
Thejaswi Aya Vagmi Summary In Malayalam

Februari 17, 2023

Thejaswi Aya Vagmi Summary In Malayalam

Summary of "Laskar Pelangi" in english! ​

1. Summary of "Laskar Pelangi" in english! ​


Laskar Pelangi


Laskar=Paramalitary Troops


Jangan Hapus Jawaban Saya


Rainbow troops.tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik dan maap kl slh

2. Malayalam latar belakang dibubarkannya p.o.c

Banyaknya korupsi di tubuh voc, tidak adanya dukungan masyarakat indonesia atas sistem monopoli, voc tak mampu membayar pegawai karena luasnya indonesia, banyaknya perlawanan dari masyakarat indonesia dan mendapai saingan dari kongsi dagang Inggris EIC

3. apa artinya make a summary in your note book​


Buat kesimpulannya di buku tulismu .

semoga membantu :)


make a summary in your

note book:buat ringkasan di buku catatan anda

4. summary about 5 common problems faced by students in elearning


this a common problem in e learning


-can't focus on the subject matter

-more difficult to understand the lesson

-easily bored

-can't ask the teacher directly

-insufficient internet

5. Why summary of a newspaper report is put in the first paragraph?


paragraph nya mana dek? :)

paragraph nya dimanee

6. summary about 5 common problems faced by students in elearning






and ac

Hope it helps you to be out of the content of the content of the content of the content of the content of the content of the elearning thingy

7. Translate your assignment in Rg. Make a summary in English and Indonesian​




penyajian karangan atau peristiwa panjang dalam bentuk

yang singkat dan efektif.



Semoga membantu

8. You should write your summary in your own words with complete sentences. T/F


Completing sentences about a text can be tricky, but these tips will help you. Look at this example activity first, then read the tips.

Read the text and complete the sentences in your own words.

The next day the psychiatrist told her to put the spider in her living room. My friend put it on top of the television. At first she thought the spider was watching her, and she felt afraid. Then she told herself that it was only a plastic spider.

My friend felt frightened when ______

(Answer) she first put the plastic spider on top of the television.

Find the part of the text that refers to the sentence.

Always use information from the text to answer, not your own opinions or ideas.

Don’t copy sentences straight from the text. You may need to change the part of speech, for example, use a verb when there is a noun in the text.

Include all the necessary information to complete the sentence.

Is your sentence correct? Check grammar, parts of speech, spelling and punctuation.

9. When you want to give summary in your presentation, you can say​


Saat Anda ingin memberikan ringkasan dalam presentasi Anda, Anda bisa mengatakan dari


maaf mau tanya maksudnya di artikan apa gimana

kalau dikartika semoga membantu yg di atas

10. We will work in groups to fill in the blank spaces inthe summary of "Sangkuriang".​


Kami akan bekerja dalam kelompok untuk mengisi ruang kosong

ringkasan dari "Sangkuriang".


maaf kalau salah

11. 1. What do we need to know when doing a story summary? and what's not in a summary? 2.How does summarizing help us become better readers?​

Penjelasan: SEMOGA MEMBANTU!!!!!!

12. Make a summary based on these points: (Di summary nya harus ada points2 itu)


ngak tau deh kalau b. inggria

13. What is the summary of little women in 200 words

apa ringkasan wanita kecil dalam 200 kata

14. terjemahan dari summary itu

Maaf kalau salahArtinnya summary itu ringkasa dan kalau disuruh merubah tulisan yang ada digambar itu menjadi inggris saya tidak bisa

15. Complete the summary with the words in the box! Tolong ya... aku nggak ngerti...

Crime - criminals - guilty - information - police - police state - safety - surveillance - technology


While it is true that CCTV cameras help the POLICE(1)  to reduce CRIME (2), at the same time CRIMINALS (3) still operate in areas where they exist.

This puts the whole issue of SURVEILLANCE(4) into question. Governments say that it improves public SAFETY(5), whereas human rights groups argue that it invades our privacy by making everybody feel GUILTY(6).

There are even those who see it as the first step towards a POLICE STATE(7). Whatever your view, it is clear that all new TECHNOLOGY(8) has its advantages and disadvantages, but there is always someone who will misuse the INFORMATION(9) on the screen.


Walaupun benar bahwa kamera CCTV membantu polisi untuk mengurangi kriminalitas, disaat yang bersamaan para kriminal tetap beroperasi di lokasi dimana kamera-kamera CCTV berada.

Ini menjadi isu terhadap pengawasan. Pemerintah mengatakan bahwa kamera CCTV akan meningkatkan keamanan. Di samping itu, kelompok hak asasi berpendapat bahwa hal menyerang privasi kami.

Bahkan ada orang-orang yang melihatnya sebagai langkah pertama menuju negara polisi.  Apapun pendapat anda, sudah jelas bahwa semua teknologi baru mempunyai pro dan kontra, tapi pasti selalu ada orang yang akan penyalahgunaan informasi pada layar.

16. point 25!!pls make summary about predicate in english​

Penjelasan:PREDICATEDescribes activities in a sentence.Each sentence has only one predicate.

Consists of:

Verb word or tense: V₁ and V₂Modals: shall, will, can, may, could, etcTo be: is, am, are, was, were + V-ing/adj/nounHave/has/had + V₃


They are very optimistic.My mom bought an iphone last day.Johny and I should study for exam.


Predicate (predicate) is a phrase that gives information about activities / actions / actions carried out by the subject in a sentence. The predicate contains a verb (verb) which tells about the activities / actions / actions taken. The predicate also provides information about the relationship between the subject and the activities / actions carried out in a sentence.

Predicateditandai dg beberapa ciri berikut

Has/Had/Have + V3Identik dg kata kerja atau verbAtau bisa menggunakan To be ( am,Is,Are,Were,Was ).





17. Please explain me about text organization of narrative in a summary,,, thanks ^_^

1. Orientation, which sets the scene and introduces the characters (it answers the questions: who, when, what and where)
2. Complication, in which a crisis or a problem arises, which usually involves the main characters
3. Resolution, a solution to the problem (for better o for worse). Here, the main characters find ways to solve the problem.

18. write a short summary on pollen allergy (in 150 words) (only in english)please help! ASAP​


What is a pollen allergy?

Pollen is one of the most common causes of allergies in the United States.

Pollen is a very fine powder produced by trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds to fertilize other plants of the same species. Many people have an adverse immune response when they breathe in pollen.

The immune system normally defends the body against harmful invaders — such as viruses and bacteria — to ward off illnesses.

In people with pollen allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies the harmless pollen as a dangerous intruder. It begins to produce chemicals to fight against the pollen.

This is known as an allergic reaction, and the specific type of pollen that causes it is known as an allergen. The reaction leads to numerous irritating symptoms, such as:


   stuffy nose

   watery eyes

Some people have pollen allergies year-round, while others only have them during certain times of the year. For example, people who are sensitive to birch pollen usually have increased symptoms during the spring when birch trees are in bloom.

Similarly, those with ragweed allergies are most affected during the late spring and early fall.

About 8 percent of adults in the United States experience hay fever, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI).

About the same percentage of American children were diagnosed with hay fever in 2014, according to the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The allergy is unlikely to go away once it has developed. However, symptoms can be treated with medications and allergy shots.

Making certain lifestyle changes can also help relieve the symptoms associated with pollen allergies.

A pollen allergy may also be referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis.

What are the different types of pollen allergies?

There are hundreds of plant species that release pollen into the air and trigger allergic reactions.

Here are some of the more common culprits:

Birch pollen allergy

Birch pollen is one of the most common airborne allergens during the spring. As the trees bloom, they release tiny grains of pollen that are scattered by the wind.

A single birch tree can produce up to 5 million pollen grains, with many traveling distances of up to 100 yards from the parent tree.

Oak pollen allergy

Like birch trees, oak trees send pollen into the air during the spring.

While oak pollen is considered to be mildly allergenic compared to the pollen of other trees, it stays in the air for longer periods of time. This can cause severe allergic reactions in some people with pollen allergies.

Grass pollen allergy

Grass is the primary trigger of pollen allergies during the summer months.

It causes some of the most severe and difficult-to-treat symptoms. However, the AAAAI reports that allergy shots and allergy tablets can be highly effective in relieving symptoms of grass pollen allergies.

Ragweed pollen allergy

Ragweed plants are the main culprits of allergies among weed pollens. They’re the most active between the late spring and fall months.

Depending on the location, however, ragweed may begin spreading its pollen as early as the last week of July and continue into the middle of October. Its wind-driven pollen can travel hundreds of miles and survive through a mild winter.

What are the symptoms of a pollen allergy?

Pollen allergy symptoms most often include:

   nasal congestion

   sinus pressure, which may cause facial pain

   runny nose

   itchy, watery eyes

   scratchy throat


   swollen, bluish-colored skin beneath the eyes

   decreased sense of taste or smell

   increased asthmatic reactions

19. make a summary from article in English newspapertolong jawab ya kak​


membuat ringkasan dari artikel di koran berbahasa Inggris

20. find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. write the summary in your book and submit it here​

Soal :Find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. Write the summary in your book and submit it here.Temukan referensi-referensi tentang recount text dan buat rangkuman tentang itu. Tulis rangkuman di bukumu dan kumpulkan di sini.Jawaban :

Recount Text

Definition of recount text :

Recount text is a text that telling about events in the past.

Recount text has 3 generic structures,they are :Orientation : Contains introduction of the participants,time,and place of event.Events : Contains description and explanation about the event in the past.Reorientation : Contains writer's comment or impression about the event. It's the ending of the story.Characteristics of the language of recount text :Characteristics of the language of recount text :Using past tense

There are 3 kinds of past tense,they are :

A. Simple past tense

B. Past continuous tense

C. Pastperfect tense

2. Using action verbs (walked,went,bought,slept,ect)

3. Using conjunction (then,but,and,because,ect)

4. Usingadverboftimeandplace(yesterday,now,soon,market,hospital)

Hope it can helps,keep spirit!

Translate :

Recount text


Recount text adalah teks yang memberitahukan tentang kejadian-kejadian di masa lalu/di masa lampau.

Recount text memiliki 3 struktur utama,yaitu :Orientasi:Berisi pengenalan tokoh,waktu,dan tempat kejadian.Rangkaian peristiwa : Berisi deskripsi dan penjelasan mengenai kejadian di masa lalu.Reorientasi/penutup/kesimpulan : Berisi komentar atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian itu. Itu adalah akhir dari cerita.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text :Menggunakan masa lampau

Ada 3 jenis masa lampau,yaitu :

A. Masa lampau sederhana

B. Masa lampau berkelanjutan/bersambung

C. Masa lampau sempurna

2. Menggunakan kata kerja aksi (telah berjalan,telah pergi, telah membeli,telah tidur,dll)

3. Menggunakan konjungsi/kata hubung (kemudian,tetapi,dan,karena,dll)

4. Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat (kemarin,sekarang,segera,pasar,rumah sakit)

Semoga membantu,semangat!

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