
A Cubical Block Is Floating In A Liquid

November 16, 2022

A Cubical Block Is Floating In A Liquid

The medicine in the syringe is a liquid. Explain why this medicine must be a liquid

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1. The medicine in the syringe is a liquid. Explain why this medicine must be a liquid


so that it is easy to put it into the body

2. Cement in a cement mixer is a liquid. The cement between the bricks on the wall is solid. What happened to the liquid in the cement? Bantu dunk kaaa :3

When liquid in the cement the following will has happened to the liquid in the cement: The water present in the liquid cement goes into a reaction with the minerals of calcium silicate in the cement. The result of this reaction is the hydrate crystals of calcium silicate which are needle-shaped in nature.

3. If 5 litres of a liquid has a mass of 850 g what is the density of the liquid in g/cm³


0,17 g/cm^3


mass = 850 g

volume = 5 litres = 5.000 cm^3

density = mass/volume

= 850/5.000

= 0,17 g/cm^3

4. explain why a liquid rises in a capillary tube


A liquid rises in a capillary tube due to the phenomenon known as capillary action. Capillary action occurs when the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules are stronger than the adhesive forces between the liquid and the walls of the capillary tube.

When a liquid is placed in a capillary tube, the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules cause the liquid to be attracted to itself, while the adhesive forces between the liquid and the walls of the tube cause the liquid to be attracted to the walls. If the cohesive forces are stronger than the adhesive forces, the liquid will be pulled up the walls of the tube, resulting in the phenomenon known as capillary action.

Capillary action is commonly observed in small tubes or pores, such as those found in plants. In plants, capillary action is responsible for the movement of water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. It is also used in a variety of scientific and technological applications, such as in the design of inkjet printers and in the measurement of small amounts of liquid.

5. well, my house is located in permata housing estate, block A number 5​


nah, rumah saya terletak di perumahan permata, blok A nomor 5

6. 1-44The gase pressure in a liquid at a depth of 3 m is read to be 28 kPa. Determine the gage presstre in the same liquid at a depth of 9 materi termodimika


api gham


bahasa Lampung

7. Water is a liquid at 10°C.​


Kapasitas kalor jenis es pada −10 ° C adalah 2030 J / (kg · K) dan kapasitas kalor uap pada 100 ° C


maaf kalo salah

tolong punyq aku di folow ya....

8. A cubical tank of edge 12 cm is half-filled with water. the water is poured into an empty rectangular tank measuring 10 cm by 8 cm by 7 cm until it is full. How much water is left in the cubical tank? Give your answer in milliliters.


Volume of Cube tank water= (12 x 12 x12) x 1/2= 864

Volume rectangular = 10 x 8 x 7 = 560

Water left on cubical tank= 864-560 = 304cm³ =304ml

9. 15." Liquid in Indonesian language is...A. Padat B. Cair C. GasD. Oksigen​




didalam bahasa inggris liquid yang artinya cairan

10. There is a refrigerator in the dining room. It is a ... refrigerator. a. block b. cube c. cone d. square

jawaban b.cube

semoga membantu

b.cube maaf klo salah

11. to take in a liquid jawabannya apaa ?


gak engrti bhs inggris

12. If water is cooled in a refrigerator, the state or matter of the water changers from ... a. Liquid to solid b. Solid to liquid c. Liquid to gas d. Gas to liquid

a. liquid to solid (cair jadi padat)jawabannya "a"
(cair jadi padat)
'maaf kalok salah'

13. The ball is sphere. This is a ...sphericalc. cubicalb. rectangulard. conical​

A. Spherical jwabanya

14. 5. What is not included in changing the form of an object into a liquid is .... *

Answer : rock

Why? Because rocks can't turn into liquid : can't melt by oven, can't melt

15. 41. This is a lunch box. It is ....... A. cubical B. circle C. square D.Sphere​




krn cubical itu kubus sdngkn bntuk lunch box kubus


Multiple Choice:

C. Square


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan C. Square dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Shapes (bentuk) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kotak makan siang itu umumnya berbentuk C. Square (kotak)

Semoga membantu ya.

16. some liquid are collected from the xylem in the stem of the plant. what is present in the liquid?




Xylem transports water and minerals

17. "pinux" is in the from of ....material. a. solid b. liquid c. frozen d. hot​


Semoga Membantu

18. A beam of light has a wavelength of 650 nm in vacuum. (a) what is the speed of this light in a liquid whose index of refrac- tion at this wavelength is 1.47? (b) what is the wavelength of these waves in the liquid?


A beam of light has a wavelength of 650 nm in vacuum. (a) what is the speed of this light in a liquid whose index of refrac- tion at this wavelength is 1.47? (b) what is the wavelength of these waves in the liquid?

19. The hat is like A cone. It is..... A. Cubical B. Conical C. Circular D. Triangular


B. Conical


The hat is like A cone. It is..... ( Topi itu seperti kerucut. Ini..... )

A. Cubical ( Kubus )  

B. Conical ( Kerucut )

C. Circular ( Melingkar )

D. Triangular ( Segitiga )

Semoga membantu... Jadikan jawaban tercedas ya.... ✪ ω ✪


20. the box is like cube it isa. sphericalb. prismc. cubicald. conical​

yg c. jawabannyadek:)

semoga membantu ya dek;)


C. Cubical. Cubical memiliki arti kubus

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