
Kamarajar Speech In Tamil Pdf

November 20, 2022

Kamarajar Speech In Tamil Pdf

why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?

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1. why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?

The reason Tamil is official language in Singapore not Hindi:

Tamil people is the third largest ethnicity in Singapore. People from Tamil was the first settlers in the island of Singapore under the Chola empire of Tamil Nadu in 1025 AD. It was the victory by a legendary king Rajendra Chola conquering the Hindu empire of Sri Vijaya (Indonesia/Malaysia).

The naming of Singapore is derived from Sanskrit or Tamil language, in which Singa means lion and pore means city. This is the origin of why Singapore is called the Lion City. There are other similar naming of Singapore by the Tamil emperors such as Singampunari near Madurai. Many places in South East Asia are named after from Sanskrit/Indian language words.

Singapore and India were colonized by the British in the 18th century. Singapore was utilized by the British as a main Asian port to strengthen its influence in India. It resulted a huge group of Indian traders and laborers flocking to Singapore, mainly from the south part of India. Tamil people was known to be sea travelers and they took this opportunity presented by the British. They quickly migrated to Singapore and made up one of the largest population in the Singapore culture, third only to the Chinese and Malay population.

While the Tamil is the most spoken Indian language by the large majority of the Indian population in Singapore, Hindi, on the other hand is the least spoken by the Indians in Singapore.

Therefore, the Tamil is declared as an official language of Singapore for Indians, instead of Hindi.


Cerita di atas tergolong Descriptive Text dimana penulis menjelaskan sesuatu cerita untuk menunjukkan suatu kesimpulan. Narasi dari Descriptive Text dapat berupa sebuah cerita tentang seseorang/sekumpulan orang, binatang, tumbuhan, benda, tempat/lokasi, kebudayaan, kondisi sosial, fenomena, dll. Tujuan dari Descriptive text adalah memberi penjelasan atas sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan ke pembaca secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat memahami fakta yang disampaikan oleh penulis.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan hal-hal dalam konteks umum.

2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mengklarifikasikan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Contoh dari text di atas: the third largest ethnicity, huge group.

3. Pemakaian relating verb (kata kerja penghubung). Contoh: is, was, as

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#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

2. 18. Untuk menyimpan tipe file PDF pada MS Word2016 diperlukan tool add in yaitu ....a. Word to Pdf converterb. Word ConverterAdd in save asd. Add in Microsoft save as pdfC.Word to pdf​


D. Add in Microsoft Save as PDF

3. Penduduk singapura terdiri dari 3 etnis terbesar adalah.... * 5 points melayu, cina, dan tamil cina, melayu dan tamil tamil, melayu, dan eropa eurasia, melayu, dan tamil


Cina , melayu, dan tamil


Singapura memiliki 5 etnis yaitu tionghoa , melayu , india , eurasia , dan peranakan.

singapura menggunakan bahasa inggris, mandarin , melayu dan hindi.

semoga membantu

4. do not in reported speech​


inorder to change the direct speech into indirect speech, we must change the tense of the sentence. ... The sentence begins with the negative helping verb 'don't'. So, indirect speech will be joined using the word 'whether'. So, the sentence will be constructed as 'I asked her whether she did not know the way home.



5. "Elisa and Rachel participate in English Speech Competition". The negative form of the sentence isA. Elisa and Rachel doesn't participate in English Speech Competition.B. Elisa and Rachel aren't participate in English Speech Competition.C. Elisa and Rachel don't participate in English Speech Competition.D. Elisa and Rachel isn't participate in English Speech Competition​

-simple present tense-

Answer:c. Elisa and Rachel don't participate in English Speech Competition


Kalimat pada di atas lebih mengacu ke dalam bentuk simplepresenttenseyang digunakan saat suatu pekerjaan terjadi di masa kini secara berkala atau rutinitas.

Kalimat di atas berpola:

S + V1(-s/es) + O

dimana sufiksasi -s/es akan berlaku untuk subyek berupa:


Pada kalimat di atas, subyeknya adalah Elisa dan Rachel berupa namesatau kata gantinya they maka participate tidak berlaku sufiksasi.

Untuk merubahnya ke dalam kalimat negatif dapat seperti:

S + do/does + not + V1 + O

dimana do/does dipilih salah satu berdasarkan subyeknya.

do: I,you,they,we,names,objectsdoes: he,she,it,name,objects

Agar dapat berubah ke dalam bentuk negatif, cukup tambahkan do/does + not setelah subyek. Elisa dan Rachel merupakan namesjadi menggunakan don't.

Elisa and Rachel don'tparticipate in English Speech Competition

—> jawabannya: c.

~Thank you and hope this answer can help you.

Have a nice day!~

6. best speech in importance on education​


Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.

7. What are the rules in punctuating speech in dialogues

- Use quotation marks around the dialogue(part).

"Hi," she said.

- Use punctuation inside quotation marks, not outside.

Note the position of the comma above

- Start a new paragraph for a new speaker.

"Hi," she said.

"Hello," I replied.

8. Apa itu India tamil?

Tamil Nadu ialah salah satu negara bagian di selatan India. Negara bagian ini beribukota di Chennai. Tamil ialah bahasa yang dituturkan di Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore, Tiruchirapalli, Salem, Tirunelveli, dan Madurai ialah kota-kota besar lainnya di Tamil Nadu.

9. contoh teks speech tentang women in politics

Woman In Politics

 Ladies and gentlemen,I want to speak about the role of women in politics. I know that in general when a man speaks about the role of women, then it is a very delicate issue because many opinions about this question are very subjective, emotional and sometimes full of prejudices. But nevertheless I hope that even the feminine listeners of this speech will not close their ears, because a mantells his opinion about the role of women in politics.There is a phenomenon in our daily life: The talk about political issues or the opinionof different politicians changes into a discussion of gender issues. Some say, that it is better tohave no or only a small number of feminine politicians. Some say, there should be a certainrate of women in the government. There are also voices that want to have more female thanmale politicians. The question is: What should be done?Before we can find a solution of this problem, I think it is important to find the answer of another question: Who should be a politician?If someone is a really good speaker, his speeches are appealing and full of passion, buthe also changes circumstances and does not only talk without doing something than he should become a politician. If someone really stands for the interests of his electors, without beingselfish or even being ready to make sacrifices than he should become a politician. If someoneis really honest and wants to change something in a way that is respectful and tolerant to other opinions, than he should become a politician – doesn’t matter if this person is male or female.I know that this sounds very ideal, but this is what real politicians should aspire to. There aredifferent examples of those politicians – the best one is probably Martin Luther King whofought for the rights of black men while respecting the rights of white men. Imagine if hewould have been a woman! Would there have been a big difference or would it have been thesame? It’s difficult to say and it’s interesting to think about, but the point is, that it wouldsurely be wrong, to exclude somebody from politics, only because of his sex, as it would bewrong to include somebody, who only takes advantage of his political status. It would surely be wrong, to exclude women from politics, but it would be also wrong, to include themcompulsively.It’s no secret, that men and women are different to each other. Probably that is thereason for this gender issue. They think differently, speak differently and because of that theyact differently. But isn’t it a chance for a variety in politics? Margaret Thatcher, an English politician once said: “If you want something to be said in politics, than refer to a man and if you want something to be done in politics, than refer to a women.” This statement is a moot point, but it illustrates, that men and women complement one another, when they join forceswith each other.So when we come back to our first question: what should be done, we come to asimple solution: We should stop thinking about gender issues if it’s a question of politics andwe should start looking at the person’s character or behaviour. This should be the basis of good evaluations.Thank you for your attention

10. Make in correct indirect speech Form!a.Direct SpeechTantri said. "Gilang is at the library now".Indirect Speechb.Direct SpeechThey asked Rudi. "Are you a new student in our class?"Indirect Speechc. Direct SpeechLaura said to Desy, "keep your money in your bag!"Indirect Speech d.Direct SpeechIndirect Speech: Teacher said to his studenst. Don't make noise in this class!e. Direct SpeechInderct SpeechWhen do you come back?​



11. I'm living in london now. Report speech?

I lived in london past kan
i was living in london this moment

12. figure of speech in perfect song ​

kiasan dalam lagu yang sempurna

13. what are the changing from direct speech to indirech speech ?,,,,,perfect tense in direct speech will change to which tenses ?,,,,perfect tense in direct speech will change to which teases? , ,,,h

In indirect, we change from present to past and from future to past future. perfect tense will change to past perfect tense.... maaf kalo salah :)

14. change the quoted speech to reported speech. change the verb in quoted speech to a past form in reported speech as appropriate.1. jim said, "I am sleepy."2. lanjut di gambar ya kak

1. Jim said that he was sleepy.
2. Sally said that she didn't like chocolate.
3. Marry said that she was planning to make a trip.
4. Tom said that he had eaten lunch.
5. Mr Rice said that he was going to go to Chicago.
6. Eric said that he would come to the meeting.
7. Jean said that she couldn't afford to buy a new car.
8.Jessica said that she might go to the library.
9. Ted said that he had to finish his work.
10. Mr.Young said that he had to talk to professor Reed.

15. pinjem dipersangkakan berasal dari bahasa Tamil yaituyang dipersangkakan berasal dari bahasa Tamil yaitu ​


tak ya


16. "speech" in verb 3 is ...​

spoken kalo engga salah, coba liat kamus dah

speech bukan kata kerja (verb) yaa melainkan noun. jadi gaada bentukan verb 3 nya.

mungkin yang berkaitan ada speak

verb 2 dari speak: spoke

verb 3 dari speak: spoken

17. write your sentence direct speech reporting verb past tense sub clause in negative change in to indirect speech

Kalimat langsung maupun kalimat tidak langsung mungkin adalah salah satu pelajaran yang sering Anda temui ketika sedang bersekolah, baik di SD, SMP, maupun pada saat SMA. Anda juga sudah paham dengan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung pada Bahasa Indonesia. Pada Bahasa Inggris lebih sering disebut sebagai direct and indirect speech.

Pengertian dari kalimat langsung adalah kalimat yang dikutip dari perkataan seseorang tanpa merubah kata-kata dan selalu dibubuhkan tanda kutip pada kalimatnya. Sedangkan kalimat tidak langsung adalah kalimat yang merupakan penyampaian apa yang diucapkan seseorang tetapi di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat perubahan kata-kata dan tidak mengubah maksud. Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni pernyataan (statement), perintah (command), dan pertanyaan (question).


Pada kalimat perintah, kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung terbagi menjadi kalimat perintah positif dan kalimat perintah negatif. Pada kalimat perintah perlu ditambahkan to di depan kalimatnya.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini :

Kalimat perintah positif :

• He asked me, “open the door”

He asked me to open the door.

Kalimat perintah negatif :

• She told me, “don’t eat that meal”

She told me not to eat that meal


Dalam kalimat pernyataan, sering digunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antar kalimat pengantar dan kalimat yang dilaporkan.

Perhatikanlah contoh kalimat berikut ini :

• Kalimat langsung : He told his friend, “I have a new car”

Kalimat tidak langsung : He told his friend that he had a new car

• Kalimat langsung : She said, “I work in a factory”

Kalimat tidak langsung : She said that she worked in a factory.


Pada kalimat tanya, kata-kata tanya seperti where, when, why, what, who, how, dan lain-lain digunakan sebagai kata hubung.

Contoh :

• That girl asked me, “where do you live?”

That girl asked me where i lived

• Jane asked me, “When did you get back from your trip?”

Jane asked me when I had got back from my trip.

Jika kalimat tanya membutuhkan jawaban yes or no, kata yang kita gunakan adalah if atau whether (jika, apakah).

Contoh :

• The teacher asked me, “have you finish your homework?”

The teacher asked me if i had finished my homework.

• John asked me, “did you see Jane at the party yesterday?”

John asked me whether I had seen Jane at the party yesterday

18. Organisational behaviour in the workplace 12th edition pdf download !


maaf saya nggak ngerti

19. direct speech: Frizki said,"I've borrowed the book in the library.". Reporter speech:.......?

Frizki said that he had borrowed the book in the library. (Frizki cowok kan? Kl cewek, diganti she y kak :) )Frizki said that he had borrowed the book in library.
sorry kalau salah...

20. rewrite the sentences in reported speech.


7. I said that I couldn't sleep.

8. Charles said that she may be late.

9. Marcus said that his dad could teach us the game.

10. I told hear that we should arrived at eight o'clock exactly.

11. Shona said that she may never see you all again.

12. Raggie told us that we must apologize to Mr. Swan.


Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, maka kita perlu mengubahnya ke dalam bentuk direct speech (kalimat langsung) ataupun indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung). Namun, karena kalimat yang diberikan adalah direct speech, maka kita ubah menjadi indirect speech.

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