
A Toy Car With Charge Q Moves On A Frictionless

Oktober 11, 2022

A Toy Car With Charge Q Moves On A Frictionless

Boys like playing with.. a. Toy car b. Toyes car c. Toys car d. Toy cars​

Daftar Isi

1. Boys like playing with.. a. Toy car b. Toyes car c. Toys car d. Toy cars​


boys like playing with d. toy cars


D.Toy cars​


Semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalo jawabannya salah

2. Lim and hos friend investigate how a toy car moves when placed on a cardboard held by two round magnet as shown in the diagram below1.write your observations on the toy car after magnet B was pushed=​


magnet B will be pushed and magnet A will refause


magnet B akan didorong dan magnet A akan tolak-menolak


3. boys like playing with......a. toy car b. toy carsc. toys car b. toys cars​

jawaban:toys car

maaf ya kalau salah

4. A toy car is kind of......​


Mobil mainan adalah sejenisnya

maap kalo salah

5. A: is it your toy car. B:yes this toy car is .....​




mine menandakan kepemilikan

semoga membantu :)


A : Is it your toy car?

B : Yes, this toy car is mine.

Semoga Membantu^_^

6. this is a toy car it is my toy car this toy car is......​


Is mine

Semoga membantu ^^


7. Boy should not play with a doll and girl should not play with a toy car diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia​


Anak laki-laki tidak seharusnya bermain boneka, dan anak perempuan tidak seharusnya bermain mobil-mobilan


anak laki laki seharusnya tidak bermain dengan boneka dan anak perempuan seharusnya tidak bermain mobil mainan

8. doni has a new toy car toy car A. His B. Her C. Their


This is his toy car .......

Jawaban: A. HIS #CMIIW


9. boys should not play with a doll.and girls should not play with a toy car disagreement

I dont agree about that.they can play anything what they want

10. 15. my - It - new - is - toy car.The correct arrangement isa. Toy car is my new it.b. It is my new toy car.C. Toy car is my it new.d. New is my it toy car.​


B. Itismynewtoycar


Maaf klo salahJangan lupa followakuyaa; : )


b. it is my new toy car


semoga membantu

11. boys should. Not play with. a doll and girls should not play with a toy car


laki-laki tidak boleh bermain dengan sebuah boneka dan perempuam tidak boleh bermain dengan sebuah mobil mainan.



both boys and girls can play what toys they feel like playing. a toy car can be played by girls and so a doll can be played by boys. normally a doll that can be played by boys is not a doll like barbie or other princess doll. animal doll is likeable like teddy bear or little pony doll. it depends how their parents want their children to play with.

12. Boys should not with a doll,and girls should not play with a toy car

boys shouldn't play dolls, and girls shouldn't play with car toys

13. 28. A car with a mass of 1500 kg moves at a speed of 36 km/h on a flat and straightroad. The car is accelerated until the speed becomes 72 km/hour. The effort needed to improve the car ...​


80..,.................maaf kalau salah

14. Agree/disagree "Boys should not play with a doll and girls should not play with a toy car

Klo aku "disagree" Semoga membantuagree because boys and girl not same, and boy must play cars toy to make he be a real man

15. You have a toy car.The toy car is ....a. youb. yourc. yoursd. you are​


the toy car is yours


c. yours

you have a toy car

the toy car ia

•kamu punya mobil mainan

mobil mainan itu milikmu



16. this is a toy car . Toy car means ....​


Toy car artinya Mobil Mainan

Mobil Mainan

Toy = Mainan
Car = Mobil

Semoga membantu!

17. Bryan has a neq toy car.. Toy car is blue pilih a. Her b. His c. Their​


B. His


Karena, diketahui dalam soal, namanya adalah Bryan. Dimana nama Bryan umumnya adalah laki-laki. Jadi, gunakan kata 'his' untuk menunjukan kepunyaan untuk laki laki.

semoga membantuu!!

18. Anton play toy car prounon a toy car is...

Anton play toy car >> Anton play *his* toy car.
jawabannya adalah his


Mobil mewah


maaf kalau slah

19. Boys should not play with a doll, and girls should not play with a toy car , berikan alasan bila agree dan disagree

agree / because boys should be boys and be manly and girls should be girls otherwise they will become twisted

Disagree, because gender doesn't determine what you should do. Since a long time ago, many boys play with dolls (and their house) and many girls play with toy car or robots.

semoga membantu :D

20. boys should not play with a doll,and girls should not play with a toy car berikan pendapat agree/disagree

iam agree. because a girl have to play with a doll ot with a car, because car is toy for boy. and doll is toy for girl
kayaknya. maaf kalau salah

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