
A Train Traveling At 250 Km H

Maret 19, 2023

A Train Traveling At 250 Km H

A train travelling at 160km/h takes 5 hours for a journey. How long would it take a train travelling at 200 km/h?

Daftar Isi

1. A train travelling at 160km/h takes 5 hours for a journey. How long would it take a train travelling at 200 km/h?


4 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

160km/h x 5 hours = 800km

if the distance is 800km

so, 800km : 200km/h = 4 hours

2. 1.a train leaves station A at 10.56 pm and arrives at station B at 1 hour 32 minutes later. find the speed of the train if the distance between station A and station B is 161 km?2.a train traveling at 108 km perhour hoes trought a tunnel 1770 metres long. calculate, in seconds, how long the train inside the tunnel?​

(1a.) 105 km/hr
(2a.) 59 seconds

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(1a.) Given that
Distance (s) = 161 km
Time change (Δt) = 1:32 = 1 + 1/2 + 2/60 =
1 + 1/2 + 1/30 = 30/30 + 15/30 + 1/30 = 46/30
Δt = 46/30
Find the speed (v) = s/Δt = 161/(46/30) =
161×30/46 =
105 km/hr

(2a.) Given that
Velocity (v) = 108 km/hr
Distance (s) = 1770 m = 1.77 km
Find the time (t) = s/v = 1.77/108 =
59/3600 hr =
59(60)/3600 =
59/60 minutes = 59(60)/60 sec =
59 seconds


3. Two trains , 200 km apart, are traveling slowly towards each other. One train is traveling at 30km/h, the other at 20km/h. A fly on the front of one train flies towards the other train at 40km/h, and when it reaches the train it turns around and flies back. It continues flying back and forth until two trains meet, both having quickly applied their brakes to avoids squashing the fly, how far does the fly fly?

Dua kereta, berjarak 200 km, bergerak perlahan menuju satu sama lain. Satu kereta melaju dengan kecepatan 30 km / jam, yang lainnya dengan kecepatan 20 km / jam. Seekor lalat di depan satu kereta terbang menuju kereta lainnya dengan kecepatan 40 km / jam, dan ketika mencapai kereta, ia akan berbalik dan terbang kembali. Itu terus terbang bolak-balik sampai dua kereta bertemu, keduanya dengan cepat mengerem mereka untuk menghindari menginjak lalat, seberapa jauh lalat terbang?


Dik: Stot a - b = 200 km

va = 30 km/jam

vb = 20 km/jam

v lalat = 40 km/jam

Dit: Slalat = . . . ?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Stot = sa + sb

S = v × t

Stot = va × t + vb × t

200 = 30t + 20t

200 = 50t

t = 200/50

t = 4 jam


S lalat = v lalat × t

= 40 km/jam × 4 jam

= 160 km

4. A train 280 m long is moving at 60 km/hr. Time taken by the train to cross a tunnel 220 m long is ..

Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

ExplanationLength of train: l(train) = 280 mLength of tunnel: l(tunnel) = 220 mTrain speed: v = 60 km/hr

To cross that tunnel, because l(tunnel) < l(train), the minimum distance needed is:
d = 2×l(tunnel) + Δl
⇔ d = 2×l(tunnel) + l(train)–l(tunnel)
⇔ d = [ 2×220 + (280–220) ] m
⇔ d = [ 440 + 60 ] m
d = 500 m = 0.5 km

The minimum time needed:
t = d/v
⇔ t = (0.5 km) / (60 km/hr)
⇔ t = (1/120) hr
⇔ t = (1/120) × 3600 seconds
t = 30 seconds


∴  Time taken by the train to cross a 220 m long tunnel is 30 seconds.

5. isilah titik titik :traveling by plane is......(fast) than by train

faster .............faster itu jawabannya pendek jadi harus dipanjangin jawabannya faster

6. traveling by plane is ... (fast) than by train

traveling by plane is 'faster' than by traintraveling by plane too (fast) than by train

7. A maglev train initially moves at speed of 54 km/hour. If the train accelerates at 5 m/s² the train reaches the maximum speed of 253 km/hour after it move for ... second.

vo = 54 km/jam
     = 54 000 m/ 3600s
     = 15 m/s
a = 5 m/s2
vt = 252 km/jam
    = 252 000 m/ 3600s
    = 70 m/s
t ?
vt = vo + ( a . t )
t = ( vt - vo ) / a
  = ( 70 - 15 ) / 5
  = 55 / 5
  = 11 second ( s )

8. The Antasena bus is traveling at a speed of 60 km/hour. Bima Bustraveling at a speed of 20 m/s. Which bus goesfaster? explain with answer!

Bima Bus is faster @ 20 m/s

Antasena Bus..
60 km = 60,000 m
1 hr = 3,600 s
Antasena Bus =
60,000 m/3,600 s =
50/3 m/s ≈
Antasena Bus ≈ 16.67 m/s
Bima Bus = 20 m/s

Bima Bus is faster

« Answered »

Antasena Bus = 60 km/ hour.

Bima Bus = 20 m/s

• Antasena Bus

60 km = 60 × 1.000 = 60.000 m

[tex] = \frac{60.000 \: m}{3.600 \: s} [/tex]

= 16,67 m/s

• Bima Bus

= 20 m/s


Antasena Bus < Bima Bus

= 16,67 m/s < 20 m/s


↓Answer Of Core ↓So, The answer's correct is BimaBusGoesThefaster.


9. Traveling by plane is ...... (fast) than by train.

jawabannya faster kan artinya lebih cepatTravelling by Plane is faster than by train

Jadi, jawabannya faster (lebih cepat) sebagai pembanding 2 benda
Semoga membantu :)

10. A train spots at a.......​

railway station

semoga membantu :D

11. Yg bagian a. farida:which do you like Best, traveling by train, bus, or motorcycle ? Wisnu :I like traveling by train best Farida:why? Wisnu:I think, travelling by train is the............ of all. Farida:I think so, too

--•Superlative Degree•--
Responsio :
the most comfortable ; bigger

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking." -Santosh KalwarIs the "Best" of all

12. 2. Anis : Do you prefer traveling by trainor by plane?Itang : I prefer traveling by train.Anis : Why?Itang : Buying the train ticket needsmoney than the plane ticket.a. fewerC. lessb. fewd. little​

Jawaban: A. Fewer

Penjelasan: Maaf kalo salah

13. 2. A train travelled from Medan to Siantar, the distance between Medan and Siantar was 132 km. The average speed of the train was 48 km/h. The train left Medan at 10.48. At what time did the train arrive at Siantar?bantu di jawab sama caranya gimana​

[tex]time \\ distance \div speed \\ 132 \: km \div 48 \frac{km}{h} \\ 2.75 \: h = 02.45 \\ \\ arrive \: at \: siantar \\ 10.48 + 02.45 \\ 12.93 = 13.33[/tex]

14. Traveling is .......nstaying at home

Traveling is more fun than staying at home.

semoga membantu :D

15. Alya : Do you prefer traveling by train or byplane?Intan : I prefer traveling by train.Alya : Why?Intan : Buying the train ticket needsmoney than the plane ticket.a). lessb). littlec). fewerd). few​


a). less


Buying the train ticket needs less money than the plane ticket.

semoga membantu:)

16. A train travelled 69 km in 1/2 h. At what speed was it travelling?​


Dik : jarak yang ditempuh = 69 km

waktu yang diperlukan = 1/2 jam

maka kecepatan :

138 km / jam

semoga membantu

17. a motorist drives north for 35.0 min at 85.0 km/h and then stops for 15 min. he then continues north, traveling 130 km in 2.00 h. what his total displacement?

Displacement = velocity×time
85×35/60 = 49,583 km
130×2 = 260 km

Total displacement = 49,583+260 = 309,583

18. Ani:do you prefer traveling by train or by plane?ita:l prefer traveling by train.ani:Why?ita:buying the train ticket needs......Money than the plane ticket.A.fewerB.fewC.LessD.Little​


Ani:do you prefer traveling by train or by plane?

ita:l prefer traveling by train.


ita:buying the train ticket needs......Money than the plane ticket.





Answer : A. Fewer


Karena disini ada perbandingan dari 2 objek jadi jawabannya A. Fewer karena -er digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 objek yang berbeda

Thanks yaa :)

*Choose this answer to be the Brainlest answer (^‿^✿)

19. A high speed train travel 1870 km from town A to town B at a speed of 220 km/h if the train set of to station A at 12.30.Find the time when the train arrive at town B?​

Kereta kecepatan tinggi menempuh jarak 1870 km dari kota A ke kota B dengan kecepatan 220 km / jam jika kereta berangkat ke stasiun A pukul 12.30. Cari tahu kapan kereta tiba di kota B?


= Jarak : Kecepatan

= 1870 km : 220 km

= 8,5 jam

= 8 jam 30 menit

Kereta tiba di kota B

= 12.30 + 08.30

= 21.00

20. A train began its journey at 8.30 a.m and travelled 208 km towards its destinantion. What time did the train reach the destination if its average speed was 32 km/h?

t = s : v
t = 208 : 32
t = 6hours 30 minutes

reach the destination at
08.30 + 06.30 = 15.00 p.m

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