
The Mountain And The Squirrel Poem In Hindi

November 24, 2022

The Mountain And The Squirrel Poem In Hindi

habitat food activity and characteristics in the Squirrel

Daftar Isi

1. habitat food activity and characteristics in the Squirrel

familySciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs amongst other rodents. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and were introduced by humans to Australia.[1] The earliest known squirrels date from the Eoceneperiod and are most closely related to the mountain beaver and to the dormouse among other living rodent families.

Semoga Membantu ^_^

Dilarang Copas (+_+)

2. in poem When I was One and Twenty What is the theme of the poem ?

it's about a guy which turn twenty one and heard a wise man told him some life advises, such as: "dont give your heart away"
but the guy ignored it and when he's twenty two, he realizes the things that the wise man said was true.

3. the air in bromo mountain is......and.....​


The air in Mountain Bromo is  cold and cool


kata kunci :


semoga bermanfaat


the air in bromo mountain is Clean and pleasing to the eye.

maaf kalo salah:)

4. cold - the - mountain - weather - in - is - The - Very​


The weather in the mountain is Very cold


Kata kata yg diurutkan.


the wather in the mountain is very cold

5. A squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara. The correct interogative sentence for this is: A. Does a squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara?B. Is a squirrel sitting on the ground in front of Barbara?C. Do a squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara?D. Did a squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara?E. Does a squirrel sitting on the ground in front of Barbara?​


menurut saya jawabnya (A)

maaf kalo salah:(

6. (+)the students have a break at 09.30 am (-) (?)(+)(-)the squirrel diet swim in the river(?)(+)(-)(?)do and her mother alway cook together​


1. ( - ) The students haven't a break at 09.30 am

( ? ) Have the students break at 09.30 am?

2. ( + ) The squirrel did swim on the river

( ? ) Did the squirrel swim on the river?

3. ( + ) Her and her mother always cook together

( - ) Her and her mother doesn't cook together

Maaf kalau salah

7. The Air in the mountain is very..​


The Air In the Mountain Is Very COLD

Udara di gunung sangat dingin

8. TOLONG TERJEMAHKAN INI PLISSS...MENGGUNAKAN GRAMMAR YANG BENAR The mountain God and the River God A long time ago in Vietnam, there was a beautiful princess. She was the king’s only daughter. Both the mountain God and the River God wanted to marry the king’s daughter. The king said, “You must fight, and the winner will marry the princess”. So the two Gods fought. They fought with bows and arrows. The mountain God won the fight and he married the beautiful princess But the river God was very angry. He used his power to attack the mountain. The river got higher, it covered the mountain. It came up to where the mountain God and princess lived. Then, the mountain God used his power. The mountain got higher too, so the river couldn’t get the princess. Now, every year in July and August, when the rains come in Vietnam, the rivers rise, people say that the River God is still trying to take away the princess

Gunung tuhan dan sungai tuhan Jaman dulu kala di vietnam, terdapat putri cantik. Dia adalAh Anak raja. Keduanya (Gunung tuhan dan sungai tuhan ) ingin menikahi anak raja itu. Sang raja berkata "kalian harus bertarung, dan yang menang akan menikah dg putri ku". Sehingga mereka bertarung. Mereka ber tarung dg saling menunduk dan memanah. Lalu si tuhan gunung menang dan menikahi putri cantik itu, namun si tuhan sungai marah.Dewa Gunung dan Dewa Sungai

Dahulu kala di Vietnam, terdapat putri yang cantik. Dia adalah putri tunggal raja. Dewa Gunung dan Dewa Sungai ingin menikahi sang putri raja. "Kalian harus bertarung, dan pemenangnya akan menikah dengan putri" kata sang raja.

Jadi kedua dewa pun bertarung. Mereka bertarung dengan busur dan panah. Dewa Gunung pun menang dan menikahi sang putri cantik.
Tetapi Dewa Sungai sangat marah. Dia menggunakan kekuatannya untuk menyerang gunung. Sungainya bertambah tinggi, dan menutupi gunung. Sungainya sampai dimana Dewa Gunung dan sang putri tinggal. Lalu, Dewa Gunung menggunakan kekuatannya juga. Gunung pun menjadi lebih tinggi juga, sehingga sungai tidak bisa mendapatkan sang putri.

Sekarang, setiap tahun di Juli dan Agustus, ketika hujan turun di Vietnam, ketika sungai naik, orang bilang bahwa Dewa Sungai masih mencoba untuk merebut sang putri.

9. the birds flew...the river and the mountain artinya​


burung-burung terbang ... sungai dan gunung


burung-burung terbang ... sungai dan gunung

10. My the mountain d and......her ankle


ibuku dan kakek ku sedang berada di gunung

11. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! ​tolong segera ya

1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.

2. An Appreciation to mother.

3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.

4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.

5. Eleven lines

6. Heart-melting

7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love

8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.

9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.

10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.


A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.

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Materi tentang poem dapat juga disimak pada link berikut


12. 1. What is the poem about? 2. How many stanzas does the poem have? 3 What is the difference between the word 'mind in 'No doubt in my mind' and in 'And lauess I don't mind'? 4 Cause l'm on a roll." What is the meaning of the phrase 'on a roll'? 5 What do you think about the poem and the message in it? Express your thought! #BismillahSemogaadaygmbantu​


pertama sekali saya mau sampaikan ini adalah pandangan saya mengenai puisi ini. and this is my opinion


1.the poem is about future. the future of the girl who doesn't need a charming princess to stand and face the world. and believe that everything is gonna be alright even though most of people don't like her but she will face the future with hopes

2.stanzas = bait =6

3. no doubt in my mind= tidak Ada keraguan di pikiran saya = no hesitate . she believes that everything is going to be perfect. she believes her self.

I guess I don't mind= aku tidak keberatan/tidak mempemasalahkan

she doesn't mind when she thinks that she is different

4. on a roll= she will success.

5.the poem is touching. it makes me to believe my self and also independent as a woman. we must be strong enough to face the world. cos we will face the problems every day,


13. Edo, Tedy and Anton are havingcamping the the mountain, theysleep in ......... *​


tent = tenda


makasih, maaf singkat :)


Answer: Tent (tenda)

14. Please describe about the planet that you like and make it in the form of poem​


Earth! my likeness!

Though you look so impassive, ample and spheric there,

I now suspect that is not all;

I now suspect there is something fierce in you, eligible to burst forth.

moga ini membantu bros

15. In your opinion, what is the relation between home and love based on the poem above?

artinya : menurut pendapat anda, apa hubungan antara rumah dan cinta menurut puisi diatas

16. definition of poem and make the steps of poem​


Poetry is a literary work resulting from the expression and feelings of a person with a language that is bound to rhythm

steps:Determines the style of the poem.

Determine the theme and title of the poem.

Envision atmosphere.

Using language style.

Develop poetry as beautiful as possible.

Writing poetry.


semoga membantu ya

17. Identify the words in the poem that have the following meaning

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:

a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.

b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.

c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.

d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably​. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.


Belajar Bahas Inggris sangat menyenangkan. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:

a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.

b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.

c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.

d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably​. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.

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Materi tentang contoh puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris



18. in your opinion what is the relation between home and love based on the poem​

Love doesn't have to always be happy. Sometimes love can also make people sad. Sad because my feelings are chaotic lyrics, probably because of an unresolved conflict.

19. Question: 1. How is the word choice of the poem? 2. What is the most imagery that you can find in the poem? Mention 3! 3. How is the rhyme scheme of the poem? 4. Do you find the personification in the poem? Mention!

Pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimana dengan pilihan puisi? 2. Apa yang paling merupakan gambar yang dapat anda temukan dalam puisi itu? Sebutkan 3! 3. Bagaimana adalah sajak skema puisi? 4. Apakah anda menemukan personifikasi dalam puisi itu? Sebutkan!

20. tranlate nurul and her family went hiking in the mountain​


Nurul dan keluarganya pergi hiking di gunung.


nurul dan keluarganya pergi mendaki gunung


semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

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