
The Louse And The Mosquito

Oktober 11, 2022

The Louse And The Mosquito

judul ceritanya "The Lion and the Mosquito"

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1. judul ceritanya "The Lion and the Mosquito"

6. a. He bit the lion several time.
7. c. The mosquito was afraid of the spider.
8. c. The mosquito was proud of his victory.
9. c. Never judge your enemy's strength by his size.
10. a. Talk with too much pride about something.

Maaf kalo salah!! 

2. 1. Compare between the metamorphosis of fly and Mosquito?​




3. Where is the position of mosquito on tepok nyamuk or clapping mosquito game?



telapak tangan (palm)

4. soal essay : A lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito who kept flying around his head as he tried to nap. "Go away before I crush you under my paw",he roared. "I'M not afraid of you",teased the mosquito.''You maybe called the king of the beasts,but i am more powerful than you are.I can prove it,too .Let's fight and see who wins,"the lion agreed.the mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.while trying to crush the mosquito,the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails,drawing blood. (5)"Enough",he finally cried .''Enough ! You win!" Unharmed,the mosquito buzzed away.he boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone who would listen.he was so busy boasting that he fllew straight into a spider's web strung between the trees .As a tiny spider hurried towards him,the mosquito struggles helplessly in the strong threads of the web."I fought and won against thegreatest of beatsts,''he tought sadly,''but this little animal can catch me easily!' soal 1.What did the mosquito do to the lion ??? answer:...... 2.what is the main idea of the last paragraph ??? answer:... 3.who can catch the mosquito ??? answer:.... 4.what happen to the mosquito in the end of the story ??? answer:..... 5.what is the moral value of the story ??? answer:.... soal pilihan ganda : The text is for question number 13 to 16 THE CROW AND THE OYSTER One day,a hungry crow a saw an oyster on the beach .he wanted to eat the tasy meat inside the shell,so he tried to open the oyster. First,he used his beak,but he could not open the shell.Then,he hit it with a stone,but the shell syated.tightly shut.he even jumped up and down on the oyster,but he still could not open it. Then,another crafty crow came by.He saw what the first crow was trying to do and said,''My friend,may i offer you some good advice ?I suggest you pick up the oyster in your beak,fly high into the air and the drop the oyster onto the rocks below.The oyster shell will break open and you will be able to have your meal!" the hungry crow thought that this was a very good idea.He picked up the oyster with his beak and the he flew as high enough,he dropped the oyster onto the rocks far below. the oyster shell broke wide ever,the crafty crow was waiting behind the rock nearby,and he reached the broken oyster first.he enjoyed a tasty meak while the hungry crwo has nothing to eat. soal : 13.the hungry crow did the following thinng to open th shlle,EXCEPT .... A.jumping up and down on it B.dropping it onto the rocks C.hitting it with hammer D.hitting it with a stone did the crafty crow trick the hungry crow ? giving suggestion of dropping the oyster onto the rocks telling him that he was so hungry and needed some food saying that he had a nice and strong beak saying that the oyster was harmful 15.what is the moral value of the story not fly high on the sky is not easy to fool someone C.always trust people who offer help not be fooled by people who offer help 16.".....another CRAFTY crow came by ."(paragraph 3) The underlined word has similar meaning to ... A.cunning B.happy D.shy

1. the mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.while trying to crush the mosquito,the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails,drawing blood.
2. if you win or get anything you can't boast or you will get the punishment
3. spider
4. died eaten by a spider can't boast about anything

13. C. hitting with a hammer
14. A. by giving advice
15. D. do not be fooled
16. (maaf tidak tahu sepertinya A)1. the mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.while trying to crush the mosquito,the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails,drawing blood.
2. if you win or get anything you can't boast or you will get the punishment
3. spider
4. died eaten by a spider
5. you can't boast about anything

13. C. hitting with a hammer
14. A. by giving advice
15. D. do not be fooled
16. B/A

5. The correct group of animals that have4 stages of life cycle is.... *O a. butterfly and cockroachO b. chicken and grasshopperc. beetle and mosquitod. grasshopper and frog​


Kelompok hewan yang benar 4 tahapan siklus hidup adalah .... * O a. kupu-kupu dan kecoa O b. ayam dan belalang c. kumbang dan nyamuk d. belalang dan katak


Udah Diartikan Tu Tinggal Pilih Aja Yg Menurut Kamu Benar

6. In which stages of mosquito life cycles live in the water?​


Inggris:In which stages of mosquito life cycles live in the water:

Indonesia:di mana tahapan siklus hidup nyamuk hidup di air?


Nyamuk memiliki daur hidup yang kompleks sama seperti parasit lain pada umumnya. Ini karena siklus hidup nyamuk mencakup 2 fase berbeda, yaitu akuatik (tahap telur, larva dan pupa), dan terestrial (tahap nyamuk dewasa).

semoga membantu:)



In which stages of mosquito life cycles live in the water?


Di tahap mana siklus hidup nyamuk hidup di air?



Mosquito eggs are usually in the water which when hatched become larvae (larvae). These larvae will turn into pupae that move in the water.


Telur nyamuk biasanya berada di air yang jika menetas mejadi jentik-jentik (larva). Larva ini akan berubah menjadi pupa yang berpidah pada lairan air.


[tex] \huge{ \pink{ \mathfrak{maaf kalau salah}}}[/tex]

7. Read this poem carefully to answer number 23-25!the little turtlethere was a little turtle.he lived in a box.he swam in a puddle.he climbed on the rocks.he snapped at a mosquito.he snapped at a flea.he snapped at a minnow.and he snapped at me.he caught the mosquito.he caught the flea.he caught the minnow.and he didn’t catch me​


membaca puisi dengan hati-hati untuk menjawab jumlah 23-25! kecil Turtle ada sedikit penyu. ia tinggal di sebuah kotak. ia berenang di genangan air. ia naik pada batu. ia bentak di nyamuk. ia bentak di loak. ia bentak pada ikan kecil. dan dia bentak padaku. ia tertangkap nyamuk. ia tertangkap loak. ia menangkap ikan kecil. dan dia tidak menangkap saya

8. what is the scientific name of mosquito

Culicidae •••••••••••••••••••

9. goverment Remedial Read the following text and answer the questions. Dengue Fever Prevention Dengue fever is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. It is caused by viruses that are spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. It is reported that scientists have not discovered any vaccines to protect people againt the virus. The only thing that people can do is to create good sanitation to minimize the spread of Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Questions: The spread of the mosquito can be prevented by cleaning areas that are potentially used as breeding sites. The mosquitos live near water and lay their eggs in the walls of water containers. They may live in unsealed septic tanks or water tanks, discarded tyres and bottles, or vases. We have to regularly check our surroundings and throw discarded bottles or tyres away and close any water containers. Wearing clothes that cover the whole body or sleeping under a mosquito net at night are good precautions. It is always highlighted that a single bite from Aedes Aegypti is enough to make you sick. So that, living with good sanitation is a must.5.Mention the passive voice from the text as many as possible​

A. Dengue fever is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.

B. It is caused by viruses spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

C. It is reported that scientists have not discovered any vaccines to protect people against the virus.

D. The only thing people can do is create good sanitation to minimize the spread of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

E. The mosquitos live near water and lay their eggs in the walls of water containers.

F. They may live in unsealed septic tanks, water tanks, discarded tires and bottles, or vases.

G. A single bite from Aedes Aegypti is enough to make you sick.

10. The mosquito _______ my hands. bited bit bitten bitted bite






maaf kalo salah,semoga membantu

11. A lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito who kept flying a round his head as he tried to nap."Go away before i crush you under my paw,"he roared. I'm not afraid of you,"teased the mosquito."You may be called the king of the beatsts,but i am more powerful than you are. I can prove it,too.Let's fight and see who wins."the lion agreed.The mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears .while trying to crush the mosquito,the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails,drawing blood. (5) "Enough,"he finally cried ."Enough ! You win!" unharmed,the mosquito buzzed away.he boasted of his victory over the lion anyone who would listen.he was so busy boasting that he flew straight into a spider's web strung between the trees.As a tiny spider hurried towards him,the misquito struggles helplessly in the strong threads of the web. "I fought and won against the greatest of beasts,"he tought sadly,but this little animal can catch me easily 1.What did the misquito do to the lion ? 2.What is the main idea of the last parahraph ? 3.who can catch the mosquito ? 4.what happen to the mosquito in the end of the story ? 5.what is the moral value of the story ? Tolong kalau bisa jawab soal itu sekarang harus di jawab !!!!!!!!!

1.Nyamuk cepat menukik turun di singa dan menggigitnya lagi dan lagi pada hidung dan telinganya
3.yang dapat menangkap nyamuk adalah laba laba karena ia terkena jaring nya
4.nyamuk perjuangan tak berdaya di benang yang kuat dari Jaring.
maaf yaah cuman 3 doang

12. Apa arti dari the time that mosquito is is active is in the evening after 5


waktu aktif nyamuk adalah pada sore hari setelah jam 5


maaf jika salah


waktu aktif nyamuk adalah pada sore hari setelah jam 5

13. mention the food of mosquito,dove,giraffe !tlng jwb ​


mention the food of mosquito,dove,giraffe !

( sebutkan makanan nyamuk, merpati, jerapah )

mosquito food (makanan nyamuk) :

The main food for mosquitoes, both male and female, is nectar. ( Makanan utama nyamuk, baik jantan maupun betina, adalah nektar)

dove food ( makanan merpati ) :

grains, green vegetables, fruits, and sometimes small insects and snails. ( biji-bijian, sayuran hijau, buah-buahan, dan terkadang serangga kecil dan siput )

giraffe food ( makanan jerapah ) :

leaves from trees. (daun dari pohon)

14. Identify ‘verb’ in the following sentences 1. Mosquito repellents hide you. 2. The spray blocks the mosquitoes' sensors, so they are unaware of your presence.

1. Hide


Semoga membantu.

Identify ‘verb’ in the following sentences
1. Mosquito repellents hide you.
2. The spray blocks the mosquitoes' sensors, so they are unaware of your presence.

1. Hide (bersembunyi)
2. Blocks (memblokir)

15. "Thanks to the efforts of volunteers, people in Baki, Somalia, have much better lives today than in years past. Their hospital now has a generator and running water, and it provides free medications for diseases that are widespread in the community. Cases of malaria have declined as people have been given mosquito nets for beds." Choose the best paraphrase. a. Their hospital now has a generator and running water, and it provides free medications for diseases that are widespread in the community. b. Cases of malaria have declined as people have been given mosquito nets for beds. c. Thanks to the efforts of volunteers, people in Baki, Somalia, have much better lives today than in years past. Their hospital now has a generator and running water, and it provides free medications for diseases that are widespread in the community. d. Life in Baki has recently improved. The hospital offers electricity and plumbing, and free medicine and mosquito nets help prevent common diseases and malaria. e. Free medication in Baki, as well as the mosquito nets decreased the spread of Malaria in Somalia.





16. 1) he ( boasted ) of his victory.... "paragrap 6" the underlined word has similiar meaning to... A. talked about something loudly. B. talked happily about something. C. talked sadly over something happened. D. talked with too much pride about something. 2) from the text, we kow that.... A. the mosquito was proud of his victory B. rhe lion were able to crush the mosquito. C. the lion won the fight over the mosquito. D. the mosquito bit the spider.

boast= sombong,omong besar,jadi no 1= d,

17. 1. what did the mosquito do to lion? a. he bit the lion several times. b. he listened to the lion. c. he made the lion cry. d. he crushed the lion. 2.the main idea of the last paragraph is.... a. the lion won the fight. b. the mosquito regretted his manner. c. the mosquito was afraid of the spider. d. the lion was ad to see the mosquito dead. 3.from the text, we know that... a. the mosquito was proud of his victory. b. the lion were able to crush rhe mosquito. c. the lion won the fight over the mosquito. d. the mosquito bit the spider. 4.what can we learn from the story? a. never touch a spider's web. b. never fight over a small animal. c. never judge your enemy's strength by his size. d. never let your enemy knows that you are afraid.

menurut sy ky gni, sorry klo slh
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
1. a. he bit the lion several times
2. b. the mosquito regretted his manner
3. a. the mosquito was proud of his victory
4. c. never judge your enemy's strength by his size

Maaf kalau ada yang salah.
Semoga membantu....

18. What does the text mainly talk about dari cerita mosquito​


the text mainly talk about types of mosquitoes and the impact if you get bitten by a mosquito

19. TOLONG YA BHS INGGRIS Put the correct punctuation and capitalization for story. then, identify part of the story based on its text structure suggested in the box provided.long, long ,ago mosquitoes didn't buzz. They talked and talked one day a mosquito was talking to an iguana telling him about his vacation about every minute of his vacation a mosquito would not let the iguana say one word the iguana was so annoyed that he walkedawayleaving the mosquito still talking the iguana grumbled and waved her tail she was still grumbling when she passed her friend the snake and forgot all about saying hello the snake was feeling hurt he felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit hole help yelled a rabbitas shescurried out of the hole terrified of the snake what's wrong cawed a crow monkey heard crow's warning and took off through the treetops leaping branch to branch when the monkey landed on owl's branch high up in a leafy tree an owl's nest tipped off the branchand fell tothe ground breaking the owl's eggs the owl was heartbroken so much that she didn't hoot for the sun to come up and when it did the mosquito lost his voice all he could do was buzzing in everyone's ears zzzzzz!is everyone still mad at me

Long, long, ago mosquitoes didn't buzz. They talked and talked. One day, a mosquito was talking to an iguana, telling him about his vacation. About every minute of his vacation, a mosquito would not let the iguana say one word. The iguana was so annoyed that he walked away, leaving the mosquito still talking. The iguana grumbled and waved her tail. She was still grumbling when she passed her friend, the snake, and forgot all about saying hello. The snake was feeling hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit hole. "Help!", yelled a rabbit as she scurried out of the hole, terrified of the snake. "What's wrong?", cawed a crow. Monkey heard crow's warning and took off through the treetops, leaping branch to branch. When the monkey landed on owl's branch, high up in a leafy tree, an owl's nest tipped off the branch and fell to the ground, breaking the owl's eggs. The owl was heartbroken so much that she didn't hoot for the sun to come up. And when it did, the mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone's ears, "Zzzzzz! is everyone still mad at me?"

20. buatlah kalimat negative dan interogative dari kalimat positif di bawah inithe cat behind the rocksekalianthe mosquito flew around me​


1.negative:the cat don't behind the rock

interogative:don't the cat behind the rock?

2.negative:the mosquito not flew around me

interogative: not the mosquito flew aeound me?


maap kalo salah:v

(+) The cat behind the rock
(-) The cat doesn’t behind the rock
(?) Does the cat behind the rock?

(+) The mosquito flew around me
(-) The mosquito didn’t fly around me.
(?) Did the mosquito fly around me?

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