
Gulliver In Lilliput Class 9th

Maret 11, 2023

Gulliver In Lilliput Class 9th

look at the story *GULLIVER IN LILLIPUT* A.1. What did Gulliver hear someone shout?2. What do you think is going to happen to Gulliver in Lilliput?B. 1. why did they tie him to the ground2. how did Gulliver communicate with the people from Lilliput?3. when did they set him free4. why did he want to escape to Blefuscu ?​

Daftar Isi

1. look at the story *GULLIVER IN LILLIPUT* A.1. What did Gulliver hear someone shout?2. What do you think is going to happen to Gulliver in Lilliput?B. 1. why did they tie him to the ground2. how did Gulliver communicate with the people from Lilliput?3. when did they set him free4. why did he want to escape to Blefuscu ?​


pertanyaan kurang lengkap, maunya kasi contoh text nya juga.


where is the story?


boleh soalnya di jelasin sedikit saya tidak mengerti

2. (2 marks each )Mr Gulliver brought his two children to theisland of Lilliput. The tiny people there were veryfriendly. They gave Gulliver and his____lotsof food. The children found that the people lookedlike___and the houses, trees and carswere- toys. The children also met theking and- of Lilliput. They shook handswith the kids. They also invited themthe people of Lilliput again.397to-​


apasih pertayaannya?

3. Write Gulliver Travel SummaryTuliskan Ringkasan Dari Cerita Gulliver Travel Dalam Inggris​


Gulliver's Travels tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) who works as a mail carrier for a New York newspaper.

Gulliver has a crush on a woman at a travel agency, in an attempt to ask her out, he must sail to the Bermuda Triangle.  

However, his silly actions make him trapped in the Lilliput Kingdom, a kingdom on an island full of dwarves.  

At that time he was arrested and called the Beast, because according to Lilliput his physique is very large.  

He is locked into prison and meets a friend named Horatio, when the king is stranded in a fire chamber, Gulliver tries to improve his reputation by saving the king and the princess.

Since then he started helping the construction of the city of the lilliput with his big body.  

He helps the people of liliput to drive their mortal enemy out of the island



4. Is She in the class? a. Isn’t She in the class? c. Weren’t She in the class? b. Wasn’t She in the Class? d. doesn’t She in the class? ​




maaf jika salah

5. Jelaskan fungsi dan manfaat class-class built in!


fungsi class built in antaralain:

1. funsi array

2. funsi class/ objeck

3. fungsi Database

4. fungsi pengolah PDF

5. fungsi pengolah file

6. fungsi pengolah gambar

7. fungsi matematika

8. fungsi string

9. fungsi tanggal waktu

10. fungsi reguler ekspresi

11. fungsi fariabel.

6. 11A: Does she live at 9th KenangaStreet ?B : Yes ....... does *(10 Poin)Name Putri NabilaSchool: Smart Elementary SchoolClass 5 - BAgeAddress: 9th Kenanga StreetPhone : 0812345678​




Karena di soalnya ditanya :

Does shelive at 9th Kenanga Street?

Jawabannya :

Yes, she does

Subject di dalam percakapan akan sama dan tidak berubah


7. There are 22 boys and 16 girls in Yani's class. There are 5 more students in Anton's class than in Yani's class. a How many students are there in Yani's class? b How many students are there in Anton's class?


a. There are 38 students in Yani's class

b. There are 43 students in Anton's class

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a. 22 + 16 = 38

b. 38 + 5 = 43

8. terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia The student in the class, the student in the class. Heigh ho the derry-o the student in the class​


Siswa di kelas, siswa di kelas. Tinggi untuk barang bawaan siswa di kelas


kayanya ada yang salah sama soalnya

9. Change the sentences into negative (-)! (+) She is sleepy in the class. *A. SHE IS NOT SLEEPY IN THE CLASSB. SHE ARE NOT SLEEPY IN THE CLASSC. SHE WAS NOT SLEEPY IN THE CLASSD. SHE WERE NOT SLEEPY IN THE CLASS​

(+) She is sleepy in the class.

(-) She isnot sleepy in the class



A. She is not sleepy in the class




10. when did gulliver leave his home in bristol?gullliver itu penipu tolong dijawab ya​


artinya:kapan gulliver meninggalkan rumahnya dengan bristol


apa ceritanya nanti aku bahasa Inggriskan

11. Which one is true. We in the class or we are in the class or we are in class???

The correct answer is we are in the classroomwe are in the class itu jawaban dari pertanyaannya

12. 4. Write in five sentences your class in English. Describe your class!​

Jawaban:I would like to describe my classroom, in my class have many tables and chairs, in my class have a clock, white board, and 2 fan, but in my class haven't AC


13. ada enam orang siswa di dalam kelas. there is six students in the class.there are six students in the classthere are six student in the classthere is six student in the class​


semoga bermanfaat jadikan jawaban terbaik ya (・∀・)


there are six students in the class

14. Soon my mother's birthday, my mother was born in September.September is the (9th) ……. month in a year



Penjelasan: kakak kasih tau jawabannya,jangan report dan jadikan yang tercerdas ya kak :)

15. minta tolong kak (-) Indah does not study in my class.(?) ... ?a. does indah not study in my class ?b.Do not Indah study in my class ?c. Does Indah studt in my class?d. Do Indah study in my class?

jawabanya c
SEMOGA BENERC. Does indah study in my class?

16. Answer these questions based on the text above!1. there is ....... cupboard in fizi's class2. there are ...... table in fizi's class3. there are ....... brooms in fizi's class4. there is ....... map in fizi's class5. there are ........ whiteboard in fizi's class​

1. one/a
2. twenty
3. two
4. one/a
5. two

17. Sebutkan unsur unsur intrinsik cerita perjalanan Gulliver


Unsur yang membangun sebuah cerpen yang berasal dari dalam cerpen tersebut. 1. Tema Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang pertama adalah tema. Apa itu tema? Dalam sebuah cerpen, tema adalah gagasan atau ide dasar yang akan mendasari keseluruhan cerita dari sebuah cerpen. Tema ini menjadi sangat penting bagi pengarang akan membuat sebuah cerpen, karena terkait dengan apa yang akan diceritakan lewat cerpen yang akan dibuat. Tema cerpen sebaiknya bersifat aktual. Tema ini dapat berasal dari lingkungan sekitar, permasalahan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, bahkan bisa juga berasal dari permasalahan dalam diri pengarang sendiri. Permasalahan tersebut bersatu padu dengan imajinasi pengarang hingga menjadi pengisahan yang menarik dan dramatik. 2. Latar Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang kedua adalah latar. Seperti apakah latar cerpen tersebut? Latar cerpen dapat berupa tempat, waktu, suasana, dan budaya yang melingkupi cerpen. Latar pada cerpen sifatnya fiktif tetapi realistis. Artinya, semua latar ini hadir secara imajinatif, namun memiliki hubungan sebab akibat yang masuk akal, wajar, dan bisa diterima oleh pembaca sebagai kenyataan. 3. Pesan Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang ketiga adalah pesan. Pesan dalam cerpen adalah pesan yang hendak disampaikan oleh pengarang melalui jalan dan tokoh cerita. Kehadiran pesan dalam cerpen berguna untuk menambah pengalaman pembaca tentang kehidupan. Meskipun pembaca belum mengalami pengalaman tersebut, namun bersama-sama imajinasinya seolah-olah turut merasakannya dan dapat memetik pelajaran seandainya peristiwa itu terjadi juga padanya. 4. Penokohan Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang keempat adalah penokohan. Penokohan ini meliputi penentuan tokoh utama, pemberian nama, dan penggambaran wataknya. Penggambaran watak tokoh dengan segala sifatnya dalam cerita, baik secara jelas maupun samar-samar. 5. Sudut Pandang Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang kelima adalah sudut pandang. Apa itu sudut pandang? Dalam cerpen, sudut pandang adalah cara pengarang bercerita dengan menempatkan pengarang sebagai orang pertama, kedua, ketiga, atau bahkan di luar cerita. 6. Alur Unsur intrinsik cerpen yang keenam adalah alur. Dalam cerpen, alur tidak begitu nampak jelas. Penyebnya adalah pendeknya cakupan cerita dari cerpen. Olehnya itu, cara yang paling baik untuk memahami alur dari sebuah cerpen, kita dapat menyampaikan kejadian/peristiwa dengan tahapan-tahapan tertentu.


18. 1.There is an important rule about food in the don't have to can in mustn't can in classC.yoy heve to eat in must eat in class​


There is an important rule about food in the school isyoudon'thavetoeatinclass

19. as a child, gulliver liked to learn about? gulliver itu penipu tolong dijawab​


as a child, gulliver liked to learn about criminal, he lying

smoga membantu ya :)

20. Which one is true. We in the class or we are in the class or we are in class???

We are in the class

smoga bermanfaatwe are in the class

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