
Mineral And Energy Resources Class 12 Ncert Solutions

Januari 08, 2023

Mineral And Energy Resources Class 12 Ncert Solutions

Ubah ke bentuk direct. The move is an attempt to attract more companies to bid in the upstream sector, said energy and mineral resources ministry oil and gas director general djoko siswanto on monday.

Daftar Isi

1. Ubah ke bentuk direct. The move is an attempt to attract more companies to bid in the upstream sector, said energy and mineral resources ministry oil and gas director general djoko siswanto on monday.

Energy and mineral resources ministry, oil and gas director general Djoko Siswanto Said on Monday, "The move is an attempt to attract more companies to bid in the upstream sector."

2. Our body … energy, protein, mineral, vitamins, and fiber. *needneededneedsneeding​

Our body (c)needs energy, protein, mineral, vitamins, and fiber.

maaf kl salah


Our body needing​ energy, protein, mineral, vitamins, and fiber.

semoga membantu yaa! :>


3. 10 problems and solutions

1. I can't wake up early in the morning
=> You should sleep early in the night
2. I'm stupid
=> You should study hard
3. My shirt was dirty
=> Clean it!
4. I don't have book
=> You should buy it
5. I'm hungry
=> Let you eat something
6. I don't have money
=> You should work
7. I don't have friends
=> You should be friendly
8. My phone was broke
=> You should buy a new phone
9. I missing my pen
=> Let you find it.
10. I'm headache
=> You should be take a rest

4. 12.Contoh jenis sumber daya alam tidak terbarukan (unrenewable resources)…. *A. PertanianB. PerkebunanC. MineralD. Perikanan​


c. mineral


maaf kalo salah


maaf kalau salah


jawabanya c. mineral

5. Fungtion of heat energy and sound energy

heat energy = memanskan suatu benda

sound = bunyi

6. Wind, water, and solar energy are .. energy sources.


Wind, water, and solar energy are unlimited energy sources.

Semoga jawabannya benar dan membantu, terima kasih.

7. 2. Laut menyediakan sumber proteis, energy dan mineral. Kata dasar dari menyediakan adalah​



maaf klau slah

Kata dasar dari menyediakan yaitu sedia


8. Modals for requests and offers class 12 exercise



9. bagaimana cara pengolahan dan pengelolaan komoditi mineral dan energy tolong ya

cara pengolahan nya adalah dengan diolah sebagai mineral tertentu yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat, dan energinya diolah menjadi energi listrik/yg lain, yg diperlukan masyarakat
cara pengelolaan: dikelola oleh pihak yang berwenang/pemerintah dengan sebaik-baiknya
pengolahan = dimanfaatkan dengan sehemat2nya, jangan sampai merusak lingkungan dan mengganggu ekosistem, menggunakan bahan2 yang bersih dan alami, dijaga kelestariannya
pengelolaan = dihemat, dirawat, dijaga, jangan sampai habis,

10. What are renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources ??Help me please... ​


Renewable natural resources are natural resources that can be renewed such as animals, plants, water and air, while non-renewable natural resources are natural resources that cannot be renewed


I hope this helps ^_^








Non Renewable

Fossil fuel oil



Rocks and mineral

Natural gas

11. Natural resources are divided intro renewable and untenewable resources,renewable resouces is


solar energy, wind, water, forest

12. can a torch work with any other energy resources except battery?


yep, u can use any energy resources to turn on a torch


lets give a sample : a lighter can burn tip slowly

and make the torch works

13. what are our expressions to suggest solutions and ideas?

Let’s revise our lessons.

What about going to the cinema tonight?

How about playing cards?

Why don't we do our homework?

Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?

Shall we have a walk along the river?

What would you say to a cup of coffee?

Don't you think it is a good idea to watch TV?

Does it matter if we use your car?

14. five example business problem and the reasons for the problem and solutions

The problem is example you accidentaly make some wrong and then your boss is very angry and then the solution is you can say sorry to him

15. rubah ke dalam passive voice. 1.) the professor told him not to talk in class, 2.) global warming, deforestation, and pollution destroy the earth's natural resources

--•Passive Voice•--
Responsio :
1) He was told by the professor no to talk in the class
2) The earth's natural resources are destroyed by global warming, deforestation, and pollution

Be beautiful on the inside, you will see the universe a beautiful place. -Elia Abu Madi

16. Natural resources and distribution in indonesia?


Maksudnya artinya gitu, atau gimana? I have an abstractions from World Bank, but I don't really know what you mean.

17. Class:Date:Name:Converting EnergyActivityProcess skills: Analysing. ObservingWhat are thedifferent formsof energy?a.Trace the energy conversions in the followingexamples by filling in the blanks below.() A bowling ball rolling down the laneand hitting the pins:energy+energyenergy(ii) A battery-operated hand-held video game:energy+energyenergy(ii) Electricity powered microwave oven heating up food:energy -energy +energy(iv) Solar and wind powered lamp:energy +energyenergyenergy​


Mengubah Energi


Keterampilan proses: Menganalisis. Mengamati

Apa itu

bentuk yang berbeda



Lacak konversi energi berikut ini

contoh dengan mengisi bagian yang kosong di bawah ini.

() Bola bowling yang bergulir di jalur

dan memukul pin:





(ii) Video game genggam yang dioperasikan dengan baterai:





(ii) Oven microwave bertenaga listrik yang memanaskan makanan:

energi -

energi +


(iv) Lampu bertenaga surya dan angin:

energi +





maksudnya gitu?

18. help! give solutions and answer in english please :((

Math Senior High School
→→ Vektor ←←

Pembahasan :
(a - b) . (6a + b) = 0
6|a|² - 5ab - |b|² = 0
6(2)² - 5ab - 3² = 0
6(4) - 9 = 5ab
5ab = 15
ab = 3

Cos β = (ab)/(|a| |b|)
Cos β = 3/(2 . 3)
Cos β = 3/6
Cos β = 1/2
Cos β = Cos 60°
β = 60°

19. List three natural resources that can be used for energy sources!


cahaya matahari, air, dan angin


sunlight, air, and wind

semoga membantu

20. what is the meaning of renewable resources and non-renewable resources?

artinya adalah sumber daya yang terbarukan dan sumber daya yang tak terbarukan atau bisa juga dibilang Sumber Daya yang dapat diperbarui dan Sumber Daya yang tidak bisa diperbarui
renewable resources = sumber daya alam yg bisa diperbaharui
non-renewable resources = sumber daya alam yang tidak bisa dperbaharui

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