
10 Lines About Sunflower In Hindi

Maret 12, 2023

10 Lines About Sunflower In Hindi

Short description about sunflower

1. Short description about sunflower

The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.

The flower head is actually an inflorescence made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The central florets look like the centre of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals. All together they make up a "false flower" or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds.

The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.


2. give your opinions about sunflower​


sunflower is a beautiful flowers.

3. Write description text about sunflower!

Description text


Sunflower is one of a flower that have an unique behaviour, such as always facing the sun light, sunflower have a yellow coloured petal and sunflower made sunflower seed that can be eaten if it is being processed properly

4. create a short dialogue about expression congratulation, write at least 10 lines on your conversation​


Arnia: Hi, Bintang! Congratulations! Finally you can graduate on time!

Bintang: Thank you! It is because you always help me.

Arnia: Don’t mention it. Here’s a gift for you.

Bintang: Wow, this flower is so beautiful. Thanks.

Arnia: Yeah. Glad you like it.

Bintang: Of course I like it. Do you want to take a picture?

Arnia: Sure. (They’re taking a picture)

Bintang: Done. I’ll send the picture later.

Arnia: Okay. Once again congratulations, Bintang! I wish you continued success.

Bintang: Thank you very much, Arnia!


5. Write a verse four lines about hopes


This task is quite interesting as it's about creative writing, making a verse or poem. In making such simple literary work, you need to choose the topic of your interest, relates them to your own view and experience if possible and carefully choose the best vocabulary which suits the context and situation. Consulting the thesaurus for picking up the possible choice of words is recommended.Here's the example, which is about the upcoming world cup, the greatest football tournament in the world. The messiah and his guards here are representative of Messi and his Argentina squad, going there to win this year, as most of all people in the world hope for them, because he deserves to win after the disappointing and unfortunate events four years ago in the previous World Cup final:

The war of nations is approching
The messiah and his guards are departing
with hopes of all men on their shoulder
for a glorious victory of football.

Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: creative writing

6. Create a shirt dialogue about expression congralution, write at least 10 lines in your conversation​


The shirt is. The shirt is one of the top clothes that cover the arms, chest, shoulders, collared and covers the body up to the abdomen. Shirts are usually made according to the tastes of the person wearing them, sometimes shirts can be made long sleeved or short-sleeved.


7. write a verse(four lines)about life!​


Aing Kumandang Dei Kumaha Eta



More on reported speech:



Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Reported Speech

Level: SHS XII

Code: 12.5.6

Keywords: reported, says


8. make 10 lines of confersation in English !​


a : hello b

b : hello

a : how are you today?

b : oh i'm fine thanks and you?

a : i'm fine too, by the way what do you do?

b : i'm read a this book

a : what is that?

b : a romance book

a : oh, well i must go now and see you next time b

b : sure, see you be careful


hope it helps and sorry if i'm wrong

Eager to learnJawaban:
Yoga : Hi Ali, how are you doing today?
Ali : Hi Yoga, I feel bad now.
Yoga : Oh, what happened?
Ali : I just lied to my mother about my score in my Exam.
Yoga : Why did you lie to her?
Ali : Because I got bad score in my Exam, if she finds out my exam score is bad she will be very angry.
Yoga : You better apologize now and tell to your mother your real score, maybe if you apologize she will forgive you.
Ali : But, what if she will be angry?
Yoga : This is your responsibility, you should've studied from yesterday if you knew there would be an exam today.
Ali : Yeah right I think I better apologize to my mother.
Yoga : Yeah.

Maaf kalau salah.

9. Apa artinya nano chameleon is about the siza of a sunflower seed


English: nano chameleon the size of a sunflower seed

Meaning: bunglon nano seukuran biji bunga matahari

10. create a dialoq about obligations [ 4 lines ]​

jawaban: An obligation is a course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral. Obligations are constraints; they limit freedom. People who are under obligations may choose to freely act under obligations

義務とは、法的であれ道徳的であれ、誰かが取らなければならない一連の行動です。 義務は制約です。 彼らは自由を制限します。 義務を負っている人々は、義務の下で自由に行動することを選ぶことができます



Follow everything your teacher says and come to school on time

menuruti semua yang diucapkan guru , datang ke sekolah tepat waktu



I hope this helps

semoga membantu




maaf ya kalo salah ;(

semoga membantu . semangat ya

11. What do you think about the Indonesian people? answer with at least 1 paragraph (4 lines) and answer in englishbonus:

I think Indonesian citizens have two sides, namely a positive side and a negative side. The positive side is that Indonesian citizens are very friendly to visitors or tourists who come, while the negative side is that they like to damage public facilities by crossing out or destroying public facilities.

sorry if wrong ...

12. Conversation about global warming at least 25 lines

nih males buat apa gimana ya? hmm

gtw bener apa ga, just try

A: hey, whats up? 
B: hey, A. what do you think about global warming?
A; whats going on with you?
B: no. just think about that.
A: why do you think about that silly thing?
B; no, i've just read it on the internet, that our earth is too hot
A: really? how come?
B: i dont know. i'm still search for it
A: is it important?
B: yeah man. Where do you live? you wanna live outside of earth?
A: if I could, why not?
B: huhh .. since we live in earth, and we will have a generation, I think we also need to know and keep the earth.
A: okay, now you're talking like a big father.
B: Okay stop it! I found it!
A: what?
B: this. wikipedia said that global warming is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of earth's climate system.....
A: and then what?
B: please listen to me, I haven't finished read this article.
A: just give me the conclusion please?
B: the global warming caused the climate change, extreme weather, water risk, and many more.
A: oh, I see. It's very hot todays.
B: Yes. 
A: ANd then, do you have solution?
B: Wait, I'm searching.
A: yeah, just take the time ..
B: yes I found it. sorry lame connection. The website sais that we have to set limits on global warming polllution. then invest in green job and energy clean
A; okay, I'll do it latter.
B: yeah .. I hope you can do the last solution.
A: what's that?
B: Do your homework.
B: haha kidding, man. You have to drive smarter cars, since you are smart.
A: sure! hhah
B; okay nice
A: Okay, thanks for the lesson, man! I'll take a break.
B: okay, byeA: "Hey there."
B: "Hello."
A: "What are you doing?"
B: "I'm watching TV."
A: "What is on? It looks interesting."
B: "It's something about global warming. Come join me."
A: "Oh, I know that. And sure, thanks."
B: "Do you know what global warming is?"
A: "Yes, of course. It is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system."
B: "What causes global warming?"
A: "The major causes of global warming are industry and greenhouse gas pollution."
B: "Oh, I see."
A: "It can be so dangerous for us and the Earth if we just ignore the causes of it."
B: "Really?"
A: "Yes."
B: "What are the effects of global warming?"
A: "There are a lot. Some are already happening."
B: "Are you serious? Tell me."
A: "Yes. Ice is melting worldwide and the sea level rise became faster over the last century."
B: "That's pretty scary."
A: "It is."
B: "What else will happen?"
A: "Hurricanes and storms are llikely to become stronger, floods will become more common, some diseases will spread, and many more."
B: "I really feel bad now. What should we do?"
A: "We can use the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program. We can also use less heat and air conditioning, buy energy-effiecient products, plant trees, and so on."
B: "I'll start doing those today."
A: "Good. Let's continue watching TV first to know more about global warming."

13. Make a poem about fear in your life4 stanza4 linesPlease help :(​

I lived on dread; to those who know

The stimulus there is

In danger, other impetus

Is numb and vital-less.

As 't were a spur upon the soul,

A fear will urge it where

To go without the spectre's aid

Were challenging despair

14. write a simple recout text about 5 lines!​

An Old Man in the Village

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.

The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous were his words. People avoided him because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him.

He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumour that the Old Man had become happy, he doesn’t complain about anything anymore, always smiles, and even his face is freshened up.

The whole village gathered together. The villagers asked the old man about what happened.

He answers, “Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.”

15. 100 flowers 30 roses 20% daisy 10% lily rest is sunflower how many sunflower do i have?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:






jadi,jawabanya yg tepat adalah A

I'm really sorry if I'm wrong

16. Write a dialogue about your school! (at least 5 lines)​


A : Hello, B! How are you? It's been a while since we last met.

B : Hi, A. I'm great. How about you?

A : I'm fine. Oh! I heard you study at (school name) now. How is there?

B : I love studying at (school name) ! My classmates are very kind and the teachers there are very good at teaching! It's really fun there so far.

A : I see. That's good to hear then.

B : Yeah. By the way, I need to go now, my mom is calling me. Good bye!

A : Bye!

Penjelasan :

Nama A dan B nya bisa diganti namamu atau nama teman-temanmu. Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

17. make a simple dialogue(8-10 lines) about apologizing with the responses or thanking with the responses!​


Rico:Hey July,did you borrow my book?

July:Oh,yes Rico,yesterday i borrow your book,do you forgot?

Rico:Yes i forgot,by the way did you take the book with you today??

July:No,i left it at home,i forgot to take it

Rico:Okay,can you bring it tomorrow?

July:Yes,Rico,do you need it?

Rico:Yes,i want to study something from that book

July:Owh,Okay,i apologize cause i didnt bring it today

Rico:Its okay

maaf jika salah

18. What do you think about indonesian air lines company

Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang perusahaan pesawat terbang indonesiaartinya:apa pendapatmu tentang perusahaan tranportasi udara indonesia

19. Write a verse (four lines) about hopes!​

I know that live is tough

I know that these times are hard for us

But I know that soon, it will get better

No rain lasts forever, that's true.



Bunga matahari


sunflower =Bunga matahari

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