
A Box Of Oranges Is Inspected

November 23, 2022

A Box Of Oranges Is Inspected

A box contains 56 apples and some oranges. the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges is 8 : 3. Find the initial number of oranges in the box.

Daftar Isi

1. A box contains 56 apples and some oranges. the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges is 8 : 3. Find the initial number of oranges in the box.


There is 21 oranges.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ratio for Apples (a) is 8

Ratio for Oranges (o) is 3

Total Fruit in the Box (t) is 56

To find how many oranges in that Box, we can use this formula:

[tex] \frac{o}{a } \times t =oranges \: we \: have[/tex]

So that can be:

[tex] \frac{3}{8} \times 56 = 21[/tex]

So we have 21 oranges in that Box

P.s : Sorry if my English bad, I hope this is the right answer and can help you

2. Angelique buys a box of 50 oranges. 3 of the oranges are damaged. 10 How many oranges are damaged?

47 orange was damaged.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a box of orange with 50. 3 was damage

50-3 = 47 orange was damaged

3. Jeffrey purchased 5 boxes of oranges. Each box of oranges hasa mass of 32.8 kg (excluding the box). After unpacking all theoranges, he repacked them equally into 8 baskets. Find themass of each basket of oranges (excluding the basket).​


20.5 kg per baskets


5 boxes = 164 kg (32.8 x 5)

1 boxes = 32.8 kg

8 baskets

Mass of each basket?

164 ÷ 8 = 20.5 kg

maaf jika salah dalam jawaban saya, saya harap ini membantu

4. Shinta has a box. The shape of the box is ..​


Cube (Kubus)


5. 3. At a fruit shop, 1 box of apples cost $g and 1 box of oranges cost $10 more than a box of apples. Anwar bought 3 boxes of apples and 1 box of oranges. a) Find the total amount in dollars Anwar paid in terms of g. Answer: b) If each box of apples cost $6, how much did Anwar pay? Answer:

1 Box of Apples=g 1 Box of Oranges=10+g

a) In terms of g, Anwar will pay 3g+10+g= 4g+10

b) If each box of apples cost $6, then Anwar will pay 4×6+10= 24+10= 34

Hope this help! ^^

6. Is the oranges much of how price

how much is the orange price?.(maaf kalau salah)

7. I have a box of marbles. The shape of the box Is....​


Saya memiliki sekotak kelereng. Bentuk kotak tersebut adalah kotak


Maaf klw salah dan terima kasih

8. it is a box of chalk. it is ​


jika sekotak kapur itu adalah

9. The shape of a box is ....​



Box adalah kotak arti square adalah persegi




cube itu artinya kubus

10. NEXT TO8.Where is the cat?A. It is in front of boxB. It behind of boxC. It is next to the boxD. It is across of box​


C. It is next to the box


Jelas beut

C. It is Next To The Box

Semoga Membantu

11. 9. The price of 1 box of oranges is Rp 350,000 with a 5% discount. The overall weight is 20 kg with a 2 kg tare . If the seller wants a 15 % profit. The selling price of the oranges kg each must be …​


kamu harus cari dahulu harga beli setelah didiskon

HB = HJ - (100% - diskon%)

HB = 350.000 - 95%

     = 332500

setelah itu, kita cari Netto -nya, pasti yang dijual Netto(buahnya) nya kan... XDD

maka Netto = Bruto - Tarra

                    = 20 - 2

                    = 18 kg

jika si penjual ingin untung 15% berarti HB < HJ kan??? Nahh... berarti kita cari nilai 15% -nya lalu ditambah

HJ = HB + (100% + keinginan untung%)

     = 332500 + (100% + 15%)

     = 382.375

Nahh kan HB < HJ kan ??? Sekarang kita cari harga /KG -ny yaww ^_

HJ /kg = 382.375 / 18

           = Rp. 21.243,055

           = Rp. 21.000    ====>  bisa dibulatkan ^_^


Semoga membantu pemahaman mu ttg Aritmetika sosial yaww _^



Rp 21.243

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Berat jeruk 1 kotak = 20 kg

Harga jeruk 1 kotak = 350.000

persentase diskon = 5%

Berat tara 1 kotak = 2 kg

Untung yang diinginkan = 15%

Harga beli = 350.000×(100%-5%)

Harga beli = 350.000×95/100

Harga beli = 332.500

Berat neto = bruto-tara

Berat neto = 20-2

Berat neto = 18 kg

Harga jual semua jeruk = Harga beli × (100%+persentase untung)

Harga jual semua jeruk = 332.500 × (100%+15%)

Harga jual semua jeruk = 332.500 × 115/100

Harga jual semua jeruk = 382.375

Harga jual jeruk/kg = Harga jual semua/neto

Harga jual jeruk/kg = 382.375/18

Harga jual jeruk/kg = 21.243

12. 1.There are 6 apples and 15 oranges in a box.What is the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges?(A)1:5(B)2:3(C) 2:5(D) 3:5​


C. 2 : 5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ratio is perbandingan

Apples (6) : Oranges (15)

both divided by 3

Apples = 2

Oranges= 5

so the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges is 2 : 5

13. ________ any oranges in the box? *2 poinIsAreIs thereAre there​


Is there


Is digunakan untuk she he it

Are digunakan untuk i you they we


is there


maaf kalo salah

14. it is a box of chalk it is​


Artinya : itu adalah kotak kapur itu

15. There were 65 oranges in each box .20 of such boxes of oranges were send to fruit seller .10 oranges were rotten and throw away . the remaining oranges were packed equally into 3 bigge boxes .How many oranges were there in about school of the bigger boxes

one hundred five (105)

16. Lala has a cube tissue box .the area of a side of a box is 225cm2.What is the surface area of the tissue box​

surface area of the cube

= 6 x side area of cube

= 6 x 225 cm²

= 1.350 cm²

17. Sanjay bought 5 boxes of oranges with 10 kg each. He paid IDR 1 500 000 for all.(a) If he sells the orange for IDR 32 000 per-kg, what will he get?(b) If the tare of box is 10%, how much oranges Sanjay got actually? (c) Each box consist of 32 oranges. Accidently, 6 oranges from each box are rotten. So, if Sanjay plans to sell the oranges for IDR 12 000, will he get profit or loss? For how many percent?​


It's easy lemon squeezy!

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sanjay bought 5 boxes of oranges. Each box consists 10 kg of oranges.

So for 50 kg of oranges, Sanjay paid IDR1.500.000

a. 50 kg x IDR32.000 = IDR1.600.000

b. If the tare of the box is 10%. So, 5 boxes of oranges that he got was only 45 kg. If 10% of 10 kg is 1 kg (the weight of the box without orange), the real total oranges each box was 9 kg. Then, 9 kg you can multiplied by 5 (since it was 5 boxes) which is 45 kg.

c. Each box consists 32 oranges. Thus, 5 boxes contain 160 oranges. If 6 oranges from each box are rotten. Then, Sanjay only has 130 good oranges. If he wants to sell the remain good oranges, he will profit IDR60.000 because 130 oranges multiplied by IDR12.000 is IDR1.560.000 which is 4% profit (IDR60.000/IDR1500.000)*100%.

18. The ratio of apples to bananas is 3 : 4. The ratio of bananas to oranges is 4 : 6. What is the ratio of apples to bananas to oranges?


3 : 4 : 6

apples : bananas : oranges

19. Is-much-a kilo of-how-oranges-?

How much is a kilo of oranges?

How much is a kilo of oranges?

20. I have a box of marbles.The shape of the box Is....​

Qube : kubus

Semoga membantu

Answer :

The shape of the box is CUBE (kubus)

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