
You Have Narrated A Very Romantic Book

November 15, 2022

You Have Narrated A Very Romantic Book

ini yg betul (you have not a book) atau (you have a not book)​

Daftar Isi

1. ini yg betul (you have not a book) atau (you have a not book)​


you have not a book

atau bisa disingkat, you haven't a book


You have not a book memiliki arti "kamu tidak memiliki sebuah buku"


yang benar adalah

(you have a not book)


Kamu mempunyai buku catatan

2. You have a book. The book is​


sure i have,books are a window to the world


semoga membantu

bantu Follow ye my hyung:v

the book is yours.

artinya; bukunya milikmu

3. If you would have a ROMANTIC DINER, which place do you want to have it and why


if I want a cool place like lots of green plants, because a cool place will make the atmosphere comfortable and the heart will be happy

semoga membantu

jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya....^_^

4. What begins with B? Can you think of a very cool romantic color?

itu maksudnya very cool romantic color yang huruf depannya B? kamu nulis soalnya kebalik :p

baby pink
bright pink
bright maroon

semoga membantu :D

5. bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal ini dg menggunakan both...and Lia: you have a book about butterflies. Do you have a book about birds, too? Reny: yes,.........

Reny : yes, I have books about butterflies and birds. " atau juga bisa " Reny : yes, I have."
"Yes, I have" atau "Yes, I have a book about birds"

6. Change wito Interrogative FormYou read romantic novel"A. Are you read a romantic novel ?B. Does you read a romantic novel? a romantic nobe 2Do you read romantic novec?​


A. Are you read a romantic novel?

7. Apa arti you are such a romantic

kamu sangat romantis

semoga membantu

8. (Yourenby / Kim?)lam. It's very romantic​

l am and kim It's very romantic​

9. Marni: do you (A)"have" new book? Karni: id I have a (B) "new book", (c) "would" kendaraan it for you Marni: yeah, (d) "thanks"

would you like to lend it for me?
yeah thanks

10. how many book do you have

berapa banyak buku yang Anda punya ?bila yang ditanya terjemahannya:
berapa jumlah buku yang kamu miliki?

11. 18. teacher: "have you finished reading the book you borrowed from me?" yayat : yes, i have, sir. i finished it last night." teacher: "good " yayat for lending me the book." teacher :"you are welcome." thank you very much


18. teacher: "have you finished reading the

book you borrowed from me?"

yayat : yes, i have, sir. i finished it

last night."

teacher: "good "

yayat: "thank you teacher" / "thank you very much"

for lending me the book."

teacher :"you are welcome."

thank you very much

semoga membantu (✿^‿^)

jadikan jawaban tercerdas kamu ya (◍•ᴗ•◍)

dan saya tidak copas atau menyontek (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

12. arti if you have a book​


jika Anda memiliki buku



Jika Anda memiliki Buku


Arti If You Have Book Adalah Jika Anda Memiliki Buku

13. Bambang said to ani: " this book is very interesting. Have you read it? Please read it? Indirect speech


Bambang Said To Ani That The Books is very interesting have you read it? please read it?


14. how many book do you have

berapa banyak buku yang Anda punya ?bila yang ditanya cara menjawabnya:

i have a book : saya memiliki satu buku
i have two books : saya memiliki dua buku.

15. Nina : .............. Wati : No, it is not mine. I don't have such kind of book. Select one: a. Is it your book? b. Do you like this book? c. Do you have a book? d. This is a new book

A. Karena pertanyaan yg paling cocok artinya itu A , kl pilihan lain jawabannya pasti bkn itujawabannya a. is it your book?

16. apa arti"Hi,do you have a book self?"

"Hai, apakan kamu mempunyai rak buku?"

kayaknya..."Halo, apakah anda memiliki rak buku?"

17. do you have book.....I have​

Do you have a book? Can I have some?

Answer: can,some

sorry if not the same as the image or text ...
If it's wrong you can delete my answer •̀.̫•́✧

18. have - a- book- you-do​


Do you have a book

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya! Terima kasih :)


Do you have a book


Karena susunan kata yang tepat adalah doyouhaveabook yg artinya dalam bahasa indonesia apakah kamu memiliki sebuah buku.

19. You have a book this is your book artinya


Kamu punya sebuah buku,buku ini punyamu


20. Have you every lost your book​


"yes, i ever lost my book."

klo jawabannya artinya : apakah kamu pernah kehilangan buku kamu?


maaf klo salah..

jadikan aku yang terbaik..

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