
Three Candidates Contested An Election And Received 1136

Februari 17, 2023

Three Candidates Contested An Election And Received 1136

Rearrange the following stages of the carrying out of the General Election so that they are in good order. Put the number before each stage.A. Votes are countedB. The number of candidates who will be elected is fixedC Names of candidates for members of the House of Representatives (Central and Local) are submitted.D. The electors are enrolledE. Swearing and promoting by elected members of the People Consultative Assembly and the House is carried outF. Personal data of the candidates are examinedG. Result of the General Election is fixedH. Names of the candidates are fixed and listed orderlyI. List of the candidates is announcedJ. Campaign is carried outK. Names of the contestants and their symbols are submittedL. Election is carried out

Daftar Isi

1. Rearrange the following stages of the carrying out of the General Election so that they are in good order. Put the number before each stage.A. Votes are countedB. The number of candidates who will be elected is fixedC Names of candidates for members of the House of Representatives (Central and Local) are submitted.D. The electors are enrolledE. Swearing and promoting by elected members of the People Consultative Assembly and the House is carried outF. Personal data of the candidates are examinedG. Result of the General Election is fixedH. Names of the candidates are fixed and listed orderlyI. List of the candidates is announcedJ. Campaign is carried outK. Names of the contestants and their symbols are submittedL. Election is carried out


2. a price of an apple and two rambutan is RM 15 while a price of three apple and four rambutan is RM 37.Ahmad buy three apple and two rambutan and it cost him RM 50.What is the charges received by Ahmad?​

the charges received by Ahmad = RM 21

3. Mention three ways to accept an invitation and three ways to refuse an invitation

Jawaban :

Mention three ways to accept an invitation

1) thank you for inviting me i will come of course

2) the invitation is good i accept later i will come

3) thank you for giving me the invite

Jawaban :

Three ways to refuse an invitation

1)Sorry, I can't accept the invitation, I have business

2)I can't accept your invitation because there's a problem

3)sorry for now i can't accept the invitation next time ok


4. aaron booked a san....with three...: an anteater, an entelope, and an alligator


aaron memesan ... ke san .... dengan tiga ...: trenggiling, entelope, dan aligator

5. Write down three differences between an acid and an alkali.​



Have pH of 1-6Sour tasteDissolve in water to form solutions that conducts electricity.


Bitter taste and soapy feelDissolve in water to produce hydroxide ionsHave pH of 8-14

6. 1136 : 4dengan cara​


= 1.136 : 4

= 284

Materi : Porogapit

Gambar yang Terlampirkan

Semoga bisa membantu

[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{lightblue}{ \sf{ \color{blue}{ Answer By\:BlueBraxGeometry}}}} [/tex]

7. A company gave a total of $15.500 to three charity. charity A received $4000, charity B received $5500 and charity C received the remaining amount. What was ratio of the amount charity A received to the amount charity B received to the amount charity C received. Expressen the ratio ini ITS simpleks form

a:b:c= 8:11:12
smg membantu

8. of the candidates who sat for an international mathematics examination, 18% of the candidates obtained grade A, 38% obtained grade B and the rest obtained grade C. Given that 77 candidates obtained grade C, find the total number of candidates whi sat for the examination.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

44/100 = 77/X  (44/100 or 44% equals to 77 people per X people)

0,44/77 = 1/X  (0,44 is 44 divided by 100, then 77 pindah ruas)

77/0,44 = X  (ruasnya dibalik agar mendapat nilai X)

175 = X  (Hasilnya 175, jadi 44% dari 175 adalah 77)

jadi keseluruhan kandidat yang duduk pada ujian matematika international berjumlah 175

Apologize for Bahasa Inggris yang bad

semoga mendapat sorry

9. jadikan ke pecahan campuran 1136/15 = ​

[tex] \frac{1136}{15} = 75 \times \frac{11}{15} [/tex]

1136/15 =1136:15 =75 11/15

10. people chose president and vice president from general election

are people in that country

maaf kalo salahPeople choose president and vice president from general election, artinya Orang-orang / Masyarakat memilih presiden dan wakil presiden dari/lewat pemilihan umum

11. Quiz (+50): 123 = (a.) One thousand two hundred and three (b.) Twelve and three (c.) One twenty three (d.) One two three hundred and zero (e.) One hundred and twenty three

[tex]\huge \color{violet}{\underbrace{\textsf{\textbf{ \color{skyblue}↓{\color{silver}{P}{\color{pink}{e}{\color{silver}{m}{\color{pink}{b}{\color{silver}{a}{\color{pink}{h}{\color{silver}{a}{\color{pink}{s}{\color{silver}{a}{\color{pink}{n}{ \color{skyblue}↓}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]


Cardinal Numbers adalah angka yang menentukan berapa banyak dari sesuatu yang ada.

=> Example :

▪︎17 = seventeen.

▪︎231 = two hundred and thirty one.

▪︎1.025 = one thousand twenty five.

▪︎Andi mempunyai 25 kelereng = andi has 25 (twenty five) marbles.


123 = One hundred and twenty three (E).


Pelajarilebih lanjut :

▪︎ perbedaan cardinal number dengan ordinal number


DetailJawaban :







12. SBY and Budiono won the general election. "" The passive is.


by SBY and Budiono


SBY dan Budiono memenangkan pemilihan umum. "" Pasifnya adalah.

13. What Does the Dialogue talk About? a.Andi Rejected an Offer b.Andi Received an Offer c.Bubu Rejected an Offer d Andi Received an Offer

Jawaban:Tentang Apa yang Dialog bicarakan?

a.Andi Menolak Penawaran

b.Andi Menerima Penawaran

c.Bubu Menolak Penawaran

d Andi Menerima Penawaran


14. Three sisters, Alice, Bernice and Claire, shared a sum of money in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. Alice received $84 more than Claire. How much money did Bernice receive? Beinice received $



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dik :

Perbandingan = 3 : 2 : 1

Ditanya :

berapa uang claire?

Jawab :

Jika Alice menerima $84 lebih banyak, maka

3 - 1 = 2

= 84 ÷ 2 = 42

Claire = 2 × 42 = 84

Jadi, Claire mendapatkan $84


15. compare a fly and an owl and describe three ways in which they are similar?​


artinya bandingkan lalat dan burung hantu dan gambarkan tiga hal yg mana keduanya serupa artinya dalam


maaf klo slah

16. Diduga the students hold and election for the leader and secretary?

Diduga para siswa memegang dan memilih pemimpin dan sekretaris?

17. eight million ten thousand six hundred......three hundred and twelve thousand and six point two......four hundred and eighty seven point nine two six and three million three thousand and three point three three...write in numeral.

I am sorry if that wrong...

18. BERAPA $5329+$1136= TOLONG DI JAWAB​


Penjelasan:$5329+$1136=6465 US$

19. 3¾ =...a. three and three fourthb. third and three fourthc. three and third fourthd. three and three four​

D.theree and three four


maaf klo slh


a. three and three fourth


maaf kalau salah

20. three girls ______ an apple, some books and pencils​


brings ..

maaf klo salah

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