
Going Downhill On A Bicycle Summary

Januari 02, 2023

Going Downhill On A Bicycle Summary

Make a summary based on these points: (Di summary nya harus ada points2 itu)

Daftar Isi

1. Make a summary based on these points: (Di summary nya harus ada points2 itu)


ngak tau deh kalau b. inggria

2. 28.) She ........ going to.going to .......... a bicyclethis morning.​


she is going to school with a bicycle this morning


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

fiks no debat!!


She Is going to ride a bicycle this morning


semoga membantu..

3. yang tahu lagu Drake - Hold on were going home tolong bikinkan saya summarynya dalam bhs inggris dong , saya kurang paham dengan ceritanya thx

it (the song) tell us about how a good person (a girl) that so physically and emotionally impressed (for a man). The look that can be seen, good behave that can be felt, high thinking that immersed are the value of a human.

no one will reject a person to whom he/she can enjoy every seconds of their life together.

4. No Cycling on the footpath1.What does the notice mran?a.Someone should ride on bicycle hereb.You may put your bicycle around this placec.No one is allowed to ride bicycle on the pathd.You are allowed to ride on your bicycle here​


1. C. No kne is allowed to ride bicycle on the path



No cycling on the footpath artinya tidak boleh bersepeda di jalan setapak

berarti C. yang artinya siapapun tidak diperbplehkan menaiki sepeda di jalannya


5. she (wash)......her bicycle on sunday

she is washing her bicycle on sunday #edit *thanksygudhkshtwShe washes her bicycle on Sunday : dia mencuci sepeda nya pada hari Minggu

(karena kebiasaan -> simple present tense. rumus : she/he/it + verb1-s/es)

6. dialog bahasa inggris tentang A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends

Accepting/Declining Invitation

Nana: Bella, would you like to join us on the weekend? We’re going to ride on our bicycle to the city park.

Marsya: That’s true! It would be so much fun if you could come and join us.

Bella: That sounds great! But I can’t confirm yet, guys. This weekend is also my sister’s birthday party. I can’t promise you but I’ll try to join if it’s possible.

Nana: No worries, just let us know if you’ll be available.

Bella: Sure I will!


Ada beberapa ungkapan yang dapat kalian gunakan untuk menerima ataupun menolak undangan seseorang. Berikut ini adalah contoh-contohnya:

Accepting an invitation

Sure. What time?I’d love to, thanksSounds goodSounds greatThat sounds great, thank you.What a great idea, thank you.That sounds like funThat would be nice, thank youSure, that would be greatI’d love to, thanks.That’s a great idea

Declining an invitation

I can’t. I have to work.I have to get up early the next morningMy parents are visiting me that nightI am not feeling wellI have an appointment this afternoonI’m busy tomorrow.Well, I’d love to, but I already have plansI’m really sorry, but I have something else to doMaybe another timeThanks for your invitation but I am kinda busyI am afraid I am busy tomorrowSorry but I can’t accept your invitationI have other plans for tonightPelajari lebih lanjut tentang accepting/declining invitation:

___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas XI

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Making invitation

Kata kunci : Accepting, declining invitation

Kode: 11.5.3

7. Dialog tentang percakapan A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend untuk dua orang

nisa: hello Bella whether on a weekend there is a family event?
bella: no Nisa, why are you asking me that
Nisa: it's alright Nisa I just want to invite you to play can bella
Bella: of course can Nisa, when we play bike Nisa?
Nisa: Saturday and in the afternoon Bella around 04.00
Bella: All right Nisa

8. a plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends

sebuah rencana mengendarai sepeda untuk berolahraga diakhir pekan

semoga membantu^_^

sebuah rencana bersepeda untuk olahraga di akhir pekan

9. Please buatin summary film ju on

In Japan, when the volunteer social assistant Rika Nishina is assigned to visit a family, she is cursed and chased by two revengeful fiends: Kayako, a woman brutally murdered by her husband and her son Toshio. Each person that lives in or visits the haunted house is murdered or disappears.
when the volunteer social assistant Rika Nishina is assigned to visit a family, she is cursed and chased by two revengeful fiends: Kayako, a woman brutally murdered by her husband and her son Toshio. Each person that lives in or visits the haunted house is murdered or disappears.

10. on a bicycle​


aris goes to school on a bicycle



went / go


Aris went to school on a bicycle

11. (+)my father is going to buy a new bicycle(-).....?(?).....?

(-)My father is not going to buy a new bicycle

(?)is my father going to buy a new bicycle?

sorry kalo salah

12. she(wash)....her bicycle on sundays

washed .........................Washes

Kalo ada pertanyaan seperti ini PM aja

13. Q : what is waluyo going to do with his bicycle? A : he is ... Repair it



Q : " What is Waluyo going to do with his bicycle?"

A : "He is ...... repair It"

The Answer is

"Going to"

Sorry if this answer is wrong

I Hope this Will Help you

Going to

Your good!

14. apa manfaat downhill​


Manfaatnya adalah menghilangkan rasa jenuh


mengiatkan kekuatan tubuh bagis untuk sendi menguatkan kekuatan jantung dan paru paru menjaga bentuk tubuh

15. 2 Abdulah is going to school ba ballb boxc. basketd. bicycle​


D. bicycle


semoga membantu


...........D. bicycle

16. I usually ... My bicycle on sunday

i Don now itu Diah ya

I usually "ride" My bictcle on sunday

17. What does the notice mean?A. No one is allowed to ride bicycle on the path.B. You are allowed to ride on your bicycle here.c. You may put your bicycle around this place.D. Someone should ride on bicycle here.​


A. No one is allowed to ride bicycle on the path.

Sorry if I'm wrong

18. Make A Dialog About"One Of You Is Going To Participate InBicycle Race."​

james: hi anna, how are you?

Anna: Hey James, I'm fine

James: What will you do with your bike?

Anna: Oh, I'll fix this bike

james: for what?

Anna: I will take part in a bicycle race that will be held next week

James: Oh, Anna's spirit! I will support you

Anna: Thank you James

James: Yes, same with Anna

19. a plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekends buatlah pesan singkat diri kata tersebut​


To : Errica

Stanley Avenue, 1290

Hi Errica! Sorry i just had time to reply to your letter. I was so busy lately, i've been studying so hard to get a good score in spanish class. I hope you're not mad about it. What if we ride the bicycle this weekend? Wouldn't it be fun? Let's do it near your neighbourhoods! The air has been fresh lately, it is a perfect time to meet and have some exercise by cycling. What do you think? I'm waiting for your reply! I hope you agreed!

With Love, Ashley


Kepada: Errica

Stanley Avenue, 1290

Hai Errica! Maaf aku baru punya waktu untuk membalas suratmu. Aku sangat sibuk akhir-akhir ini, aku telah belajar sangat keras untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus di kelas bahasa Spanyol. Aku harap kamu tidak marah karenanya. Bagaimana jika kita naik sepeda akhir pekan ini? Bukankah itu menyenangkan? Mari kita lakukan di dekat rumahmu! Udara segar akhir-akhir ini, ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk bertemu dan berolahraga dengan bersepeda. Bagaimana menurutmu? Aku menunggu balasanmu! Aku harap kamu setuju!

Dengan Cinta, Ashley

20. Make a short messages text based on this situation : A plan to ride on a bicycle to exercise on the weekend.


Hi Anne,

I plan to ride a bicycle to exercise this weekend. Do you have time to accompany me to exercise? If you can, you can meet me at the park at 5 this weekend.

Thanks dear.


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