
From A Lot Of 30 Bulbs

Maret 27, 2023

From A Lot Of 30 Bulbs

he.....a lot of money from that project(get)

Daftar Isi

1. he.....a lot of money from that project(get)


he gets a lot of money from that project

2. Hasna drinks a lot of water...keeping her from dheydration


Hasna drinks a lot of water forkeeping her from dehydration.


Hasna drinks a lot of water forkeeping her from dheydration

3. Tolong di isi dong? A lot of medical equipment(...)from plastic (make)

a lot of medical equipment are made from plastic

4. I usually receive a lot of emails from my fans, but today i only got …

I usually receive a lot of emails from my fans, but today I only got a few.The answer is "a few", opposite to "a lot".


Saya biasanya menerima banyak email dari penggemar saya, tetapi hari ini saya hanya mendapat beberapa.

Untuk menentukan jawaban tersebut, pertama perlu diketahui bentuk kata benda yang ada dalam soal. Apakah kata benda tersebut termasuk ke dalam countable noun atau uncountable noun?

Countable Noun (Kata Benda yang dapat dihitung), merupakan semua kata benda (tempat, hewan, orang, dll) yang dapat dihitung jumlahnya (satu, dua, tiga, dst.)


- Buku = satu buku (one book), dua buku (two books)

- Tas = tiga tas (three bags), empat tas (four bags)

Uncountable Noun (Kata Benda yang tidak dapat dihitung), merupakan benda-benda yang tidak dapat dihitung jumlahnya. Biasanya berupa benda cair dan kata benda abstrak.


- Benda cair: minyak (oil), air (water), shampo (shampoo)

- Abstrak: kebahagiaan (happiness), harapan (hope)

Kata Kunci

- for Countable nouns : many, number, few, fewer, a lot of

- for Uncountble nouns : much, amount, little, less, a lot of

→ Emails, merupakan katabenda yang dapat dihitung jumlahnya. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang sesuai konteks pernyataan di atas adalah "a few". Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam pernyataan sebelumnya dikatakan "Saya biasanya menerima banyak email dari penggemar saya" diikuti oleh konjungsi perlawanan "but" (tetapi). Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah "a few" (lawan kata banyak = sedikit)

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Countable dan Noncountable Noun

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

5. Annisa drinks a lot of mineral water.... keeping her from dehydration.​


Annisa drinks a lot of mineral water to keeping her from dehydration

6. Annisa drinks a lot of mineral water.... keeping her from dehydration​


Annisa drinks a lot of mineral water so that not is keeping her from


7. Choose the correct answer from this number! Children.... a lot of noise. (make/makes)​

Jawaban: makes

Karena children: anak2

Jadi menggunakan kata make(s)

Yg bermakna ganda(untuk orang banyak)

Maaf klo slh:)

Jawaban: make

Penjelasan:karena a lot artinya banyak

Maaf kalau salah

8. We can fine......... information from the internet. a. Any b. Few c. a little d. a lot of


d. a lot of


maaf kalau salah


We can fine ......... information from the internet.

*c. A little.


This word is used for things that cannot be counted, such as sugar, salt, water, money, water, etc. The word a little has a positive meaning, in other words this positive meaning means that the speaker is satisfied, feels satisfied with the objects that follow after the word a little.

Semoga membantu:-)

9. I ussually receive a lot of emails from my fans,but today I only got

Soal : I ussually receive a lot of emails from my fans,but today I only got.

Arti soal : Saya biasanya menerima banyak email dari penggemar saya,tetapi hari ini hanya mendapat....

Jawaban :Cheers and comments from my fans.

Arti jawaban :Sorakan dan komentar dari penggemar saya.

Semoga membantu...

10. If I read the newspaper, …… I would get a lot of information I will get a lot of information I get a lot of information I'm getting a lot of information

If I read the newspaper, I will get a lot of information


Conditional sentence merupakan kalimat pengandaian, di mana suatu keinginan dapat terwujud apabila persyaratannya terpenuhi. Conditional sentence terdiri dari if clause dan main clause/result clause. If clause menggambarkan kondisinya, dan main clause menggambarkan konsekuensinya. Apabila kondisinya/situasinya adalah pasti benar, maka konsekuensinya akan terwujud. Conditional sentence terbagi dalam tiga tipe, yaitu 1,2 dan 3.

Conditional tipe 1 menjabarkan keinginan yang kemungkinan terjadi saat ini ataupun nanti-nanti (real possibility) berdasarkan prediksi.


If+Simple present, Simple future


1. If we use hand sanitizer, the coronavirus will die.

[ Jika kita menggunakan hand sanitizer, virus corona akan mati ]

Faktanya kemungkinan virus corona mati jika kondisi pastinya diwujudkan yaitu dengan menggunakan hand sanitizer.

Conditional tipe 2 menjabarkan keinginan yang kemungkinan kecil terwujud atau diragukan terjadi saat ini atau mendatang.

Nominal sentence pada conditional tipe 2 menggunakan tobe "were" untuk subject tunggal dan jamak.

Rumus :

If+Simple past, Past future


If I were a president, I would build the big emergency hospital for coronavirus patients.

[ Jika saya seorang presiden, saya akan bangun rumah sakit darurat besar untuk pasien terinfeksi corona ]

✏ Faktanya saat ini yang jadi presiden bukan saya dan impian untuk membangun rumah sakit tidak akan terwujud saat ini.

Conditional tipe 3 menjabarkan keinginan yang tidak terwujud di waktu lampau. Pengulasannya saat ini hanyalah sebagai dampak dari kejadian di waktu lampau.

Rumus :

If+Past perfect, Past future perfect


If that cororonavirus patient had been taken to the hospital immediately, she wouldn't have died.

[Jika pasien corona itu dibawa ke rumah sakit segera, dia tidak akan meninggal]

✏ Faktanya pasien corona terlambat dibawa ke rumah sakit, sehingga dia tidak bisa bertahan.

Berdasarkan soal yang ditanyakan :

If I read the newspaper, I will get a lot of information

Disimpulkan bahwa pernyataan pernyataan di atas termasuk conditional tipe 1. Ini kemungkinan terwujud untuk mendapatkan banyak informasi apabila membaca koran.


Learn more about :

All types of conditional sentences

Stating the fact in the conditional sentence


Grade     : XII

Subject   : English

Category : Sentence structure

Categorization : 12.5.2

Keywords = First conditional sentence

11. jackfruit is one of its own kind of tropical fruits,recognised for its unique shape,size and fruity flavour of its bulbs that can be appreciated from a distance.

nangka adalah salah satu macam buah tropis,dikenali dengan bentuknya yang unik, ukuran dan rasa buahnya atau umbi yang bisa diapresiasi dari kejauhan.

maaf kalo salah

12. Hasna drinks a lot of water. Keeping her from dheydration.


because if hasna get dehydration the skin will get really oil and then she/he get cancer skin

13. Which of the following circuits has bulbs connected parallel? ​


The last option

Explanation :

Parallel connection bulb is a connection when the bulb or batterry make more than 1 ways to flow the electricy.

Example : traffic light connection


#hopeunderstand :)

14. She bought anything as though she ...... last week A.has a lot of monay B.have a lot of monay C.had a lot of monay having a lot of monay E. Was having a lot of monay

- Sentence -

She bought anything as thoungh she Had a lot of money last week

Ans : C
Hope it will helps you
-vinE. Was having a lot of monay

Maaf kalo salah,,

15. We get a lot reading a lot of books.​




We get a lot of knowledge by reading a lot of books

16. if we obey to nitice above we will a get a lot of application b be informed well a lot of oline abuse c use the social media in a postive way d have a lot of friends from forigen coutries pilihan ganda​


c. use the social media in a postive way

maaf kalo salah

17. t of information we can get from this book. I like it a lot

dari informasi tsb kita bisa dapatkan dari buku ini.aku sangat menyukainya

18. Apa artinya well,yes. There is a lot of information we can get from this book. I like it a lot


Baiklah. Ada banyak informasi yang bisa kita dapatkan dari buku ini. Saya sangat menyukainya

#tutormath37Translate English-Indonesia:

Well,yes. There is a lot of information we can get from this book. I like it a lot

baiklah. Ada banyak informasi yang bisa didapatkan dari buku ini. Saya sangat menyukainya

Wish be the best

19. ubahlah kalimat ini menjadi passive voice our country earns a lot of money from the export of coconut tree products

a lot of money (diantara is/are, gue bingung) earned by our country from the export of coconut tree products

20. Make a sentence of possessive adjecktive pronoun from this situation I have a lot of bananas

Possesive Pronoun => A lot of bananas are mine

Possesive Adjective => Those are my bananas

Maaf kalo salahPossesive Pronoun : A lot of bananas are mine

Possesive Adjective : Those are my bananas

Maaf kalao salah

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