
Consider A Spherical Shell Of Radius R

November 04, 2022

Consider A Spherical Shell Of Radius R

A positive charge Q is placed on a conductive spherical shell with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the spherical cavity. The magnitude of the electric field at a point in a spherical cavity at a distance r from the center is

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1. A positive charge Q is placed on a conductive spherical shell with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the spherical cavity. The magnitude of the electric field at a point in a spherical cavity at a distance r from the center is

The answer and explanation is attached the PNG file

2. A sphere of conductor with radius R has a spherical hole of radius D measuredfrom the center of the sphere, with D> R/2. At the center of the conductor sphereis placed a point charge + Q. If k = 1 and co is the electric permittivity of air, thenthe magnitude of the electric field at a point of R/2 from the center of theconductor sphere is....a. 4kQ/R^2b. kQ/(R+a)^2c. kQ/R^2d. 0e. 8kQ/R^2​

Sebuah bola konduktor berjari-jari R memiliki lubang berbentuk bola berjari-jari D yang diukur

dari pusat bola, dengan D> R / 2. Di tengah bidang konduktor pusat bidang konduktor

ditempatkan muatan titik + Q. Jika k = 1 dan co adalah permitivitas listrik udara, maka

besarnya medan listrik pada titik R / 2dari tengah

lingkungan konduktor adalah ....


a. 4kQ / R ^ 2

b. kQ / (R + a) ^ 2

c. kQ / R ^ 2

d. 0

e. 8kQ / R ^ 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu terjemahan Nya semoga bermanfaat

3. A planet of mass p moves in a circular orbit of radius r round a sun ....

moving in the sun

semoga bermanfaat

a water melon

maaf kalo salahcan u explain it with a details

5. The safe radius, v m/s, at which a train can round a curve of radius r is directly proportional to the square root of r. It is given that the safe speed at which a train can round a curve of radius 256 m is 80 m/s. find the safe speed if the curve has a radius of 225 m.

since safe velocity (v) is directly proportional to the square root of radius (r), so we can conclude that




whereas [tex]c[/tex] is particular constant related to the equation.

Now, by substituing [tex]v=80[/tex] and [tex]r=256[/tex] we will find out the constant [tex]c[/tex]






\therefore c&=5



Now, for [tex]r=225[/tex] m, we have







So, the safe velocity for radius 225 m is 75 m/s


6. 3. Bacteria has a lot of shape. there are spherical, spiral and rod-like. send me a picture of bacteria with spherical shape. and also its name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Staphylococcus aureus


A spherical bacterium is round or also called coccus (plural : cocci)

Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Staphylococcus aureus both are spherical in shape.

7. given that the mass m of a sphere is directly proportional to the cube of its radius r, and m=54 when r=3, find the value of m when r=4



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

find the k first,


then the equation now complete,


input r=4 to get m,


8. ______ reacts with a chlorine atom, an electron is transferred from the outer shell of the sodium atom to the outer shell of the chlorine atom


When a sodium atom


Ketika atom natrium bereaksi dengan atom klor, elektron ditransfer dari kulit terluar atom natrium ke kulit terluar atom klor

9. The weapon of an adult turtle lies in itsa. middle of the shell.b. edge of the shell.c. on the bottom of the shelld. in the center of the shell​


senjata kura-kura dewasa terletak di dalam

a. bagian tengah cangkang.

b. tepi cangkang

c. di bagian bawah cangkang

d. di tengah cangkang

jawaban: C. di bagian bawah cangkang


maaf klo slh

semogamembantu (^_^)

10. spherical./The/building/shape/of/the/is

the building is shape of the spherical

11. Figure above shows resistors wired in a combination of series and parallel. We can consider R₁=1 Ω, to be the resistance of wires leading to R₂ = 6 Ω and R₃ =13Ω. The current I₂ through resistor R₂ is


lah ora ngerti aku ini


aku GK bisa bahasa Inggris to ba


sorry i dont no you speaking, because speaking english me not good :), i am sorry :)

12. susunlah kata berikut ini spherical-the-building-shape-of-the-is

Jawaban yang benar adalah the shape of the building is spherical...

Jadikan yang terbaik ya jika berguna :)The shape of the building is spherical

13. spherical./The/building/shape/of/the/is

the shape of the building is sphericalthe shape of the building is spherical

14. What is the of a balla. triangularb. squarec. straightd. sphericaltolong di jawab ​


D. Spherical


Artinya bentuk bola

Semoga Membantu :)


d.spherical moga benar

15. 3. What is the shape of the picture? a. Cone b. Pyramid c. Spherical d. Conical​

Jawaban:Maaf ka ini gk ada foto nya


16. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

17. The gravitational force of a satellite on the surface of the Earth of radius R is F. What is the gravitational force on the satellite when its height is R above the Earth?​




h = distance from earth core to satellite

h = R+R = 2R

Fb = gravitational force on the satellite when its height is R above the Earth

F = G m / R^2

Fb = GM m / (2R)2

Fb = GM m / 4R2

Fb = (GM m / R2) / 4

Fb = F/4

18. the area of a circle of radius 49 cm is​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

dik: r = 49 cm

dit: luas lingkaran

luas lingkaran = π × r × r

= 22/7 × 49 × 49

= 7.546 cm2

semoga membantu :)

19. The position of the electron having the quantum number n = 3,1 = 2, m = 0, and s = -1/2 is ....A. shell KB. shell M, subshell sC. shell M, subshell dD. shell M, subshell pE. shell​





Pelajaran: Kimia

Materi : TabelPeriodik Unsur

Kelas : 10





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*➡️ royniels ⬅️*

*╚══════ ☠️☠️╝*

20. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

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