
Vakya Banao In Hindi For Class 3

Maret 30, 2023

Vakya Banao In Hindi For Class 3

analisis tentang veda vakya​

Daftar Isi

1. analisis tentang veda vakya​


di dalam veda vakya disebutkan bahwa umat manusia wajib memuja Krisna.

2. I hate you in the class for you​



Artinya:Aku membencimu di kelas untukmu

3. mrs.perez (be) in this class for three months.​


•Dalam bahasa Inggris, Is ini biasa digunakan jika subjek adalah orang ketiga tunggal. Kita pasti mengingat bahwa dalam setiap bahasa, sudut pandang orang itu ada berbagai macam jenis, bukan? Namun, pada bahasa Inggris, penggunaan Is ini hanya dapat terpakai untuk orang ketiga tunggal seperti misalnya He (Dia laki-laki), She (Dia Perempuan), dan It (Kata Benda).

Semoga Membantu

4. Kiki got score for english test in his class the morning

Kiki mendapat nilai untuk tes bahasa Inggris di kelasnya di pagi hari


- Kiki mendapatkan nilai tes inggris tadi pagi di kelas -

maaf klo slh

5. Create a congratulation card for one of your friend in your class ​

Jawaban: - happy birthday my friend, wish you all the best. i hope now you can make a change in the new age ( For Your best friend who will celebrate her/his birthday party)

- congratulation aulia, you win the math competition. i'm proud of you my friend. ( for your friend who win in a Math competition)


6. Teacher:what about you,ezzah?....if we use English in for English class?ezzah:yes,we Will use English in our English class​


Teacher:what about you,ezzah?"What "if we use English in for English class?



7. 3. he is selected to be theclass leader for he is themost dilligent student inthe class.cause :effect :conjunction :​


cause : because he is the most dilligent student in the classeffect : he is selected to be the class leaderconjunction : for

cmiiw, setau aku sih kek ginii <3

8. For the text of the first impression in a class of 12

Untuk teks kesan pertama di kelas 12

9. describe about your class in 3 setences !​


my class is blue and whitemy class has a whiteboard, a teacher's desk, and a reading cornermy class is very comfortable and clean

smg membantu:)

Question :

Describe about your class in 3 setences !

The answer :

1. In the classroom there is a teacher's chair,a teacher's desk, several student chairs, and a table, there is also a blackboard and a world map.

2. My class is very clean, because every day there is a picket cleaning the class.

3. The air in my class is not stuffy because there is a lot of fentilation.

Hope it helps: D

*Sorry if wrong *

10. Task 2:act out of the dialogs for the class. Task 3:Make formal speech and perform if in front of the class. follow the steps given​


Task 2 : kakak contohkan salah satu dialog dalam buku di depan kelas, jadi aku gak bisa bantu

Task 3 : membuat contoh pidato, untuk ditampilkan di kelas


Hello Everybody, if I am elected as the president of student organization, I will support Tech Competition in our school. We are going to have more regular practices like ESport, Tech Management, and Making short movie so we can win Tech Competition. I also would like to digital wall magazine for our school. So please choose me and make our school better !


Silahkan kakak nanti tampilkan, Semoga membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!

11. Hery....very hard in class for every School Lesson​


Hery TRIEDvery hard in class for every school lesson


semoga bantu




karena simple present jadi menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama

12. 3 rules in the class class not school. pls kak bantu


1.Dont disturb the class when it started to study

2.You must do class picket

3.Dont make the class dirty


maaf kalo salah

13. why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?

The reason Tamil is official language in Singapore not Hindi:

Tamil people is the third largest ethnicity in Singapore. People from Tamil was the first settlers in the island of Singapore under the Chola empire of Tamil Nadu in 1025 AD. It was the victory by a legendary king Rajendra Chola conquering the Hindu empire of Sri Vijaya (Indonesia/Malaysia).

The naming of Singapore is derived from Sanskrit or Tamil language, in which Singa means lion and pore means city. This is the origin of why Singapore is called the Lion City. There are other similar naming of Singapore by the Tamil emperors such as Singampunari near Madurai. Many places in South East Asia are named after from Sanskrit/Indian language words.

Singapore and India were colonized by the British in the 18th century. Singapore was utilized by the British as a main Asian port to strengthen its influence in India. It resulted a huge group of Indian traders and laborers flocking to Singapore, mainly from the south part of India. Tamil people was known to be sea travelers and they took this opportunity presented by the British. They quickly migrated to Singapore and made up one of the largest population in the Singapore culture, third only to the Chinese and Malay population.

While the Tamil is the most spoken Indian language by the large majority of the Indian population in Singapore, Hindi, on the other hand is the least spoken by the Indians in Singapore.

Therefore, the Tamil is declared as an official language of Singapore for Indians, instead of Hindi.


Cerita di atas tergolong Descriptive Text dimana penulis menjelaskan sesuatu cerita untuk menunjukkan suatu kesimpulan. Narasi dari Descriptive Text dapat berupa sebuah cerita tentang seseorang/sekumpulan orang, binatang, tumbuhan, benda, tempat/lokasi, kebudayaan, kondisi sosial, fenomena, dll. Tujuan dari Descriptive text adalah memberi penjelasan atas sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan ke pembaca secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat memahami fakta yang disampaikan oleh penulis.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan hal-hal dalam konteks umum.

2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mengklarifikasikan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Contoh dari text di atas: the third largest ethnicity, huge group.

3. Pemakaian relating verb (kata kerja penghubung). Contoh: is, was, as

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Penjelasan Descriptive Text

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

14. make statements and ask for confirmation. A: we work hard in class,.....? B:....​

A: We work hard in class, right?
B: Yes, we do!

15. I’m sorry for coming late to class, sir." The word “class“ in the sentence means .....​


A room where we study

Penjelasan: didnt you know about class?

16. 55% of student voted for maya as a class president. if 78 student voted for maya, how many student are there in the class? ​


There are 142 students in the class

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given, 55% of students voted for Maya

Assume the total number of students be x

According to the question;

55% of the total students result in 78

Therefore, 55% of x = 78

 x = 78

x = 141.8 = 142 (rounded to nearest)

Therefore, the total number of students in the class is 142 students

Maaf kalau salah. Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

17. whice one of these that you shouldn't do in writing event in past for a class examination?​

a. writing smartly




Mengapa salah satu dari ini yang tidak boleh Anda lakukan dalam acara tertulis di masa lalu untuk ujian kelas?


maap kalo salah soalnya translate google hehe

18. Is She in the class? a. Isn’t She in the class? c. Weren’t She in the class? b. Wasn’t She in the Class? d. doesn’t She in the class? ​




maaf jika salah

19. Answer these questions based on the text above!1. there is ....... cupboard in fizi's class2. there are ...... table in fizi's class3. there are ....... brooms in fizi's class4. there is ....... map in fizi's class5. there are ........ whiteboard in fizi's class​

1. one/a
2. twenty
3. two
4. one/a
5. two

20. Kiki got .... score for english test in his class this morning.

The best score for english test in his class

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