
Blossoms English Textbook For Class 6 Solutions

November 04, 2022

Blossoms English Textbook For Class 6 Solutions

the textbook for the class was cheap

Daftar Isi

1. the textbook for the class was cheap


buku teks untuk kelas itu murah

2. write 10 intructions for an english class

Pls hv a seat!
Pls help me!
Speak clearly!
Be punctual
Pay attention
Do ur homework
Make it clear
Explai the process pls
Put your pen down
Read the pharagraph

3. Did you ..... Your paper for English class ?

Did you ..... Your paper for English class ?


Did you bring Your paper for English class ?



4. "All the students had just left the classroom when the English teacher came in." From the sentence, we may conclude that ... A. The students came late for the English class. B. The teacher cancelled the English class. C. The English class started late that dat. D. There was no English class that day. E. The teacher asked the students to leave the class.


Penjelasan:menurutku b karena muridnya udah ninggalin kelas dluan saat gurunya dateng, alhasil gurunya batalin kelasnya

5. How will the man pay for the textbook?

Bagaimana pria itu membayar buku teks itu?

6. help! give solutions and answer in english please :((

Math Senior High School
→→ Vektor ←←

Pembahasan :
(a - b) . (6a + b) = 0
6|a|² - 5ab - |b|² = 0
6(2)² - 5ab - 3² = 0
6(4) - 9 = 5ab
5ab = 15
ab = 3

Cos β = (ab)/(|a| |b|)
Cos β = 3/(2 . 3)
Cos β = 3/6
Cos β = 1/2
Cos β = Cos 60°
β = 60°

7. a) from now on we will use English in our English class. good? we will use English in our English class. siti, what did I say?b) we will use English in our English class.Mana yang termasuk asking for attention expression dan mana yang giving attention?​

Bagian A = Asking for attention

Bagian B = Giving attention

maaf kalau salah


a) from now on we will use English in our English class. good? we will use English in our English class. siti, what did I say?= Giving attention

b) we will use English in our English class.=attention expression


Semoga membantu dan jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

8. Teacher:what about you,ezzah?....if we use English in for English class?ezzah:yes,we Will use English in our English class​


Teacher:what about you,ezzah?"What "if we use English in for English class?



9. Kiki got score for english test in his class the morning

Kiki mendapat nilai untuk tes bahasa Inggris di kelasnya di pagi hari


- Kiki mendapatkan nilai tes inggris tadi pagi di kelas -

maaf klo slh

10. Kiki got .... score for english test in his class this morning.

The best score for english test in his class

11. Chapter IV ( Associating ) hal. 56 , for example , Tabel English class 8 Tolong jawab bsk mau dikumpulin

Gambar pertama urutannya disesuaikan dg kolomnya.

Moga membantu

12. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

13. What kind o f English textbook does the man decide to buy?

Buku teks apa yang orang mau beli?

14. I'm never late for our English class. I'm ... on time.​

I'm never late for our English class. I'm ... on time.

jawaban : always

always come

I'm _always/always come_ on time.

15. another student in your class asks to share your textbook, saying "can i share your textbook ?" you agree and say :​


my pleasure/ofcourse you can.

semoga membantu


no problem



16. 5. You come late to school in the English class. What will you say to your teacher?A. Excuse me, mam. I am sorry for coming late to your English class.B. Excuse me, mam. May I join your English class?C. Excuse me, mam. Is your English Class ready now?D. Excuse me, Mam. Am I okay to follow your English class?​


A. Excuse me, mam. I am sorry for coming late to your English class.


You come late to school in the English class. What will you say to your teacher?


Kamu datang terlambat ke sekolah saat kelas bahasa Inggris. Apa yang akan kamu katakan pada gurumu?


Excuse me, mam. I am sorry for coming late to your English class


Permisi, Bu. Saya minta maaf karena datang terlambat ke kelas bahasa Inggris ibu

[tex]\red{ \boxed{ \orange{ \boxed{ \green{ \boxed{ \blue{ \boxed{ \purple{ \boxed{ \pink{ \boxed{༄Answer \: by :  NirbitaAstwen2404\:}}}}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

17. tolong dong mendingan masuk mana? bingung bgt 1. basic English class (BEC)2. elementary English class (EEC)3. intermedite English class (IEC)4. training class (TC) ​

kalau menurut aku pribadi mending masuk basic English class (BEC)biasanya pembelajaran yang didapat merupakan basic dari bahasa inggris.

semoga membantu :)

18. explain what should teacher do before using Textbook in the class?

jelaskan apa yang harus dilakukan guru sebelum menggunakan Buku Teks di kelas?

19. I'm never late for our english class. I'm ... on time​


I'm never late for our english class. I'm (always) on time




sorry if wrong

20. I'm never late for our english class. i'm ... on time


I'm never late for our English class. I'm ALWAYSon time.

Always artinya selalu

On time artinya tepatwaktu

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