tidak- setiap- hati-hati- dia- pagi- binatang


tidak- setiap- hati-hati- dia- pagi- binatang



20. denias blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow, the librarian blames the borrowers who do not take care of the books they borrow

Denias menyalahkan para peminjam yg tdk menjaga buku yg mereka pinjam, penjaga perpustakaan menyalahkan para peminjam yg tdk menjaga buku yg mereka pinjamBoth Denias and the librarian blame the borrowers who do not take care of the book they borrow

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