
Half Day Leave Application For Teacher

November 21, 2022

Half Day Leave Application For Teacher

Make a greeting card for teacher day​

Daftar Isi

1. Make a greeting card for teacher day​

Dear my beloved teacher,

Thank you so much. I know how much your struggles to teaching us. You are an amazing person and you can inspiring us. Happy teacher's day!

With love, Anna

2. meka a greeting card for teacher 's day artikan bahasa indonesia​


membuat kartu ucapan untuk hari guru

3. you leaveYourteacherat 1pmYour teacher​


You leave your teacher at 1 (one) pm your teacher.


Kamu meninggalkan guru kamu pada jam 1 siang, gurumu.

G ngerti saia

4. make a dialogue that involves greeting and leave takingyou:teacher:youteacher:you:teacher:

you: good morning
you:how are you today?
teacher:i'm Good thank you and you??
you: im fine thank you
teacher : ok bye
itu bisa di tambahin snidiri lg kta"x klo mau
semoga membantu klo memang membantu jngan lupa yh pilih jdi jwaban trbaik Anwer:
you: how are you today,Sir?

teacher: Not so bad. and you?

you : i am fine at this moment.

teacher:"Sorry,I have to go now. My children is waiting for me.

you: ok,Sir. Be careful on the way, and see you tomorrow

teacher: see you too.


5. apa yang dimaksud dengan Visual Basic for Application ?

yaitu sebuah turunan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic , atau kombinasi yg terintegrasi antara lingkungan pemrograman (Visual Basic Editor) dgn bahasa pemrograman (Visual Basic) yg memudahkan user untuk mendesain & membangun program Visual Basic dlam aplikasi utama Microsoft Office, yg ditujukan untuk aplikasi'' tertentu.,.,.,, :) ;)Visual Basic for Application adalah sebuah bahasa pemograman yang dikhususkan untuk menulis sebuah instruksi untuk program yang nantinya akan di proses. Visual Basic for Application merupakan kombinasi antara Visual Basic Editor dan Visual Basic. Visual Basic for Application ini turunan dari Visual Basic.

Semoga terbantu!

6. Ubahlah kalimat my brother(leave)for work by bemo every day kedalam bentuk positive negative dan interogative

(+) My brother leaves for work by bemo everyday.

(-) My brother does not leave for work by bemo everyday.

(?) Does my brother leave for work by bemo everyday?

7. 1. Write for example of itroduction our self2. Write the respond of leave the meeting3. Give for example of offering half. mohon bantuannya kak​


1. Menulis contoh produksi diri kita

2. Tuliskan respon cuti rapat

3. Berikan contoh persembahan setengah

8. make a dialogue that involves greeting and leave taking you:teacher:you:teacher:you:teacher:

You:good morning teacher
Teacher:good morning(namamu)
You:im asking when is the math test
Teacher:the math test is on wednesday
You:oh ok nice to meet you teacher
Teacher:nice to meet you too(namamu)

9. 1. Write for example of itroduction our self2. Write the respond of leave the meeting3. Give for example of offering half. ​


1. contoh memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris.

hallo everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is...

3. contoh menawarkan bantuan

hi, do you need some help?

may i help you?

10. 3 sentences about teacher day​


Teacher's day is a day to commemorate teacher's services. All the struggles of teachers in developing the country were commemorated on that day. On that day, generally each school held a ceremony


11. The application for a job was faxed by her (passive) a. She faxed her application for a new job. b. She faxes her application for a job c. She has is faxing her application for a job

Jawabannya adalah
a. She faxed her application for a new job.

Apabila kalimat passive ditulis menggunakan past perfect, kalimat activenya ditulis dalam bentuk past simple

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

12. sebudkan pengertian visual basic for application?

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) adalah sebuah turunan bahasa pemrograman
Visual Basic yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft dan dirilis pada tahun 1993 , atau kombinasi yang terintegrasi antara lingkungan pemrograman(Visual Basic Editor)dengan bahasa pemrograman(Visual Basic)yang memudahkan user untuk mendesain dan membangun program Visual Basic dalam aplikasi utama Microsoft Office, yang ditujukan untuk aplikasi-aplikasi tertentu.

13. What time will mr.smith leave for australia he will leave for australia..


I also do not know


jam 07.00-11.30



14. buat greeting cards judul day teacher

Happy teacher's day. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts in teaching, nourishing and guiding us. We really appreciate what you have done for us. Hope you can continue being awesome and you will always be my best teacher !!
-semoga membantu-

15. what is job application for​


It is to looking for some job

16. 5. When we celebrate...-Kartini day-National Education day- Pancasila day-Independance day- Teacher,s day​



5. Saat kita merayakan ...

-Hari Kartini

-Hari Pendidikan Nasional

- Hari Pancasila

-Hari Kemerdekaan

- Hari Guru


-21 April

-2 Mei

-1 Juni

-17 Agustus

-4 Mei


5. When we celebrate ...

-Kartini's day

-National Education Day

- Pancasila Day

-Independence Day

- Teachers Day


-April 21

-2 May

June 1st

-17th August

-4 May


17. apa arti nya happy day teacher

Selamat hari guru
Semoga membantu!! Artinya Yaitu "Selamat Memperingati Hari Guru " Semoga bermanfaat

18. What date is teacher day


25 November is teacher day.

19. .....walk briskly for about a half an hour a day can keep our body​

Jawaban: c.when



20. bahasa indonesia happy teacher day ms Santoso tahank you for being sokin and patient to us​

Selamat hari guru Pak Santoso terima kasih telah begitu baik dan dan sabar kepada kami

-Semoga membantu-


disini ada beberapa kalimat yang tdk dpt sya sendiri artikan mungkin beberapa org bisa jdi

bahasa Indonesia adalah=

selamat hariguru ms.santosotahank kamu yang sokin dan sabar terhadapkami.

yg sya garis bawahi itu sya tdk dpt mengartikannya

semoga membantuya..

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